1.From Chan to See the metaphysics and Methodology of Xin-Xing Philosophy of China;从禅悟看中国心性哲学之形而上与方法论——以冯友兰与铃木大拙的哲学方法论为例
2.The split of physics and metaphysics in modern times:Yi and the scholars interests in the Classics Studies times;"形而上"与"形而下"的近代分离——《易》与经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣
3.Out Between Metaphysics and Dialecticism --Ultra-Rational Reflections Of Aesthetics Category ;不在“形而上”与“形而下”之间——美学学科“类”定位的超理性文化思考

1.Meditationes de Prima Philosophia《形而上学的沉思》
2.From Formless,Form-Name to Trans-Form--Becoming of the Way to Trans-Form从无形、形名到形而上——“形而上”道路之生成
3.pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics.关于形而上学或具有形而上学特征。
4.Deconstruction Theory and Metaphysics vs Anti-metalphysics;解构论形而上学与反形而上学的视阈
5.A Comparison between Chinese Metaphysics and Western Metaphysics;形而上学刍议——中西形而上学之比较
6.From Metaphysics to Post-metaphysics: on Habermas Post-metaphysical Thinking;从形而上学到后形而上学——论哈贝马斯的后形而上学之思
7.Metaphysics is a doctrine affirming only one aspect.形而上学是一点论。
8.a deep metaphysical theory.深奥的形而上学理论
9.refinements of metaphysical thought形而上学思考的微细
10.Wu and You:Laozi s metaphysics;“无”与“有”:《老子》的形而上
11.The Metaphysics and Anti-metaphysics in Western Scientific Philosophy;西方科学哲学中的形而上学与反形而上
12.On Relationships between Dao, Tilings and Images: Thinking on the metaphysics of philosophy;道、器、形之间——中西哲学形而上学的通汇
13.From the Formless of Narrative Course to the Formal of Spiritual Subject;从叙事(过程)的形而下到(精神)主题的形而上
14.Coexistent Relationship between"Top in Form" and "Bottom in Form"in Art Creation;艺术创作中“形而上”与“形而下”的共存关系
15.Metaphysical Sense of the Unity of Opposites Doctrine--Reading Aristotle s Metaphysics;形而上学意义上的对立统一学说——读亚里士多德的《形而上学》
16.Three Reversals in the Development of Metaphysics--Reflections on Heidegger's Metaphysics形而上学发展史上的三次翻转——海德格尔形而上学之思的启迪
17.On The Development of Aristotle s Metaphysics;论亚里士多德形而上学思想的发展(上)
18.Metaphysica and Xing ershangxue:Reflections on Daoxue from Comparative Philosophy;形上学与形而上学:从比较哲学出发的道学沉思

1.Post-modern literature s vulgarity and insignificance are not only the product of social transformation,but also the result of metaphysical status vacillation of form.后现代场景中文学的低俗化和无意义性不仅仅是社会转型的产物,也是形式的形而上地位动摇带来的结果。
2.The critique of metaphysical idea between the subject and the object pervade all through his aesthetic thoughts and,represent in the following three aspects,they are art creating,art appreciating and the study of the theory.王朝闻美学研究60年是一个否定和重构的历程,他的美学思想始终贯穿着对主体和客体分裂的形而上思想的批判,这种批判表现在三个领域,即艺术创造、审美欣赏、理论研究,而他的美学思想就在批判中建构。
3.Power of life has meaning of equal value only in the sense of natural jurisprudence and life is equal in value only when pro-tected by law,hence it is pointed out that the main meaning of necessity lies in its metaphysical explanation.生命权只有在自然法的意义上才具有等价的意义,生命只有在受到法律保护的情况下才可以说等价,因而,紧急避险的要义在于对它的形而上的阐释。
1.From the Steps of Divinity to Metaphysics——The study of the technological philosophy thoughts of Desssauer;从神学阶梯走向形而上学——德绍尔技术哲学思想研究
2.Mathematical truth: from divine metaphysics to human cultural construction—Comment on “Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty” by Morris. Kline;数学真理:从神性化的形而上学到人性化的文化构建──兼评M.克莱因的《数学:确定性的丧失》
3.A Preliminary Research into the Metaphysics:A Reply to Mr.Chen Ming;形而上学略论——回复陈明先生
1.On the base of reviewing the realization of Newton,Kant and Einstein about the nature,this paper discusses the development process of the outlook on nature from "metaphysic" to "materialist dialectic".本文在回顾牛顿、康德和爱因斯坦有关自然认识的基础上 ,讨论了近代自然观由“形而上学”到“唯物辩证”的发展历程 。
2.By means of the natural history of "zero", and with "zero" as a theme to broach, we can think metaphysical questions in double senses: The one kind is the epistemological metaphysics, based on the perceptual-rational-differentiate; it is related with the Zero as vacancy between numbers.借助于“零”的自然发展史,并以“零”作切入点,可以思考两种意义上的形而上学问题:一种是基于感性、理性两分之基础上的认识论形而上学,它与作为数字间空位的零相关。
3.Metaphysics is not only isolated,static and one-sided mode of thinking,the reasonable implications of metaphysic refer also to the study of system,the study of trenscendence,and the study of rethinking.形而上学不只是孤立、静止、片面的思维方式,形而上学的合理含义还指“体”系之学、超越之学、反思之学,马克思本人的哲学鲜明地体现出形而上学的这三个维度,而后来的马克思主义哲学却失落了其神韵和真精神。
6)"the metaphysical" and "the physical""形而上"与"形而下"

形而上1.亦省作"形上"。 2.无形;抽象。 3.指精神方面﹐心理上。