1.On Ergonomics in light of the Design of Individual Desks for Art Majors;从“美术专用课桌椅”设计谈人机工程学
2.The application of ergonomics to the printing machinery;人机工程学在印刷机械中的应用
3.Design of Control Panel for NC Machine Tools Based on Ergonomics;基于人机工程学的数控机床控制面板设计

1.Application of Erqonomics on the Engineering Machine Design;人机工程学在工程机械设计中的应用
2.man-machine engineering in electronic equipment电子设备人机工程学
3.aerospace ergonomics航空航天人机工程学
4.Design Foundation Course--Educational Exploration of Man-Machine Engineering;设计基础课程——人机工程学教学探索
5.Design of the elderly walking aids based on ergonomics基于人机工程学的老年人助行器设计
6.Research and Practice of Teaching Innovation of Human Engineering Course;人机工程学课程教学改革的研究与实践
8.The Application of Human Factors Engineering in Making of Slides;应用人机工程学原理制作Powerpoint
9.On Ergonomics in light of the Design of Individual Desks for Art Majors;从“美术专用课桌椅”设计谈人机工程学
10.Ergonomic Study Based on Universal Design Ideas;基于通用设计理念的人机工程学研究
11.Color Scheme of Working Space Based on Ergonomics;基于人机工程学的作业空间色彩设计
12.Research on Ergonomics in Web-based Courseware Design;Web课件设计中的人机工程学问题研究
13.Bedroom's Wall Lamp Design Based on Ergonomics基于人机工程学的卧室壁灯设计研究
14.The design of climbing stairs wheelchair based on ergonomics基于人机工程学的爬楼梯轮椅的设计
15.On the application of ergonomics in the landscape design浅谈人机工程学在景观设计中的应用
16.Function of Human Engineering in Industry Engineering Specialty and Teaching Research;人机工程学在工业工程专业中的作用及教学研究
17.Research and Development of Ergonomics System On Injection Molding Manufacture;注塑生产过程的人机工程学研究与应用
18.Research on Ergonomics Application on Earth-moving Machine Cab Packaging and Designing;人机工程学在工程机械驾驶室布置设计的应用研究

human engineering人机工程学
1.The design of the tennis wheelchair based on the human engineering;基于人机工程学的网球轮椅设计
2.Research and Practice on Course Teaching Mode of Human Engineering;“人机工程学”课程教学模式探索与实践
3.Barrier-free design based on human engineering about doors and windows for the elderly;基于人机工程学的老年人门窗无障碍设计
3)Man-machine engineering人机工程学
1.Inevitability of man-machine engineering applied in machine design;人机工程学在机械设计、制造中应用的必然性
2.Application of Man-Machine Engineering In the Design of Industrial Product;人机工程学在工业产品设计中的应用
3.Design Foundation Course——Educational Exploration of Man-Machine Engineering;设计基础课程——人机工程学教学探索
1.Innovation Development of Product Design for Enterprises——The new extension for the ergonomic study;企业产品设计创新点开发——人机工程学研究的新延伸
2.The design of climbing stairs wheelchair based on ergonomics基于人机工程学的爬楼梯轮椅的设计
3.Because of the physical characteristics of the human and keyboard functions,a modern health-ergonomics keyboard design is completed with the features,such as improved keyboard layout;hand pillow designed to support integration;press the "x architecture" technology,click "silent" effect,reduce noise;materials consider.基于人手的生理特点和键盘的人机功能,完成了现代健康型人机工程学键盘的设计,是对人机工程学键盘设计的尝试。
5)Human-machine engineering人机工程学
1.The Research of Human-Machine Engineering Principle-based Humanized Design for Small Model Sugar Cane Harvester;基于人机工程学原理的小型甘蔗收获机人性化设计研究
2.The principle of human-machine engineering combined with data of authropometry are employed to demonstrate.阐述了雷达显控台的人性化设计,结合工业设计中所包含的人机工程学原理及人体测量学的相关数据,对雷达显控台的造型设计和色彩搭配设计进行了详细的论述。
6)humanmachine engineering人机工程学人机工程学
