1.Presently,people often don't pay enough attention to the life of inkjet prints made by firms,publicity and advertising departments whereas prints with high art or commemorative value really need to be preserved for long time.本文提供了用耐光档案专用印制耐久性单色照片的方法,以供借鉴。
2.Presently, archives containing inkjet printed digital images stored in archiving departments are a delicate problem due to the fact that the quality and long term preservativity of inkjet printed images are seriously affected by various factors e.目前,档案部门保管的数码打印影像文件耐久性令人担忧,喷打印影像的质量和长久保存性受纸张和多种因素的影响,本文提出在打印时要根据文件的实际用途选择相应的
3.The history of Chinese ink goes back to ancient times.中国的历史发展源远流长,现存最早的古是在战国时期。

1.Spitting: Synonymous with "ink flying", "ink misting".溅:和[飞],[雾]同义。
2.quick-setting ink快干油, 快固着油
3.The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.水很快渗入吸纸中。
4.A small reservoir for ink.水池小型贮水容器
5.Permanent inks: Inks which do not fade. Also called Lightfast inks.耐久:不会褪色的油。亦称耐光油
6.Study on the Development of Ink Image and Figure Paintings;水象与水人物画演进历程试探
7.Roll-up: The process of inking a plate with a roller.滚:用轴把印版上的印纹加上油的情况。
8.Brayer: Small hand roller for applying ink to type when proofing.手辘:压印铅字稿样时,用手推加的小辘。
9.Luminous ink: Inks which glow in dark conditions. Also called Phosphorescent ink.发光:在黑暗中发光的油。亦称磷光
10.To mark, coat, or stain with ink.涂水,以水做记号用标记、覆盖或弄脏
11.pluorescent printing ink for PVC filamentPVC丝印荧光油
12.magnetic (ink) character磁性[磁水]字符
13.copper-graphite-bronze alloy铜-石-青铜合金
14.Ink duct: Part of printing machine which stores and supplies ink to the inking rollers. Also called Ink fountain. Rom Duct.槽:印刷机上贮存油和供应辊所需量的部份。
15.Mexico→the cactus country西哥→仙人掌国。
16.(2)Ink-mixing fault caused when pigment floats as particles in the ink vehicle rather than dispersing smoothly.Solid areas have a spotty,pimply,appearance.(2)调时,颜料
17.amorphous graphiteGB/T3519-1995微晶石
18.Morelos-1 satellite西哥- 1号卫星

ink stick墨
1.Writing brush, ink stick,inkslab and paper" are the Chinese unique writing tools.在翰飘香的中国传统文化中,它们总是同文人士大夫的书斋生涯相关联。
3)china ink墨
1.China ink as a Chinese painting of a black material carrier, the Chinese literati painters found a lyrical and expressive words, the essence of smooth elements of a decent God.作为中国画的载体,使中国文人画家找到了抒情达意、畅神写意的本质要素。
4)ink jet ink喷墨墨水
1.Preparation and property of modified polyacrylated binder material for oil-based ink jet ink;溶剂型喷水连接料的合成及性能研究
5)ink jet喷墨油墨
1.In order to research into the viscosity of solvent/pigment ink jet,adopt YM-I grind machine to grind and disperse the pigment to prepare ink sampl e,test the viscosity,discuss the influence of dispersant,resin,pigment and s olvent to the viscosity of solvent/pigment ink jet.为了研究溶剂颜料型喷的粘度,利用自行设计的YM—I型研磨机研磨分散制备油样品,测试了各油样品的粘度,探讨了分散剂、树脂、颜料、溶剂对溶剂颜料型喷粘度的影响。
6)ink-jet ink喷墨墨水

墨【通用名称】墨【其他名称】墨 (《本草拾遗》) 【异名】乌金、陈玄、玄香、乌玉块(《纲目》)。 【来源】为松烟和入胶汁、香料等加工制成之墨。入药以陈久者为佳。 【性味】辛,平。 ①《本草拾遗》:"温。" ②《开宝本草》:"味辛,无毒。" ③《医林纂要》:"辛苦,平。" 【归经】入心、肝经 ①《本草求真》:"入肝、肾。" ②《要药分剂》:"入心、肝二经。" 【功用主治】止血,消肿。治吐血,衄血,崩中漏下,血痢。痈肿发背。 ①《开宝本草》:"止血,生肌肤,合金疮。主产后血晕、崩中卒下血,醋磨服之。亦主眯目,物芒入目,摩点瞳子上。又止血痢及小儿客忤,捣筛和水温眼之。" ②《纲目》:"利小便,通月经,治痈肿。" ③《医林纂要》:"泻心清肺,去妄热.止妄血,下气归肾。" ④《本草再新》:"平肝润肺,除风热,止咳嗽,生津解渴。" 【用法与用量】内服:磨汁,1~3钱,或入丸、散。外用:磨汁涂。 【宜忌】《本草求真》:"瘟疫热病初衄,遽用此以止血,则非所宜。" 【选方】①治大吐血:好墨细末二钱,以白汤化阿胶清调,稀稠得所,顿服。热多者尤相宜。(《本草衍义》) ②治鼻衄,出血多,眩冒欲死:浓研香墨,点入鼻孔中。(《梅师集验方》) ③治天行毒病鼻衄,是热毒,血下数升者:好松烟墨捣之,以鸡子白和丸,丸如梧桐子大,水下,一服十丸,并无所忌。(《僧深集方》) ④治崩中、漏下青黄赤白:好墨末一钱匕,服。(《肘后方》) ⑤治赤白痢:干姜、好墨各五两。筛,以醋浆和丸,桐子大。服三十丸。加至四、五十丸,米饮下,日夜可六、七服。如无醋浆,以醋入水解之,令其味如醋浆。(《肘后方》姜墨丸) ⑥治卒淋不通:好细墨(烧)一两,为细散,每服一钱匕,温水调下,不拘时服。(《圣济总录》墨金散) ⑦治痈疽发背:醋磨浓墨涂四围,中以猪胆汁涂之,干又上。(《赵氏经验方》) ⑧治飞丝入目:磨浓墨点之。(《千金方》) 【名家论述】①《本经逢原》:"墨,止吐衄血逆上行,或生藕汁,或莱菔汁,或鲜地黄自然汁磨服即止。但勿用干地黄和水捣磨。柏叶汁、甘蕉汁咸非所宜,往往止截后有瘀积之患。" ②《本草求实》:"墨,专入肝肾,色黑味辛,气温。凡血热过下,如瘟疫鼻衄,产后血晕崩脱,金疮并丝缠眼中,皆可以治。如止血,则以苦酒送韭汁投;消肿则以猪胆汁、酽醋调;眼有丝缠,则以墨磨鸡血速点;客忤中腹,则磨地浆汁吞。各随病症所用而治之耳。"