1.Study of modern educational technology on cardiology education reform现代教育技术在心血管病学教学中的应用

1.Study of modern educational technology on cardiology education reform现代教育技术在心血管病学教学中的应用
2.2 Huikui HV.Heart rate variability in coronary artery disease.J Inter Med,1995,237:347.1王振杰.心率变异性研究新进展.心血管病学进展,2000,21(6):350.
3."Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Disease) [DABIM (Cv)]"美国内科医学委员会文凭(心血管病)
4.Research on Pharmacodynamics of Tea Polyphenols with Cardiovascular Disease茶多酚在心血管疾病方面药效学研究
5.TCM Chronomedicine and Cardiovasular Disease Treatment浅谈中医时间医学与心血管疾病治疗
7.The Study on the "Wind Disease" Theory in Treating Angina of Coronary Heart Disease and Creating Blood Vessel;从风病学说论治冠心病心绞痛及其血管生成作用的研究
8.otic congenital angiocardiopathy紫绀型先天性心血管病
9.Practical Journal of Cardiac Cerebral Pneumal and Vascular Disease实用心脑肺血管病杂志
10.A prevalence investigation of risk factors of cardiovascular disease in school age children学龄期儿童心血管疾病危险因素现状调查
11.A Cross-Sectional Study on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Urban Schoolchildren in China;城市学龄儿童心血管疾病危险因素的现况研究
12.A Cross Sectional Study on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Rural Schoolchildren in China;农村学龄期儿童心血管疾病危险因素现状调查
13.Study on Computer Aided Diagnosis for Cardiovascular Disease Based on Medical Images;基于医学影像的心血管疾病辅助诊断方法研究
14.Matrix metalloproteinases and cardiovascular disease and its significance in forensic medicine;基质金属蛋白酶与心血管疾病及其法医学意义
15.Advances of molecular imaging in gene therapy of cardiovascular diseases心血管疾病基因治疗的分子影像学研究进展
16.Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Cardiovascular Diseases血管旁脂肪组织与心血管疾病的关系
17.The Prevalence and Effects of Dental Anxiety in Patients with a Documented History of Cardiovascular Disease before Tooth Extraction;心血管病患者拔牙牙科焦虑症的流行病学调查及其对心血管系统的影响
18.Leading Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease with Scientific Evidence and Management;用科学的证据和科学的管理指引心血管疾病的防治

3)Advances In Cardiovascular Diseases心血管病学进展
4)Cardiovascular disease心血管病
1.Preoperative management of 306 advanced age patients combined cardiovascular disease with colorectal cancer;合并心血管病高龄结直肠癌病人围手术期处理
2.Relationship of insulin resistance with cardiovascular disease among Mongoalian people;蒙古族人群胰岛素抵抗与心血管病关系
3.The trend of changes in cardiovascular disease of Uighur population in hotan Xinjiang China.A ten year study from 1996 to 2005;新疆墨玉县及皮山县医院维吾尔族住院病人心血管病病种10年演变回顾性研究
5)Cardiovascular diseases心血管病
1.Consecutive analysis on the death of cardiovascular diseases among Hefei city s residents in 1987~2001;合肥市居民1987~2001年心血管病死亡动态分析
2.Analysis on the epidemiological features of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in the rural population of southern Jiangsu province;江苏农村发达地区心血管病危险因素流行特征分析
3.Evidence-based medicine in cardiovascular diseases;心血管病领域循证医学的发展
1.A Study on Angiocardiopathy of Yunnan Nationalities Institute;云南民族学院心血管病患病情况研究
2.Objective: to probe into proper times of temperature taking for angiocardiopathy patients after admission.[目的]探讨心血管病病人入院后常规体温测定的合适次数。
3.Objective It is to comprehend the mechanism of atherosclerosis of carotid artery and its early symptom through control study of color Doppler flow imaging of carotid artery with blood-sugar and blood-lipid in angiocardiopathy.目的 通过对心血管病的患者颈动脉彩超表现与血脂和血糖的对照研究 ,了解颈动脉粥样硬化的发生机制及其的早期症状。

心血管病心血管病 即"心血管疾病"。