1.On the reason why the dying bourgeoisie is still aboveground——some thoughts on "the development of socialism from utopian to scientific";资产阶级垂而不死的原因浅探——读《社会主义从空想到科学的发展》的几点体会
2.Mao Zedong s dichotomy of Chinese bourgeoisie: significance and theoretical enlightment;毛泽东关于中国资产阶级“二分法”的意义及其理论启示
3.Carrying out reserch and analysis on the economic situation and social status of the bourgeoisie in the eve of the French Revolution, this paper demonstrates that the outbreaking of the French Revolution results from the rixe of the bourgeoisie in the social and economic status.通过对旧制度末期法国资产阶级经济状况和社会地位的研究,指出法国大革命的爆发正是资产阶级社会经济地位提高的必然结

1.The bourgeoisie has bourgeois democracy, it stresses class dictatorship.资产阶级有个资产阶级民主,它讲究阶级独裁。
2.Which leads which -- the proletariat the bourgeoisie, or vice versa?无产阶级领导资产阶级,还是资产阶级领导无产阶级?
3.The proletariat or the bourgeoisie?是无产阶级领导,还是资产阶级领导?
4.The vernacular is used by the proletariat and also by the bourgeoisie.无产阶级讲白话,资产阶级也讲白话。
5.This capitalist class, known as the bureaucrat-capitalist class, is the big bourgeoisie of China.这个资产阶级,叫做官僚资产阶级,即是中国的大资产阶级
6.The national bourgeoisie is a class with a dual character.民族资产阶级是带两重性的阶级。
7.The comprador-bourgeoisie has long been discredited.买办资产阶级早就臭了。
8.petty bourgeois socialism小资产阶级社会主义
9.They are the loyal servants of the bourgeoisie.他是资产阶级的忠臣。
10.The Contemporary Schools of Thought of Bourgeois Law现代资产阶级法学流派
12.petty - bourgeois political economy小资产阶级政治经济学
13.bourgeois political economics资产阶级政治经济学
14.press published by bourgeois revolutionary school资产阶级革命派报刊
15.bourgeois revolution in Netherlands尼德兰资产阶级革命
16.bourgeois revolution in Portugal葡萄牙资产阶级革命
17.bourgeois vulgar economics资产阶级庸俗经济学
18.contemporary bourgeois economics当代资产阶级经济学

1.CPC s Theory and Practice about Chinese Bourgeois Before and after "Sep.18" Incident;“九一八”前后中共关于资产阶级的理论与实践
2.Coming to the principles and methods of Marxist critique of ideology Lenin animadverted on kinds of ideology of bourgeois creatively in the new historical period,e.列宁继承马克思主义意识形态批判的原则和方法,在历史发展的新时期对资产阶级哲学、政治学和宗教等意识形态进行创造性的批判。
3.The human rights advocated by the human rights school were in fact bourgeois human rights.人权派主张的人权本质上是资产阶级的人权。
3)the bourgeoisie资产阶级
1.According to the bourgeoisie, the essential standard of moral judgment is not the interests and happiness of the individual but that of society.资产阶级认为个人的利益与幸福不是道德判断的根本标准,社会的整体利益与幸福才是道德判断的根本尺度;资产阶级也承认人的社会本性不是天生的,而是后天的社会环境的影响和教育的产物;虽然我们不能认为资产阶级的自私性是天生的,然而却可以认为其自私性是社会的,即是资本主义的社会环境和教育造就了资产阶级的自私的社会本性。
2.This article deals with the major activities that SCA led by Du Yuesheng carried out and in which he participated after 1934, in order to uncover the essence of the relations between Du Yuesheng, the bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang.上海市地方协会是20世纪30年代活跃在上海政治舞台上的一个重要的资产阶级团体,文章通过对1934年后杜月笙领导参与上海市地方协会开展的主要活动进行论述,揭示杜月笙、资产阶级与国民党政府三者之间的关系的实质。
3.The Reform Group, headed by Kang Youwei, attempted through peaceful reform (not entirely ruling out the use of the violence) to establish the system of constitutional monarchy in the hope of finally realizing the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.戊戌变法是一次资产阶级性质的革命运动。
4)capitalist class资产阶级
1.There were two noticeable features involved in the revolution,one being that some power that the capitalist class gained was not won by overthrowing all the regional feudal rule but by all the regional rulers being forced to reconstruct government,the other being that the revolution,soon after it started,took the forms of street battle and Congress discussion.革命中出现了两个显著特点,一是资产阶级取得的一定权利,不是靠推翻各邦封建统治,而是靠各邦统治者被迫改组政府施舍的;二是革命开始后不久就分为街头斗争和议会讨论。
1.The Peking Government in 1912—1915 is capitalist government,not feudalist compardor regime in character.1912~1915年间的北京政府,是资产阶级政府而不是封建买办政权。
6)petty bourgeoisie小资产阶级
1.During the debate of revolutionary literature,MAO Dun clearly reflected the thought "writing for the petty bourgeoisie".茅盾在革命文学论争期间鲜明地体现着"为小资产阶级写作"的思想,他的小说作品熔铸了大革命失败后部分小资产阶级知识分子消极、悲观的情绪,也表达了自己对于革命的梳理和反思,成为茅盾这一时期思想发展变化的一面镜子。
2.From the perspective of modernity research,researchers can get the characters and transformation process of petty bourgeoisie images and re-examine and ponder the interior evolution of China s new-vernacular literature.现代中国新文学中,小资产阶级一直是一个"问题场"。
3.Generally speaking,the class attribute of the intelligent in former China was ranked as petty bourgeoisie.对于旧中国知识分子的阶级属性,一般认为是小资产阶级的。
