1.Study on improving bonding capability of polysulfide sealant;提高聚硫密封剂粘接性能的研究
2.Study on one-component RTV fluoro-silicone adhesive/sealant;单组分室温硫化氟硅橡胶胶粘剂/密封剂的研究

1.testing methods for sealant for automobiles汽车用密封剂试验方法
3.sealing compound电缆膏; 封口膏, 密封剂, 油灰, 腻子; 电瓶封口填料; 密封接合物
4.British Adhesives and Sealants Association (BASA)英国胶粘剂及密封剂协会
5.Swedish Adhesive and Sealants Association瑞典胶粘剂及密封剂协会
6.We specialize in anaerobic adhesive.本厂是专业的生产厌氧密封剂的企业。
7.LIT Glue and Its Application in Increasing Gas Suction;LIT密封剂及其在煤层气增采中的应用
8.Study on High-Strength RTV Silicone Sealant高强度有机硅密封剂的耐热性能研究
9.Effects of the Magnesium-series Flame Retardant Agents on the Properties of Polysilicone Sealant;镁系阻燃剂对有机硅密封剂性能的影响
10.Effect of vulcanizing agent on heat resistance of silicone sealant硫化剂对有机硅密封剂耐热性能的影响
11.Trim or remove excess sealant film in the rear main cap oil pan gasket groovDO NOT remove the sealant inside the rear main cap slots.修整或清除后主盖机油底壳垫圈凹槽中过多的密封剂薄膜。切勿清除在后主盖槽中的密封剂
12.Prediction for Service Life of Aeronautical Rubbers and Sealant by Computer Technique计算机辅助航空橡胶和密封剂老化寿命预测
13.Study on a novel heat resistant and fuel resistant polythioether sealant新型耐高温耐油聚硫代醚密封剂的研究
14.Summary and Domestic Research Progress ofSilylated Polyurethane Sealant硅改性聚氨酯密封剂综述及国内研究进展
15.Effect of phenyl content on heat resistance of silicone sealant不同苯基含量的有机硅密封剂耐热性能研究
16.Investigation on Radioactive Level of Gauges Containing Sealed Radioactive Source in Xinjiang;新疆含密封源仪表辐射剂量水平调查
17.Application of Bonding Agent and Sealing Compound to Countryside Coaches粘接剂和密封胶在乡村客车上的应用
18.Study of Sealant Gels for Vascular Anastomosis with Adhesive, Cyanoacrylate Glue and Intravascular Soluble Hollow Stents血管粘接吻合密封胶(剂)的实验研究

1.Modified polysulfide sealants for insulating-glass;改性聚硫中空玻璃密封剂
2.The preparation methods on deketoxime RTV 1 silicone rubber adhesives for polyolefin plastics,ethylene propylene rubber,silicone rubber,chlorinated PE and with lusterless surface and deketoxime one component RTV 1 silicone rubber sealants of anti flaming,electrically conductive,lower smelly,fast cured at deep of sealants type were introduced particularly.详细介绍了能粘聚烯烃塑料、乙丙橡胶、硅橡胶、氯化聚乙烯及表面消光的脱酮肟型单组分室温硫化 (RTV - 1)硅橡胶胶粘剂和阻燃、导电、低臭味、深层快硫化型脱酮肟型RTV - 1硅橡胶密封剂的配制方
3.The preparation of silicon modified polyether and silicon modified polyurethane was introduced,and the formulations,properties and application of silicon modified sealants were described.简要地回顾了硅改性聚醚和硅改性聚氨酯密封剂的出现和发展 ,对硅改性聚醚和硅改性聚氨酯的制备作了简要的介绍 ,并对硅改性密封剂的配方、性能和应用作了进一步阐述。
1.Development and Applications of Self Lubrication Sealants;自润滑密封注剂的研制及应用
4)LIT glueLIT密封剂
5)gas sealing agent气密封剂
6)sealant gel密封胶(剂)

密封剂分子式:CAS号:性质: 一种随密封面形状而变形,不易流淌,有一定黏结性的密封材料,也称密封胶。以高分子材料为基体,在各种机械的静接合部位,防止外部杂质侵入和内部介质泄漏,具有良好密封作用的材料。分为黏结型和非黏结型两大类。黏结型又分为弹性型、热熔型和厌氧型等;非黏结型又分为干性固着型、干性剥离型、半干性黏弹型和不干性黏着型等。具有防泄漏、防水、防振动及隔音、隔热等作用。通常以沥青、天然或合成树脂、天然或合成橡胶等干性或非干性的黏稠物为基料,配合滑石粉、白土、炭黑、钛白粉和石棉等惰性填料,再加入增塑剂、溶剂、固化剂、促进剂等制成。广泛用于化工、机械、建筑、交通运输、电子仪表及零部件的密封。