国际共识,common opinion
1)common opinion国际共识
2)become a consensus of the international community成为国际共识
3)international consciousness国际意识
1.The Evolution of International Consciousness and the Reconstruction of National Identity in Contemporary China当代中国国际意识的变迁与国家认同的重构
2.Giobalization is a necessity of the times,so that the work of mental and political education of the higher institutions should closely care about the problem of the international consciousness of college or univesity students.全球化是时代必然,高校思想政治教育工作应密切关注大学生的国际意识问题。
3.The cultivation of college students international consciousness in ideological and political education in college is not only to meet the need of era development,the domestic and international situations,but also to reinforce Marxism Theory Education and deepen patriotism education.在高校思想政治教育工作中培养大学生的国际意识是适应时代发展与国内外形势的客观需要,也是加强马克思主义理论教育、深化爱国主义教育的内在要求。

1.Strengthening the Global Consciousness Education of the Senior School History Teaching;中学历史教学对学生国际意识的培养
2.The Evolution of International Consciousness and the Reconstruction of National Identity in Contemporary China当代中国国际意识的变迁与国家认同的重构
3.On China s Modern History Education for Training College Students International Awareness;论中国近现代史教育对大学生国际意识的培养
4.Global Conscious-A New Education Concept On the Global Consciousness Education for the Students Of State - run Private Sub - college;论国有民办二级学院学生国际意识的培养
5.Managing Globalization:the Ideology of Nation-World in Thrce Generations CCP Leaders把握全球化:中共三代领导人的国家-国际意识
6.The Exploration in Practice about History Curriculum Reform & the Education of International Sense;历史课程改革与国际意识教育的实践探索
7.Ideological and Political Education in College should Put Emphasis on College Students International Consciousness;高校思想政治教育应该重视大学生的国际意识
8.On the Awareness of Internationalism and Carrying Forward and Cultivating the National Spirit in Colleges and Universities;略论国际意识与高校民族精神的弘扬和培育
10.They realise that this [international accreditation] will help them compete.他们意识到这(国际认证)有助于竞争。
11.The Ideology of Progress in Western International Relations Theories;西方国际关系理论的“进步”意识形态
12.Reflections on the Ideology Nature of the Basis of International Law "Coordinated Will";反思国际法效力根据“协调意志”的意识形态性
13.Countries must take steps that adapt their cultures to an international ethical awareness.国家必须采取措施,使其文化适应国际伦理意识。
14.History Consciousness and International Order Cognition: Self-identity of Modern China;历史意识与国际感:现代中国自我身份的认知
15.On International Conventions of Chinese Tourism Industry:An Conceptual Awareness View从观念意识角度谈中国旅游业的国际接轨问题
16.In the micro-scope,banks should strengthen internal risk awareness and international competition consciousness;微观上,银行应加强内部风险意识和国际竞争意识;
17.A Research of Current College Students Civic Awareness Education under the International Background;国际视野下当代大学生公民意识教育研究
18.On Shaping the Quality of International Managers and Their Cross-cultural Awareness;论国际经理素质的塑造及其跨文化意识的培养

become a consensus of the international community成为国际共识
3)international consciousness国际意识
1.The Evolution of International Consciousness and the Reconstruction of National Identity in Contemporary China当代中国国际意识的变迁与国家认同的重构
2.Giobalization is a necessity of the times,so that the work of mental and political education of the higher institutions should closely care about the problem of the international consciousness of college or univesity students.全球化是时代必然,高校思想政治教育工作应密切关注大学生的国际意识问题。
3.The cultivation of college students international consciousness in ideological and political education in college is not only to meet the need of era development,the domestic and international situations,but also to reinforce Marxism Theory Education and deepen patriotism education.在高校思想政治教育工作中培养大学生的国际意识是适应时代发展与国内外形势的客观需要,也是加强马克思主义理论教育、深化爱国主义教育的内在要求。
4)international awareness国际意识
1.China s modern history education strives to strengthen the cultivation of college students international awareness,which is an important prerequsite and guarantee for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.在中国近现代史教学中重视并加强对大学生国际意识的培养,是更好地建设有中国特色社会主义的重要前提和保证。
2.Under globalization,promoting international awareness is the requirement and important connotation of carrying forward and cultivating the national spirit in colleges and universities.在全球化的大背景下,提升国际意识是弘扬和培育高校民族精神中的时代要求,强化国际意识是弘扬和培育高校民族精神的重要内涵。
5)the Communist International共产国际
1.The Communist International,Soviet Communist Party (Bolshevik) and Change of Top Leaders of Early CPC;共产国际、联共(布)与中共早期主要领导人的更替
2.On the Relationship between "March Failure" in Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base and the Communist International;井冈山根据地的“三月失败”与共产国际的关系
3.A Study on the Process and Failure Reasons of the First Application of Guomindang to the Communist International;国民党第一次申请加入共产国际经过及失败原因考察
6)Communist International共产国际
1.The Communist International,Qu Qiubai and the Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the CPC;共产国际、瞿秋白与党的六届四中全会
2.Communist International,the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the CPC,and Fujian Incident;共产国际与中共六届五中全会和福建事变
3.The Influence of Communist International in the Historic Process of Marxism Localized in China;共产国际七大在马克思主义中国化历史进程中的影响

北京共识2002年,卡瓦吉特%26bull;辛格(Kavaljit Singh)在《从%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;到%26ldquo;华盛顿共识%26rdquo;:中国通往自由化和全球化之路》一文中首次把中国的发展模式称作%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;。而当2004年中国的%26ldquo;和平崛起%26rdquo;成为世界话题时,美国高盛公司政治经济问题资深顾问乔舒亚%26middot;库珀%26middot;拉莫(Joshua Cooper Ramo)于同年5月在The Beijing Consensus一文中再次全面详细提出%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;,引起强烈关注。他认为中国的发展模式是一种适合中国国情和社会需要、寻求公正与高质增长的发展途径,并把这种发展模式概括为%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;。之所以取这个名字是有意叫板%26ldquo;华盛顿共识%26rdquo;。拉莫认为,%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;取代了盛行于20世纪90年代的%26ldquo;华盛顿共识%26rdquo;。概括地说,%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;就是中国实行改革开放以来的20多年发展经济经验。它的具体定义是:(1)艰苦努力、主动创新和大胆试验,如设立深圳等经济特区;(2)积极维护国家版图完整和利益,如坚持统一台湾;(3)循序渐进、不断精心积累具有不对称力量的工具,如拥有4000多亿美元外汇储备。其中,创新和试验是%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;的灵魂,强调解决问题应因事而异,灵活应对,不求统一标准。在这三大定义下,%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;的目标是:在保持独立的同时实现增长。其实,早在%26ldquo;北京共识%26rdquo;提出前的改革开放初期,中国就已经把自身的发展道路称为%26ldquo;建设有中国特色的社会主义%26rdquo;,其核心思想是:中国按照自己的国情,走自己的发展之路。