1)Taine[英][tein][美][ten, t?n]丹纳
1.A Saint of Schizothymia:Taine and His AestheticThought;分离的圣者:丹纳及其美学思想
2.Taine s Influence on Maodun s Literary and Artistic Viewpoint of His Early Stage;论丹纳对茅盾早期文艺观的影响
3.In search for clues to ancient Greek sports in Taine's Philosophy of Art从丹纳《艺术哲学》中寻找古希腊体育运动的线索

1.Thoughts after Reading Daine s Artistic Philosophy;丹纳的“时代精神”与中国的“文以载道”——读丹纳《艺术哲学》的感想
2.Bandanna dyeing班丹纳染色法(印度手工扎染法)
3.The word means palace in Malay.“伊势丹纳”在马来语里是王宫的意思。
4.Taine's Zeitgeist and Bai Juyi's for times and for Current Affairs丹纳的“时代精神”与白居易的“为时”、“为事”
5.The Flavor of Imaging Pyramid -Relating to Dana s Theory of Art Value;形象金字塔的意味——兼及丹纳的艺术价值论
6.The Primitive Stratum of Cultural Life --A study on The Philosophy of Art;精神生活的原始地层——丹纳《艺术哲学》研究
7.In search for clues to ancient Greek sports in Taine's Philosophy of Art从丹纳《艺术哲学》中寻找古希腊体育运动的线索
8.Dan, this is Martin Learner.丹,这是马丁?勒纳。?
9.The naga and blood elves recaptured Illidan and freed him.纳迦和血精灵夺回伊利丹,将他释放。
10.Michael Jordan attended the University of North Carolina.迈克尔?乔丹曾在北卡罗来纳大学就读。
11.Went, F. A. F. C.文特(1863.6.18,尼德兰 阿姆斯特丹~1935.7.24,瓦瑟纳尔)
12.Hans Wagner--the Legend of Denmark Furniture Design汉斯·韦格纳——丹麦家具设计传奇
13.Ronald confused Denton again with his serve.罗纳德的发球又一次使丹顿不知所措。
14.A:I heard that Daniel, not Donald has been promoted.我听说丹尼尔升值了,而不是唐纳德。
15.To Prepare Cryptotanshione Liposomes by Freeze-drying;冷冻干燥法制备隐丹参酮纳米脂质体
16.Robert Jordan wondered if he could speak a straight sentence.罗伯特·乔丹不禁纳闷,他会不会说一句干净的话。
17.At the end of the first serving Denton is beating Ronald 4 to 1.第一次发球权结束后,丹顿以1领先罗纳德。
18.Croatian Chamber of Commerce: 41000 Zagreb, Ruzveltov trg 1; tel.(1)453422; fax (1)448618; Pres.- Nadan Vidosevic.克罗地亚商会:萨格勒布;主席-纳丹·维多塞维奇。

research of Trene丹纳研究
4)Nadam cotton纳丹棉
5)James Dwight Dana (1813~1895)丹纳,J.D.
