大革命,the Great Revolution
1)the Great Revolution大革命
1.Discussion on the Historical Inevitability of the Strategy and Guideline of Chinese Communist after the Great Revolution;浅析大革命失败后党的战略方针的历史必然性
2.Comparison between the Viewpoint on Peasant of Tan Ping-shan and that of Deng Yan-da During the Great Revolution;大革命时期谭平山与邓演达农民观比较
3.The military united front theory and practice of Zhou Enlai during the great revolution;周恩来大革命时期军事统战理论与实践

1.the French Revolution,ie in 1789法国大革命(1789 年)
2.Study of Educational Revolution in Fujian During the Great Culture Revolution;“文化大革命”时期福建教育革命研究
3.Thoughts on Mao Zedong’s mobilization thought during the Great Revolution time;论大革命时期毛泽东的革命动员思想
4.On the teaching revolution during the great culutural revolution论“文化大革命”中的教学“革命”
5.During the ``cultural revolution'' we had what was called mass democracy.“文化大革命”时搞“大民主”,
6.We regard reform as a revolution -- not as a "cultural revolution" of course.我们把改革当作一种革命,当然不是“文化大革命”那样的革命。
7.music in the French Revolution period法国大革命时期音乐
8.We went through the ``cultural revolution''.我们经历了“文化大革命”。
9.This "Left" deviation culminated in the "cultural revolution".“左”的极端是“文化大革命”。
10.Take the French Revolution.以法国大革命为例。
11.Trial Study on Shi Fu-liang s Theory about National Revolution after the Failure of the Great Revolution;试论大革命失败后施复亮的国民革命观
12.Indigen of System and Reflection on Revolution;制度的贫乏与革命的反思——兼评《旧制度与大革命
13.On Reform and Revolution--Focusing on the Problem of the French Revolution Evaluation;论改良与革命——以法国大革命评价问题为中心
14.On the Recognition of Chinese Land Revolution by Comintrn during the Great Revolution;论大革命期间共产国际对中国土地革命的认识
15.Analyzing the Cause of French Revolution Fiercer than British Revolution;浅析法国大革命比英国革命激烈的原因
16.On CHEN Du-xiu s People s Revolutionary Thought in Preparatory Period of Great Revolution;大革命准备时期陈独秀的国民革命思想
17.Italian Revolution of 1848意大利1848年革命
18.The Chinese revolution has become a very important part of the world revolution.中国革命是世界革命的伟大的一部分。

Great Revolution大革命
1.A Brief Discussion on the Failure of the Communist Interuational and Chinas Great Revolution;试论中国大革命失败的原因
2.Tocqueville’s analyses of the Great Revolution and the reflection of Revolution have very important realistic meaning.托克维尔对法国大革命原因的分析和对革命的反思, 具有十分重要的现实意义。
3.The error of Communist Party firearms handover in the Great Revolution is caused by a series of complicated reasons.大革命中共产党交枪错误是由一系列复杂原因造成的,其中共产国际的错误指挥和中国共产党的不成熟是其根本原因,陈独秀个人也难逃其咎。
3)Bridgadas Revolucionarias革命大队
4)Cultural Revolution文化大革命
1.Influence of the Cultural Revolution on Shaanxi higher education and lessons learned;“文化大革命”对陕西高等教育事业的影响与基本教训
2.On Deng Xiaoping s Discussion about the Causes of Chinese Cultural Revolution;邓小平论“文化大革命”爆发原因研究
3."Three Red Flags"and"the Cultural Revolution";三面红旗与“文化大革命
5)educational revolution教育大革命
1.A Look at the "Educational Revolution" -Rethinking on the Higher Education Reform from 1958 to 1961;“教育大革命”刍议——对1958至1961年高等教育改革的再审视
2.Education serving for Proletariat Politics is one of the two identifier features of educational revolution at the end of year 1950 in China.教育为无产阶级政治服务是我国1950年代末那场教育大革命的两条主线之一。
6)the Chinese Great Revolution中国大革命
1.Who Should Bear the Responsibility for the Failures of the Chinese Great Revolution;谁应对中国大革命的失败负主要责任
