普通高校,colleges and universities
1)colleges and universities普通高校
1.Track and field teaching mode in colleges and universities and countermeasures;普通高校田径教学模式研究
2.Management of key disciplines in general colleges and universities——taking Tianjin University of Technology and Education as a case;普通高校重点学科管理初探——以天津工程师范学院职业技术教育学为例
3.A Research into The Selecting of Highly-skilled Coach in Colleges and Universities of Wuhan;武汉市普通高校高水平篮球队教练员的选拔研究

1.The Enlightenment of the National Defense Education in the Universities in China;国外普通高校国防教育对我国普通高校的启示
2.Improving the Mandarin Level of College Teachers Is a Must;提高普通高校教师的普通话水平势在必行
3.5.56 million students in 1,041 institutions of higher learning;普通高校1041所,在校生556万人;
4.Research on the Development of P.E School-based Curriculum for University in China;我国普通高校体育校本课程开发研究
5.The Research of the Construction of Aesthetic Culture in Chinese Common University;我国普通高校校园审美文化建设研究
6.Construction and management of stadium in common institutes of higher learning;普通高校新校区体育场馆建设与管理
7.Comment on the Publicity Unuversiry Affairs Supervision;试析普通高校的校务公开与权力监督
8.On Moral Education Links between Chinese Ordinary Universities and Ordinary Middle Schools;我国普通高校与普通中学德育衔接问题研究
9.The Reflection of Improving Teaching Quality Of Law in Universities提高普通高校法学教学质量的思考
10.How to Improve the Appreciation Level of Dancing in Universities;如何提高普通高校舞蹈艺术欣赏水平
11.Probe into the training of elite walkers in colleges and universities;普通高校高水平竞走运动员训练探讨
12.Organization and management of university sports teams;普通高校高水平运动队的组织及管理
13.On College Student Sportsman s Meals and Nutrition;普通高校高水平运动员的膳食与营养
14.Functions and Efficiencies of High Level Sports Teams in Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning;普通高校高水平运动队的作用与功效
15.Studies on the Construction of Practical Training Center in Vocational Colleges;对普通高校高职实训中心建设的探索
16.Humble Opinion on Management Mode of College High-level Sports Team;普通高校高水平运动队管理模式刍议
17.Practice and Thought on Improving the Quality of College Journals;提高普通高校学报质量的实践与思考
18.How to Improve the Quality of Gymnastics Class in Universities;提高普通高校体操课教学质量的探索

1.On the current situation of college basketball course and its developing countermeasures;普通高校篮球选项课现状及发展对策研究
2.The vitality of adult higher education in college depending on constant creation;普通高校成人高等教育的生命力在于不断创新
3.Rebuilding Teaching and Research Culture and Reformation of P.E. in Colleges and Universities;教研文化重建与普通高校体育课程改革
1.Initial Study on Plan of Computer Networks in the University;普通高校校园网络规划初探
2.Study on basic theory education of university;普通高校基础理论教育研究
3.Application of SCM on university′s postgraduate education;供应链管理在普通高校研究生教育中的应用
4)ordinary university普通高校
1.Research on training of amateurish all-round motion in ordinary university;普通高校业余全能运动训练研究
2.A study on the movement damage and counter measures of ordinary university students in amateur soccer activity;普通高校学生在业余足球活动中运动损伤的调查及对策
3.The Research of Personnel Training and Raising Quality Question of Ordinary University in Shanxi Province;山西省普通高校人才培养质量问题研究
1.Analysis of Theory and Method of Subject Partake Applied to"Three By Oneself"Teaching Mode in Elective Courses of P.E.in Universities & Colleges;普通高校体育选项课“三自”教学模式中主体参与的理论与方法分析
2.A Study on the Characteristics of Colleges Athletes of Middle-and-Long Distance Running in Pre-competition Medium Period of Training;普通高校中长跑运动员赛前小周期训练特征探讨
3.Experiment on the Pre-match Psychological Training of 110-meter Hurdles Athletes at Colleges;普通高校110m栏运动员赛前心理训练的实验研究
6)regular institutions of higher learning普通高校
1.So far, Wushu has been listed in the optional subjects in regular institutions of higher learning in Changchun City.武术特有的训练效果和特点,符合大学生的心理和生理特点,成为普通高校体育教学的重要组成部分。
2.Based on documentation research methods,the significance of the Olympic culture education in the regular institutions of higher learning is discussed first.文章首先对普通高校奥林匹克文化教育的意义进行了论述,然后从奥林匹克文化教育的目标、内容、途径、方法四个方面对普通高校奥林匹克文化教育进行了框架体系的构建,旨在为提高大学生的体育文化素养提供具体的可行性的操作方案。
3.Research on Management Mode of Education Costs of Regular Institutions of Higher Learning in China;本文依据马克思的成本价格理论、现代成本管理理论、教育成本分担理论等相关基础理论,采用规范研究、实证研究、系统研究和比较研究等多种研究方法,在充分借鉴企业成本管理模式和前人研究成果的基础上,结合普通高校所处的经济环境和自身特征,构建了普通高校教育成本管理模式。
