高雅文化,elegant culture
1)elegant culture高雅文化
1.The program keeps adapting its operating policy to make the elegant culture popular among the mass and make itself the vehicle to improve the taste of the mass culture.CCTV10的《百家讲坛》是央视最具文化品位的栏目,在其发展历程中不断调整栏目运作机制,逐渐成为高雅文化走向大众,提高大众文化品位与文化素养的大众传媒平台。
2.He thought that not only popular culture but also elegant culture were all corroded and distorted.但是我们也应该看到,阿多诺不是简单浮浅地予以否定,他认为不论是大众文化还是高雅文化,都被资本主义侵蚀和歪曲了,二者都有应该受到批判的部分。
3.The forms of culture are divided into mass culture,elegant culture and dominant culture.当代中国社会转型期,随着社会的分化,审美文化分化为大众文化、高雅文化和主导文化。

1.High Culture and Popular Culture from the Perspective of Cultural Consumers;从文化消费者的视角看高雅文化与通俗文化
2.High Culture versus Low Culture:The Debate from a Cultural-Studies Perspective;高雅文化对低俗文化:从文化研究的视角进行的讨论
3.“Deng Xiaoping s Theory Boom”-A Reasonable Choice of Refined Culture on Campus;“邓小平理论热”:校园高雅文化的理性选择
4.Predicament and Extrication: the Value Evaluation of Elegant Culture in the Mass Medium--A Case Study on Lecture Room;困境与突围:大众传媒时代高雅文化的价值选择——以《百家讲坛》为例
5.Establish Elegant Culture,Further Quality Education --Practice and Exploration of GNTC Campus Culture;构建高雅文化 推进素质教育——赣南师范学院校园文化建设的实践与探索
6.Elegant Art Production:Development of Advanced Culture高雅文艺生产:先进文化的发展要求
7.Refinement, grace, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners.文雅,高雅行动、外表或举止的高雅、文雅与美丽
8.Refinement and elegance of manner; polished courtesy.举止文雅,彬彬有礼举止高雅和文雅;优雅的礼节
9.refine one's manners, taste, language使举止更优雅、 趣味更高雅、 语言更文雅.
10.in the 5th century BC ancient Athens was the world's most powerful and civilized city.公元前世纪,雅典是全世界文化成就最高的城市。
11.From Red Sorghum to Hero--On the Change of Refined and Popular Culture in Zhang Yi-mou s Cultural Film;从《红高梁》到《英雄》——论张艺谋文化电影的俗雅之变
12.Construct Cultivated Campus Culture and Improve Educational Environment in New Colleges;对新建高校营造高雅校园文化优化育人环境的思考
13.a gentle, quiet and unassuming manner高雅、 文静而谦逊的态度.
14.He is admired for the elegance of his writing.他文风高雅令人钦佩.
15.An expression characterized by conciseness and elegance.高雅严谨的用语,文雅的言词简明高雅的表达方式
16.Highbrow and popular culture meet at the Tennispalatsi with its museums and movie theaters.高雅与通俗文化交汇在坦尼斯宫的博物馆与电影院。
17.Marked by refinement in taste and manners; cultured; polished.高尚的,有教养的品味和举止优雅的;有文化的;有修养的
18.The Garden Melody is an elegant music feast which is made up of cocktail, dinner and concert.花园乐典》旨在打造一场高雅独特的音乐文化盛宴。

refined culture高雅文化
1.In recent years,“Deng Xiaoping s theory boom”has drawn great attention in campus activities of refined culture,which shows a great integrated effect of refinement with popularity,extensireness with specialization and innovation with pragmatism.近些年来在校园高雅文化活动中 ,“邓小平理论学习热”引人注目 ,体现出强烈的高雅性与平俗性、广博性与专业性、创新性与务实性的融合效应。
3)Elegant Art高雅文艺
1.Elegant Art Production:Development of Advanced Culture;高雅文艺生产:先进文化的发展要求
4)the elegant culture雅文化
1.In the course of the development,the elegant culture had related closely with wine.中国古代雅文化是指由文人士大夫阶层所创作的、和民俗文化相对而言的知识阶层文化。
5)refined culture雅文化
1.From Red Sorghum to Hero, Chinese cultural element in Zhang Yi-mou s cultural film obviously shows three different aspects: from popular culture to refined culture, from the transmission of negative messages to the transmission of positive messages and from criticism to appreciation.从《红高粱》到《英雄》,张艺谋的文化电影中对中国文化元素的展现,明显地表现出从俗文化到雅文化,从传递负面信息到正面信息,从批判到赞赏的转变。
6)elegant and vulgar cultures雅俗文化
1.There exists a close relationship between the expenditures on the products of elegant and vulgar cultures and the structure of human quality,in which the problems occurring at present has in some degree led the want of the masses?quality and the loss resulted from the both above.雅俗文化产品消费与人的素质构建关系十分密切。
