1.The thesis sums up the use of five kinds of copybooks and theirorigins, in the expectation of drawing attention to the working models of ancient painters.在宣化辽墓第3、6、7、10号墓壁画中,出现内容、画面构图、人物姿态及图像安排上几乎同出一辙的现象,本文通过细致地比对,归纳出五种活用粉本的方式及产生的原因,以此引发人们对古代画工工作模式的关注。

1.Having thus been introduced to Chinese painting, he spent many years practising the gongbi style of painting.因此了解国画后,他花了很多年来练习画工笔画。
2.Copybook ──Studying the Working Models of Ancient Painters through the Frescoes in the Liao Tombs in XuanHua;粉本──从宣化辽墓壁画看古代画工的工作模式
3." Chinese traditional painting is done with a soft brush, absorbent Xuan paper, and ink, which is why it is sometimes called ink-and-wash painting."中国传统绘画工具有毛笔,宣纸和墨,因此,中国传统绘画又叫水墨画。
4.Gongbi is a traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail.工笔画属中国传统的写实主义画派。其特点是画工精细,尤其注意细节的刻画。
5.Qi Baishi had gone through dramatic changes to become a learned painter.齐白石从民间画工转变为文人画家,经过了"变法"。
6.One who paints, either as an artist or a worker.画家,油漆工画画的人,作为艺术家或是作为工人
7.a pointed tool for writing or drawing or engraving.用来书写或画画或制图的尖端工具。
8.Create arm and hand using pen tool.再使用画笔工具给娃娃画上手臂。
9.On the Similarity Poems and Paintings and Wonderful Workmanship--On Shu Slui s Paintings;诗画本一律 天工与清新———谈苏轼的绘画
10.A Giant of Art with Superb Painting Skills (The Preface to Cui Yuzhang s Collection of Paintings);倚天作画 鬼斧神工——读崔豫章画集(代序)
11.The project will go forward as planned.该工程将按计画进行.
12.We also have Chinese gongbi paintings.我们还有中国工笔画,
13.Through that hot summer Martin and Leora laboured,painting.那整个炎热的夏天,马丁和劳拉都在工作,画画。
14.Comparative Study of Color between Tibetan Tangkas Painting and Chinese Traditional Meticulous Painting;藏传唐卡绘画与汉地传统工笔画色彩之比较
15.Both Poems and Paintings Are Originally the Same.They are Natural,Neat and Clean--Su Shi′s Theory about Painting;诗画本一律 天工与清新——苏轼的绘画理论
16.The Recognition on Meticulous Painting in the Traditional Painting of Man-of-letters System;对传统文人绘画体系中工笔画的再认识
17.Technological painting coexisted with washpainting as a kind of painting form. It was once lift out in the cold because of the prevalence of washpainting.工笔画作为与水墨写意画共生的绘画形式 ,曾因水墨画的盛行而一度被冷落。
18.His painting style combined fine brushwork with freehand brushwork, traditional Chinese skills with Western skills, and the work of the Chinese literati with folk paintings.他把工笔与写意结合起来,把中国传统画法与西洋画法结合起来,把文人画与民间绘画结合起来。

painter painting画工画
1.In the developmental history of Chinese traditional painting,the process of evolvement from"painter painting"to"bookman painting"is an important one.中国传统绘画的发展史,由"画工画"向"文人画"演变是一个重要的过程。
4)engineering animation工程动画
1.The traditional engineering animation is realized by building the model in 3D modeling software,and then by rendering to get serial frames to form a steam-media file.传统的工程动画都是以现有的三维软件为平台进行建模、获得渲染帧序列后,用流媒体文件来实现动画。
5)construction animation施工动画
6)Chinese elaborate-style painting工笔国画
1.In Chinese porcelain art field, Chinese elaborate-style painting is an important part of Chinese classical art, and it plays an important role in creating art style, cultural grade, artic thoughts, aesthetic characteristics of Chinese porcelain.在中国陶瓷艺术领域,中国工笔国画是中国古典艺术的一个重要组成部分,在塑造中国陶瓷的艺术风格、文化品位、艺术思想、审美特征上,起到了非常重要的作用。
