1.Bioethics Is the Love for Life;生命伦理学是对生命的
2.New Concept of Love in Romeo and Juliet;罗密欧与朱丽叶的新情观(英文)

1.""Five Love": love the motherland, the people, labor, and science and take good care of public property."五(祖国、人民、劳动、科学、护公物)
2.they were talkative, and they laughed a lot.她们说话,笑。
3.He loved her and she loved him;他她,她也他;
4.loving kindnessph.1. 纯真友,纯真情;慈,挚
5.A contrast of love of Taoism、Confucianism and Monism道、仁、兼——道、儒、墨三家观之比较
6.A Contrast of Love of Confucianism,Taoism and Mohism仁、道、兼——儒、道、墨观比较
7.To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.为了被人是人性的,为了他人的是天使般的
8.I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them.我花,所以也养花。
9.I love you as much as I love her.我你如同我她。
10.Warm affection or liking.喜热诚的慈或喜欢
11.To stroke lightly as a gesture of affection.抚轻轻抚摸以示
12.Inclined to meddle or interfere.管闲事的,干涉的
13.Disposed to find fault.挑剔的挑毛病的
14.the quality of being given to complaining.发牢骚、抱怨的性格。
15.Rwanda Patriotic Army卢旺达国军(国军)
16.My hobby is collecting stamps. Do you have a hobby?我好集邮,你有好吗?
17.parental affection, love, support, etc父母的疼、 养育等
18.National Patriotic Movement全国国运动(国运动)

1.A Searcher in the Mood of Desolateness and Wildness ── Getting a Perspective of the Emotional World of ZHANG Ai-ling s Creative Writing from her Prose Love;荒凉意境中的追寻者──由散文《》透视张玲创作的情感世界
2.Distortion and Restoration of Love: A Study of African-American Females Growth in Love;的扭曲与回归:解读小说《》中黑人女性的成长
3)to love the people and the motherland爱民爱土
4)Aiai's characteristics爱爱性格
5)passion for love爱情之爱
6)patriotism and love of the religion爱国爱教

爱【爱】 (术语)梵字[8747]。悉昙十二韵之一。五十字门之一。文殊问经字母品曰:“称爱(引)引字时,是威胜声。”是似由有威仪路义之Airypatha转释者。【又】贪物之意。染著之意。乃十二因缘之一。俱舍论九曰:“贪资具淫爱。”大乘义章五末曰:“贪染名爱。”唯识论述记十六曰:“耽染为爱。”楞严经四曰:“异见成憎,同想成爱。”圆觉经曰:“轮回爱为根本。”