可利用价值,use value
1)use value可利用价值
1.Difference between industrial hemp and marijuana hemp and industrial hemp s use value;工业大麻与毒品大麻的区别及其可利用价值

1.Studies on Introduction, Cultivation and Available Values of the Stinging Nettle, Urtica Dioica L.subsp.dioica;异株荨麻引种栽培及可利用价值研究
2.Summary on Study of Exploited Values of Pathogenic Fungi植物病原真菌可利用价值的研究概况
3.Study on Water Resources Value and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources;水资源价值与水资源可持续利用研究
4.The house is very dilapidated but it has possibilities.这房子已破旧不堪, 但还有可利用的价值.
5.The seventies proved recycling's practicality and worth.七十年代证实了回收利用的可行性和价值。
6.Research on Sustainable Land Use Planning Based on Valuation of Resources Value;基于资源价值的土地可持续利用规划研究
7.Study on the Comprehensive Assessment of Sustainable Land Use in Taian City;基于熵值法的泰安市土地可持续利用评价
8.Research On The Sustainable Land Use Planning According To Reconstruction Of Resources Value;基于资源价值重构的土地可持续利用规划研究
9.The Recognization of the Usage Value of Human Urine in the Sustainable Development Wiew;在可持续发展观念下认识人粪尿的利用价值
10.The study on sustainable utilization of mineral resources and value compensation problem;矿产资源的可持续利用与价值补偿问题研究
11.What about the development of CO2 capture and purification in other countries? What is the cost?二氧化碳再利用可产生更高价值,是否更值得发展?
12.Economic variables such as prices. revenue, profits, and costs can all be expressed in either nominal (current) terms or real (constant) terms.经济变量如价格、收入、利润以及成本都可以用票面价值和实际价值两种形式来表示。
13.Companies that take advantage of location-based technologies can greatly enhance the value of their applications.利用了基于位置技术的企业可以大大提高其应用程序的价值。
14.Application of the Theory of Emergy Analysis to the Sustainability Assessment of Cultivated Lands--A Case Study of Nanjing;能值分析理论在耕地可持续利用评价中的应用研究——以南京市为例
15.Evaluation of Water Resources Based on the Modified Osculating Value Method改进密切值法及其在水资源可持续利用评价中的应用
16.irreplaceable use value不可替代的使用价值
17.The value of investment for an ore deposit can be judged with the last one.利用矿床平均品位可以衡量矿床是否具有投资价值。
18.An Evaluation of Sustainable Use of Oil Resource Based on Improved Entropy Method in Xinjiang;基于改进熵值法对新疆石油资源可持续利用的评价

use value利用价值
1.The paper discusses the effects of treating the cut - stem tobacco by biotechnology in increasing its use value.探讨了用生物技术,即使用木质素降解微生物及木质素降解酶,处理烟梗,对提高烟梗利用价值的影响。
2.And also this paper analyzes many important aspects about coal ash and useless foamed plastic of the new building materials,such as there main function、use value and social significance and proffer form some original opinions.同时对新型建筑材料中的主要添加剂粉煤灰及废旧泡沫塑料的主要性能、可利用价值及社会意义作了深层次的探讨并提出了自己的独到见解。
3)utilization value利用价值
1.Development and utilization value of Schisandra chinensis and its cultural technique;五味子栽培技术及开发利用价值
2.Characters and utilization value of wild Apocynum venetum;野生罗布麻特性及利用价值
3.An analysis of chemical composition of physalis alkekengi L and a study of its utilization value;酸浆的化学成分分析及其利用价值的研究
4)Value in use利用价值
1.Study on the Value in use and the Development Strategy of the High Oil Corn;高油玉米的利用价值研究现状及发展对策
5)using value利用价值
1.Using value and Development prospect of Kochia schrad schrad;地肤的利用价值及开发前景
2.This paper analyses distribution,and biological character,and using value of Pueraria resources in Jiangxi Province,and gives cultivation techniques of wild Pueraria.分析了江西葛资源的分布状况、生物学特性和利用价值,并介绍了野葛的栽培技术。
6)utility value利用价值
1.The resources of ferns, character of flora, ecological distribution and utility value of medicinal pteridophyte were described.本文阐述泉州市药用蕨类植物资源、区系特征、生态分布、利用价值等,并提出进一步研究及合理开发利用的建议。
2.The utility value and its prospects for utilization were also analyzed and summarize调查研究了鲁西南饲养的小尾寒羊的种质特性 ,分析了其利用价值和应用前

东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)东北平原农业气候资源利用(见农业气候资源利用)  默军爵攫戳猛罚胃植和l用2 iyuanl心yong 见农业气候资