1.Development of Shamanism Cultural Tourism Resource in Xijiang;浅谈新疆萨满教文化旅游开发
2.A Comparative Study on the Folk Witchcraft of Tibetan Bon and Shamanism of the Nationalities in the North;藏族本教与北方民族萨满教民间巫术之比较研究
3.The Reform of Shamanism before Qing Dynasty Entering the Central Plains;清朝入关前的萨满教改革研析

1.The home fete ceremony of Man ethnic and the attribute of Samanism are is questioned continuously in recent years by who believe that the Jiasaman does not belong to Samanism.满族家祭和家萨满的萨满教属性近年来不断受到质疑,认为家萨满不属于萨满教范畴。
2.Northeastern Shamanism in Manchukuo(1931-1945)伪满洲国时期东北萨满教状况述略
3.The Version of viewing Three Scopes of Saman s Rligion from Devil "Ye Luli" of the Manchus;由满族耶鲁里神观其萨满教三界之说
4.It is well-known that, Mongols believed in Shamanism in early days, and they are one of the nationalities for which Shamanism culture used to be the dominant.众所周知,蒙古族早期信仰萨满教,是萨满教文化覆盖的民族之一。
5.Being Witchcraft but Not Being Religion--On the Nature of Shamanism“萨满教”的本质是巫术而不是宗教
6.13~(th) Century Mongolian Shamanism and Other Medieval Religious Beliefs;13世纪蒙古人的萨满教及其宗教观
7.Shamanism in Contemporary Kazaks-Rituals and Their Changes;当代哈萨克族的萨满教信仰:仪式及其变迁
8.Some Issue on Removing Evils of the Taboo Behavior about Kazaks Shamanism Faith;浅谈哈萨克族萨满教信仰中的禁忌行为——禳解
9.Role of Shaman and Narrator in the Avant-garde Novels;萨满活动角色与“我”的分身术——萨满教文化与先锋小说
10.View on the Relation between the Manchu Shamanism and Fete from among Eight Banners Genealogy;从八旗谱牒看满族萨满教与祭祀的关系
11.The Shamanism Features of the Tunguses in China中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点
12.Shamanism still has considerable influence among some ethnic groups.萨满教在一些民族中仍然有较大影响。
13.The Star Worship of Shamanism and the Germ of Northern Astronomy萨满教星辰崇拜与北方天文学的萌芽
14.From it we see the deep influence of Shamanism on Mongolians.由此可见萨满教对蒙古族影响之深。
15.In the beginning, they believed in Tengri Shamanism and were nomadic.他们最初信奉萨满教,过着游牧生活。
16.Russian and Soviet Union Scholars Study of Siberian Shamanism;俄苏学者关于西伯利亚萨满教的研究
17.Shamanism s Hero Worships and the North ern Nationality s Rise;萨满教的英雄崇拜与北方民族的崛起
18.A brief review of Saman religion and festive culture of ethnic minorities in the West;萨满教与北方少数民族节日文化述略

1.The Saman Worship of Animals and Plants and Biological Cognition;萨满教动植物崇拜与生物认知
2.Saman Religion and Northern Ethnic Minorities Monarches──And Political Religion in China History;萨满教与北方少数民族帝王——兼论中国历史上的政治宗教
1.Study of the Samanism Basis of the Reproductive Worship of the Northern Minority Nationalities;试论北方少数民族生殖崇拜的萨满教根基
2.The home fete ceremony of Man ethnic and the attribute of Samanism are is questioned continuously in recent years by who believe that the Jiasaman does not belong to Samanism.满族家祭和家萨满的萨满教属性近年来不断受到质疑,认为家萨满不属于萨满教范畴。
3.social formations changing, samanism, the original religion,With went through primitive society, slave society, feudal societyand began to decline until the end of feudal society, leavingsome survivals even today.萨满教是原始宗教,随着社会形态的更替经历了原始社会、奴隶社会、封建社会,并且延续到封建社会末期才走向衰落,甚至现今社会仍然还有很多遗存。
4)Saman religion萨满教
1.Before Qing took the governance of China,its religion,Saman religion dropped behind the fast social development of Man nation.清入关前,随着满族社会的迅速发展,萨满教的落后因素日益显现,努尔哈赤和皇太极两代统治者对其进行了诸多变革,这是满族萨满教发展史上的重要转折,影响十分深远。
2.Saman religion is a primitive one of the Manchu nationality and their ancestors, in which willow worship occupies an important position.萨满教是满族及其先民信仰的多神崇拜的原始宗教。
5)urban shamanism都市萨满教
6)Shamanism in Mongolia蒙古萨满教
