1.The thesis queries the contradictions between the morning and next eveningin ZhaoJis postscript in <AuspiciousCranes>, and inquires into the relationship among the poems, painting and postscript in it.本文对《瑞鹤图》赵佶题跋中“清晓”与“次夕”时间上的矛盾提出质疑,探讨了此图诗文、画作与题跋三者的关系。

1.The masterpieces of Emperor Huizong in the Imperial Palace collection are all believed to not be works in Zhao Ji' s "own brush" (qinbi).故宫博物院珍藏的赵佶之作皆被视为非赵佶的“亲笔”。
2.Zhao not only paid attention to painting sketches, but also the physical aspects of the paintings.赵佶不仅重视写生,还讲究物理法度。
3.Textual Research on The Absence of Zhao Ji's Penmanship in San Xi Tang Fa Tie《三希堂法帖》之赵佶书迹阙遗考述
4.The flourishing of the painting academy in the Song Dynasty was largely due to Emperor Huizong's interest in painting and calligraphy.宋代画院的兴盛同宋徽宗赵佶(1082-1135)有密切关系。
5.Once Zhao asked the painters to draw a peacock spreading its tail, but he was not satisfied with their works.有一次,赵佶要画院画家画孔雀开屏的屏障,画了几次他都不满意,
6.What we can see today are reproductions by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty of Zhang's Spring Travel of the Guo State Queen and Practicing and Working.今天所能见到的是宋徽宗赵佶的摹本《虢国夫人游春图》和《捣练图》。
7.Zhao Ji was a foolish emperor in Chinese history who caused the collapse of the Song Dynasty,赵佶在政治上是一个昏庸无能的皇帝,一个亡国之君,
8.On Reading the Fragmentary Information Regarding Writings on the Art of Painting of the Song Dynasty Emperor Huizong (Zhao Ji), and a Discussion of the Theory that Ting qin tu (Listening to a performance on a lute) Is a "Genuine Work" by Zhao Ji;读有关宋徽宗画艺文著的点滴体会——兼及《听琴图》为赵佶“真笔”说
9.Emperor Huizong, whose name was Zhao Ji, was the initiator and an active supporter of the academy, and also a painter and connoisseur of painting.赵佶不仅是画院的倡导者和支持者,同时还是一个颇有成就的画家和水平很高的鉴赏者。
10."You're sure it's Chao Po-tao?“嗳,姓赵的,赵伯韬?
11.Having suffered a lot of mishaps since childhood, he is a person worthy of sympathy.他从小到大, 身世佶屈, 是个值得同情的人。
12.The main problem posed by the book, however, is its extremely awkward style.不过这本书的主要问题在于它的文体非常佶屈聱牙。
13.National Economics is People-oriented Economics--Comment on National Economics chiefedited by Liu Yong;民族经济学是人本经济学——评刘永佶主编《民族经济学》
14.Worker s Ethnic Economica:Reading the Outline of Ethnic Economica Compiled by LIU Yong-ji;劳动者的民族经济学——读刘永佶主编的《民族经济学大纲》
15.What do you think, Zhao Lan?赵兰,你认为如何?
16."And did Chao Po-tao promise him a loan?" Wu Sun-fu asked.“老赵答应了他么?”
17.So Chao Po-tao was up to his tricks again, eh?老赵“使手段”么?
18."Chao, old boy, you're wonderful!“老赵,你了不起!

Zhɑo Ji赵佶(1082~1135)
3)Zhao Ji's penmanship赵佶书迹
4)Songhuizong Zhao Ji宋徽宗赵佶(1082~1135)
5)The painting and Calligraphy of Song Dynasty Emperor Zhao jie赵佶的书画艺术
6)Zhao Ji Caoshu Qianziwen Juan赵佶《草书千字文》卷
