1.Theorization of Criticism and Criticismization of Theory;重建思想的能力──批评的理论化与理论的批评
2.The Importance on Establish of Editing-criticism;编辑批评学创立的重要意义
3.Investigating the criticism of Mao Shi Zheng Yi on MaoZhuan and ZhengJian——and refuting the viewpoint of the shubupozhu;考论《毛诗正义》对《毛传》、《郑笺》的批评——兼驳“疏不破注”说

1.The critics came down hard on the new play.批评批评这个新剧作。
2.to practise criticism and self criticism进行批评与自我批评
3.Look for typical examples and unfold criticism and self-criticism.找典型,批评和自我批评
4.The shift of Criticism:From Literary Criticism to Cultural Criticism;批评的转型:从文学批评到文化批评
5.refrain from comment, criticism, etc避免评论、 批评
6.merit criticism应该受到批评/批判
7.witty criticism诙谐的批评,措辞巧妙的批评/评论
8.Random Talks on Translation Critism - On Random Talks on Translation Criticism;散论翻译批评——评《翻译批评散论》
9.Make criticism in good time;don't get into the habit of criticizing only after the event.批评要是及时的批评,不要老是爱好事后的批评
10.The act of criticizing, especially adversely.批评行为批评的行为,尤指不友好的批评行为
11.There are two ways of making criticism: one is by self-criticism and the other by criticism.批评有两条,一条是自我批评,一条是批评
12.Critical Consciousness and Conscious Criticism;批评意识与意识批评——现象学文学批评述要
13.vocal criticism, support坦率的批评、 支持
14.I (strongly / bitterly) resent your remarks.我恨(极)你的批评
15.A Critical Dreamer s Murmuring and the Criticism toward the Murmuring;批评的“呓语”与“呓语”的批评——对傅修海批评迟子建的批评
16.sympathetic criticism富于同情的批评/评论
17.unjust criticism不公正的批评/评论
18.incisive comments, criticism, advice, etc中肯的评论、 批评、 劝告等

1.During his lifetime Zheng Wenzhuo criticizes various editions of Qingzhenji,few of which are handed down.其中一则批语透露出另一宋本《清真集》存在的可能;其记载郑文焯交游旅迹,可补戴正诚《郑叔问先生年谱》之缺;其词论批评部分又可补唐圭璋先生《词话丛编》之缺,对于《清真集》和郑文焯的研究均具有重要的意义。
2.However,when criticize Hu Shi,Fang Dongmei neither mentioned methodology,nor ism issue,he focused on two issues:one lies in Chinese culture significance,the other in Chinese philosophy nature,which triggers this article s argument.但方东美对胡适的批评 ,不谈方法问题 (大胆假设 ,小心求证 ) ,也不谈主义问题 (多研究些问题 ,少谈些主义 ) ,而是集中在两个问题 ,一是中国文化的价值问题 ,二是中国哲学的性质问题。
1.Criterion of systematic linguistic critique;语言理论批评的体系标准
2.A Trial Explanation of Walter Benjamin s Thinking on Literature and Critique;论本雅明的文艺批评思想
3.Critique:a Pass Through Estrangement of Cultural Circles批评:对文化圈层间隔的穿越
1.Some Comments on Modern Architecture of China;《中国现代建筑批评》·序
2.The Comment on the Public Culture and Orientation of Value;大众文化批评及其价值取向
3.However,their comments on Han Yu s "The South Hill" are completely different.清代赵翼的《瓯北诗话》和朝鲜李瀷的《星湖僿说》都对韩愈的诗歌进行了批评,批评的内容包括韩愈以李白、杜甫为宗的诗学观,韩愈奇崛的诗歌风格,韩愈以赋为诗的创作手法和韩愈的《南山》诗,在对韩愈诗歌的研究上,提供了域内、域外两个诗评视角。
1.The ‘Criticality’ Debate in the West and the Architectural Situation in China:Thoughts on the Essay “Criticality in between China and the West”;近期西方“批评”之争与当代中国建筑状况——“批评的演化——中国与西方的交流”引发的思考
2.Criticality in between China and the West;批评的演化:中国与西方的交流
3.A Critical Study of the Speeches Delivered by American Presidents-with the Theme of War and Peace;以战争与和平为主题的美国总统演讲词的批评性语篇分析
6)the critique of criticism批评的批评
