1.Irony in Pride and Prejudice about Characters;论《傲慢与偏见》中人物的讽刺因素(英文)
2.The Combination of Love and Loneliness in the Spiritual Wasteland——The analysis of characters about The Ballad of the Sad Café;精神荒原中爱与孤独的契合——《伤心咖啡馆之歌》的人物分析

1.noBodies posing as someBodydies冒充大人物的小人物
2.character sketch人物素描, 人物简评
3.an insubstantial vision, figure, creature虚幻的景象、 人物、 生物.
4.Creatures and Characters:“ Creatures” and“ characters” are used synonymously in these power descriptions.生物与人物:在异能说明中,“生物”与“人物”同义。
5.Rutherford unperson.卢瑟福,没落人物
6.A person or thing of great size.巨人,巨物巨大的人或物
7.One that owes something to another.债务人欠他人某物的人
8.A person, an animal, or an object that symbolizes something.象征物象征某事物的人、动物或事物
9.A young person, animal, or plant.年幼的人、动物或植物
10.Food fit for human consumption.食物可供人们吃的食物
11.Waste matter, eg human excreta废物(如人体排泄物)
12.person or thing connected with与某事物有关的人或物
13.human cytobiophysics人体细胞生物物理学
14.person or thing with this shape带有卷状物的人或物
15.The zoo keeper is feeding the animals.动物园饲养人在喂动物。
16.personal belongings,clothing,etc个人的所有物、衣物等
17.Man and Biosphere人与生物圈(方案)
18.certain of...some particular members of(a group of people or things)(人或物中的)某些

1.The Value of the History Material about Characters in Book of Siyouzhai;《四友斋丛说》的人物史料价值
2.On the Characters of Mutual Replenishment in A Dream of Red Mansion;论《红楼梦》中的互补人物
3.On the Characters in Family Fictions in 20th Century;20世纪家族小说人物
1.The Comparative Research of Figure about ZhengShi with Local Chronicles;正史与地方志“人物”之比较研究
2.The Liberal Feature of Figures in Dostoevsky’s Novel;陀思妥耶夫斯基小说人物的自由特性
1.By using the theory of contextual misplacing,the author of this article has probed into the contextual misplacing in the song from the following three aspects: the misplacing of content and form,the distance of figures and plots and the difference of the narrative language and receptacle context.本文利用语境学中的语境差理论,分别从内容与形式的语境差、人物与情节的距离感、作品叙述语言与接受语境差三方面论述了该作品中的语境差问题,目的在于通过对音乐作品的"内构造"的分析来揭示其审美的特质所在。
2.The repeat of the core is displayed by the tensions between different figures in fictions.在海明威的大部分作品中,都存在一个基本的故事内核,比如最典型的虽败犹胜的硬汉形象及人生悲剧论观点,他的这种不同程度的重复,通过作品中人物之间的关系展现出来。
3.Mr Ding Xilin was a great comedy writer, his last work Miaofeng Mountain, with its strong realistic views, tremendous plot changes and the quick-figures, shares very strong comedy characteristics.他最后创作的《妙峰山》现实针对性强,剧情起伏变化大,人物机智幽默,充分体现了其喜剧特色。
1.The coverage of people data base includes collection standard and coverage of people s information.人物数据库的收录范围分为人物收录标准和人物信息收录范围。
2.Recently authors in our academia have published a great deal of works on policies of developing two regions in Han Dynasty,people who reached the Western Regions,economic development of the Western Regions and etc.近年来,我国学术界在两汉政府开发两域的政策,通西域的人物、西域的经济开发等方面发表了大量论著。
