短信,short message
1)short message短信
1.Design that owing to that the GPRS short message controls system software;基于GPRS的短信控制系统软件设计
2.The Design and Implementation of the Short Message Platform Based on Smart Client;基于智能客户端的短信平台的设计与开发
3.Scheme for short message communication based on Internet;基于Internet的移动短信互通设计方案

1.Love begin with a message, grows with more messages, and ends with no message.爱情从一条短信开始,在更多的短信中成长,在没有短信中结束!
2.Establishment of SMS platform for the college using GSM modem;应用GSM短消息服务构建学院短信平台
3.This note was delivered by hand.这封短信经由专人送交。
4." And he wrote me a note.接着他留了封短信给我。
5.She dropped me a line.她给了我一封短信
6.It is only a short letter, I suppose.我想这只是一封短信
7.The note was delivered by hand.这封短信经由专人送交.
8.SMS-2008:An Annotated Chinese Short Messages CorpusSMS-2008标注中文短信息库
9.The SMS notice system base on jSMSEngine基于jSMSEngine的短信通知系统
10.Oh, well, I want to send text messages, too. I love sending messages.哦,好的,我也想发短信息。我喜欢发短信息。
11.Rich Content in Mobile Phone Brief Message--An Analysis of the rhetoric art of mobile phone brief message;小小“短信”乾坤大——手机短信修辞艺术分析
12.Theoretical and practical discussion on "Message Culture" on the basis of students' short message基于短信平台的短信文化教育理论与实践探讨
13.Short message spreading in complex networks and longevity of short message手机短信息传播过程和短信息寿命研究
14.He received a note dispatched by a carrier pigeon.他收到一封由信鸽传送的短信
15.Drop me a line or a postcard when you get a minute .有空就给我写封短信或寄张明信片。
16.I rushed off a note in time for this mornings post.我赶就一封短信,好赶上今早发信时间。
17.UML-Based SMS Aided Ofice Information System Design;基于UML的短信辅助办公信息系统设计
18.A brief informal letter.短笺简短非正式的信

SMS[英][,es em 'es][美]['?s '?m '?s]短信
1.Program Design of SMS Receiving and Sending Based on GSM Module MC35 and VB;基于VB和MC35模块的短信收发程序设计
2.Application of the mobile-business technology based on SMS in small and medium-sized enterprises informationization;短信移动商务技术在中小企业信息化中的应用
3.Design of power network voltage monitoring instrument based on SMS technique of GSM;基于GSM短信技术的电网电压监测仪研制
3)short messages短信
1.Exploration and Research on Setting up 110 Police Reporting System Based on Short Messages;开设“110”短信报警探究
2.This paper analyzes the solutions of developing short message system,introduces the technology of developing enterprise individuation short messages system quickly based on Web interface.分析了计算机短信系统的构建方案,提出了基于Web的企业个性化短信系统快速构建技术,给出了相应的短信收发程序实例。
3.In recent years,"thumb literature" with short messages from cell phones as its carrier,is becoming a new culture phenomenon,which has attracted wide attention from the society.近年来,以手机短信等新媒体为载体的"拇指文学"成为新的文化现象,受到社会各界的广泛关注。
1.Research on message software platform based on the ways to the connection;基于接入方式的短信平台研究
2.Henan Provincial Meteorological Service Message Flatform;河南省气象服务短信平台
3.A Study on the Weather Message Forecasting Platform for the Promotion of Agriculture in Yantai and Its Utilization;烟台市兴农气象短信预报服务平台的研究与应用
1.Design and implementation of short-message service platform;多级可扩展短信平台的设计与实现
2.In the article, a short-message platform of data broadcasting is designed on CATV networks and its corresponding function structure is described generally.在CATV网络中设计了数据广播的短信平台,给出了相应的功能结构,并且根据DVB的DSM-CCDownload规范和短信业务的具体特点制定出了相应的数据传输协议,利用数据轮方式进行播出,实现了短信的数据广播业务。
6)Short information短信信息
