个性解放,personality liberation
1)personality liberation个性解放
1.The idea of regarding family as selfish love has been changed into the one of regarding personality liberation and individual happiness as purpose,and human beings become the center of thinking every question and the standard of judging every question.以家族为本位的爱的观念转变为以个性解放和个人幸福为目的的爱的观念,人成为思考一切问题的中心和判断一切问题的标准。
2.As a representative and essence of traditional culture,Confucian culture contains rich personality factors,such as the positive spirit of entering the world,the thinking of respect for individuality on education,and the personality liberation atmosphere of "harmony but not the same" etc.个性解放运动在当前是必要的,而且它是一种应该立足于传统文化的运动。

1.Freedom of Thought and Personality Liberation--Liu Shipei s Discuss on Weijin;思想自由与个性解放——刘师培论魏晋
2.Resistance and Pursuit--Analysing Jane Eyre s Liberation of Individuality;反抗·追求——评简·爱的个性解放
3.Reflection on the Pursuit of Personality Liberation in "the scholars"by Wu jingzhi;从《儒林外史》看吴敬梓的个性解放思想
4.Wandering in No Way--On Hu Feng Personality Liberation's Dilemma无地彷徨——论胡风个性解放的二难
5.Marx s Thought of Individual Character and Its Practice in China;马克思的个性解放思想及其在中国的实践
6.The Emancipation of Individuality to Promote Human Progress: the Theme of Shu Wu s Satirical Essays;以个性解放促人民进步——舒芜现代杂文论
7.The Comparison of the Individual Liberation Topic between Lu Xun s Novels and May 4th Novels Written by Other Writers;鲁迅与五四婚恋小说个性解放主题比较
8.The Personality in the Confucian Culture and the Current Personality Liberation Movement;儒家文化中的个性主义与当前社会的个性解放运动
9.Two portraits of pioneers in the east and west for individual emancipation--the comparison of the characteristics between Hamlet and China Pao-yu;东西方两个个性解放的先驱形象——哈姆雷特与贾宝玉之性格比较
10.On the Overall Development of Person in Marxism Philosophy and the Personality Liberation of Current People;浅谈马克思主义哲学关于人的全面发展与当代人的个性解放
11.On Mao Zedong s Idea of Emancipating and Developing the People s Personality;论毛泽东解放与发展人民个性的思想
12.On the Unity of Three Represents and the Emancipation of Mind;论“三个代表”与解放思想的统一性
13.Two issues concerning the emancipation of women on the basis of women s literary images;由两个文学形象谈女性解放的两个问题
14.Paradox Theme on Women’s Liberation in the May 4th New Literature“五四”新文学关于女性解放的一个悖论性主题
15.The PLA men liberated the village in 1949.解放军于1949年解放了那个村庄.
16.In today's5) liberated world, it is difficult to understand how important this6) event was for7) womankind.在今天这个妇女解放的世界,我们很难理解这件事对妇女的重要性。
17.The relative merits between "degradable" and "non-degradable" radiolabeled pyrimidine analogues have been compared in this paper.本文比较可分解及不可分解放射性标帜嘧啶核苷酸之个别优点。
18.Liberation Times of Individual Expression-Blog Literature s Rising and Personal Charm;个人表达的解放时代—博客文学的兴起与个性魅力

individual liberation个性解放
1.On the man s completely development and individual liberation;论人的全面发展与个性解放
2.Lu ling regarded desire as the motive force of "primitive power" which was an inseparable part for revealing the "trauma of spiritual slavery",both aiming at "individual liberation".路翎以欲望作为"原始强力"的推力,与揭示"精神奴役的创伤"是不可分割的一体,都指向"个性解放"同一目标。
3.The twentieth century has been a change in theories of curriculum evaluation,from being target fulfillment-oriented to being individual liberation-oriented.20世纪以来,西方课程评价理论实现了从目标实现型课程评价到个性解放型课程评价的转变。
3)individuality liberation个性解放
1.Disciples of the Zhang School and the modern thoughts of individuality liberation;章门弟子与近代个性解放思潮
2.As the representative person in the aesthetic movements in the latter of Ming Dynasty,years Li Zhi preached his opinion of individuality liberation through his theory of "innocent mind".作为晚明美学思潮的代表性人物 ,李贽通过“童心说”揭起了个性解放的大旗。
3.So the individuality liberation,the female liberation and society liberation is the essence of May 4th literature which is the starting of the modern literature.五四时代是一个启蒙与救亡并存的时代,因此,作为现代文学发轫的五四文学,个性解放、女性解放、社会解放就成为其基本主题。
4)individual emancipation个性解放
1.Two portraits of pioneers in the east and west for individual emancipation——the comparison of the characteristics between Hamlet and China Pao-yu;东西方两个个性解放的先驱形象——哈姆雷特与贾宝玉之性格比较
2.His masterpiece "A Woman", through her encounter with and fighting against the society around her, describes a miserable life of this woman who is mad for individual emancipation under the given historic background, and social condit.代表作《一个女人》把一个狂热追求个性解放的女人悲惨的一生,通过她同周围社会之间的纠葛和抗争,摆在特定历史背景和社会条件下描写出来,对于认识当时的日本社会,了解有岛武郎的文学世界,都有一定的价值。
5)liberation of individuality个性解放
1.Jane Eyre has outstanding personality and great vitality in the constant strife for the liberation of individuality.简·爱有着超凡的个性,旺盛的生命力,始终为个性解放而据理力争着,反抗和追求成了她生活的全部。
2.From the three aspects of social reality, social culture as well as social economic exchange, the author of this paper expounds and proves the progressiveness expressed by Wang Shi-fu in his Romance of Western Chamber when he lashes out at monks, approves the liberation of individuality and eulogizes the pure love.从社会现实、社会文化及社会经济交流三方面论证了王实甫在《西厢记》里抨击僧侣、肯定个性解放、歌颂纯真爱情时体现出的进步性。
6)the personal emancipation thoughts个性解放思潮
1.This depends on the female foxes culture ,the personal emancipation thoughts and the author s character.在明末个性解放思潮的影响下,《聊斋志异》塑造了一批敢于主动追求爱情,并表现出爱情的坚贞性和执着性的情狐形象。

性解放性解放sex liberation  性社会学名。亦称性解放运动。是资产阶级一种要求性行为有绝对自由的理论。性解放运动起源于欧美,由19世纪末、20世纪初开始及六七十年代形成高峰。针对欧美传统的以神道压人道的做法,以及社会上普遍存在的对性问题的禁锢,性解放运动不失为争取人类的权利,特别是青年人自由的良方。从这个意义上讲,性解放运动具有一定的反宗教、反传统陋习的积极意义。但是,在性解放的实际发展中,由于资产阶级的极端利己主义和自由化,性解放运动渐渐失去了它的积极作用,成为一些人纵欲、淫乱、不负责任、追求利己原则的护身符和代名词。这从20世纪60年代出现的美国的“嬉皮 士”运动中即可窥豹一斑。这就萌生了一系列的社会弊病:吸毒、无父母儿童的出现、卖淫、同性恋及性犯罪等等。正因为这些原因,性解放成为人们憎恶的名词,也使它本身走上衰败的道路。