1."That is their own projection or mapping"——study on women s narcissism and lesbianism of the feminine novels of the 1990s;“那是她们自己的投影或映象”——对20世纪90年代女性小说中女性自恋与同性恋的考察
2.Choice and Narcissism: Mechanisms of Self-Identity Under the Condition of Modernity;选择与自恋:现代性条件下自我认同的机制
3.Two Narcissuses——A comparison of the heroine s narcissism between The Lover and "A Sole War;两株水仙花——《情人》和《一个人的战争》主人公自恋倾向之比较

1.Overt and Covert Narcissism: A Psychological Exploration of Narcissistic Personality显性自恋与隐性自恋:自恋人格的心理学探析
2.Cloning is the technology of narcissism,克隆是自恋的技术,
3.Ecological Ethic: Human Being s Self Cure of Narcissism;生态伦理:人类自恋情结的自我治疗
4.Narcissism and Self-esteem:Mediating Influence of Social Desirability自恋与自尊:社会赞许性的中介作用
5.The symptom, formation and treatment of narcissistic personality disorder自恋型人格障碍的表现、形成和防治
6.and nothing satisfies narcissism like immortality.没有什么能像不朽这样满足自恋情结。
7.Nathaniel: Sire, do you... like yourself?纳撒尼尔:陛下,你是不是……有点自恋
8.Egomania can be such a bore.与一个自恋狂交往,有时候真没意思。
9.On the Narcissistic Complex of Blanche in Tennessee Williams s a Streetcar Named Desire;浅析《欲望号街车》中白兰琪的“自恋”情结
10.nature homosexual period自然同性恋期 自然同性恋期
11.someone in love with themselves.孤芳自赏迷恋自己的人。
12.To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment.使迷恋使不自觉的爱慕或迷恋
13.Quiet, brooding and driven, Lucas is a loner, the only child of a single working mom.恋物癖之外,是男孩女孩对各自的迷恋。
14.He adored his mother.他依恋自己的母亲。
15.He probably believes in free love!他大概信仰自由恋爱!
16.She wore ribbons in her black hair and clung to her dreams.她在黑头发上系着红缎带,恋恋不舍自己的梦。
17.the two lovers killed themselves in a suicide pact.两个恋人按照自杀和约自杀了。
18.to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality.公开声明自己的同性恋行为。

1.Self-love is a kind of morbid state of mind confined to narrow self-love.自恋是一种局限于人类自身狭隘之爱的心理变态状态,是人性的扭曲和爱的麻木。
2.Especially the figures\' self-love and aggression and humiliation manifest the subject structure of self-split of Lacan,a philosopher of French psychoanalysis school,as well as the figures\' complex mental experience.该剧是美国有史以来最长的戏剧,情节复杂,人物角色极具张力,特别是贯穿于其中的人物的自恋、侵凌性体现了法国精神学派哲学家拉康的自我分裂的主体结构,体现了人物复杂的精神心理路程。
3)object for narcissism自恋恋物
4)overt narcissism显性自恋
1.There was an extremely significant positive correlation between explicit self-esteem and overt narcissism and an extremely significant negative correlation between explicit self-esteem and covert narcissism.对84名被试的内隐自尊、外显自尊与自我防卫关系的研究结果表明:(1)外显自尊与显性自恋存在显著正相关,与隐性自恋存在显著负相关。
2.Narcissism is a synthetical construction of personality,which has two forms: overt and covert narcissism.自恋是一种形式多样化的综合性人格构造,它具有两种不同的形式,即显性自恋和隐性自恋
3.There exist two distinct forms of narcissism: Overt and covert narcissism.自恋具有两种不同的形式,即显性自恋和隐性自恋,并且两种形式的自恋与心理健康有着不同的相关关系。
5)covert narcissism隐性自恋
1.There was an extremely significant positive correlation between explicit self-esteem and overt narcissism and an extremely significant negative correlation between explicit self-esteem and covert narcissism.对84名被试的内隐自尊、外显自尊与自我防卫关系的研究结果表明:(1)外显自尊与显性自恋存在显著正相关,与隐性自恋存在显著负相关。
2.Narcissism is a synthetical construction of personality,which has two forms: overt and covert narcissism.自恋是一种形式多样化的综合性人格构造,它具有两种不同的形式,即显性自恋和隐性自恋
3.There exist two distinct forms of narcissism: Overt and covert narcissism.自恋具有两种不同的形式,即显性自恋和隐性自恋,并且两种形式的自恋与心理健康有着不同的相关关系。
6)narcissism complex自恋情结
1.The literature achievements of Yi an is closely related to her narcissism complex.易安的文学成就与她的自恋情结密不可分。
2.Since the middle of 80th decades of 20th century, Chinese Literature shows some narcissism tendency,which grows up to narcissism complex gradually.自20世纪80年代中期以来,中国文学中的自恋已有所表现,且逐渐形成一种自恋情结。
3.s:Ji Bolun s medium-length novel The Broken Wings reflects "narcissism complex"in his subconsciousness.在《折断的翅膀》中 ,“我”与萨勒玛·克拉玛的人格特征 ,是作者潜意识中“自恋情结”的产物 ;“我”与萨勒玛·克拉玛的爱情观 ,则代表了作者主体人格的分裂 ,从另一层面上体现了纪伯伦人格结构中的“自恋情结”;而在小说中多次出现的“死亡”场景中 ,纪伯伦潜意识中的“自恋情结”则在变形和升华中进入
