1.Hermeneutics and the Methodological Transformation of Psychology;释义学与心理学的方法论变革
2.According to Gadamer,hermeneutics is fundamentally not a matter of scientific methodology, nor the activity that a subject knows an object; but action of human existence.在伽达默尔看来 ,释义学基本上不是一个认为科学方法论的问题 ,不是主体认识客体的主观意识活动 ,而是人类基本的存在活动。
3.This easy aims at appoying the modern discourse theory of hermeneutics to literary translation,it focuses on the study of the essence and validity of Qian s translation theory and tries to prove the possibility of building up trypical Chinese translatology.本文旨在运用现代话语理论对钱钟书“化境”论所涉及的翻译基本理论问题进行探讨 ,并结合利科的释义学理论 ,重点探讨了钱钟书先生译学观的理论实质及其合理性。

1.Interpretation and returning--A contemporary probe into Marxism philosophy in perspective of interpretation;释义与还原——马克思主义哲学当代性的释义学探讨
2.Comments on Sociological,Psychological and Structuralist Explication评社会学释义、心理学释义和结构主义释义
3.The Principle and application of Word-annotation and Sentence-annotation;词义训释与文意训释的学理及其应用
4.Cognitive Linguistics and Its Revelation to Dictionary Explanation认知语言学理论对词典释义的阐释力
5.The Interpretative Theory of Translation:from the Perspective of Philosophy of Language释义理论的语言哲学诠释——语言哲学的新增长点
6.One who expresses or sets forth dogma.教义学者阐述或解释教义的人
7.A Combination of Explaining Structurism, Late Modernism and Studies on Explanation;解构主义—后现代主义—解释学之交汇
8.On the Rational Integration Annotation Patterns of the Chinese Marxism’s Hermeneutics;中国马克思主义解释学的理性整合型诠释模式
9.On reform-annotation pattern of the Chinese Marxism hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的改革型诠释范式
10.On Revolution-Annotation Pattern of Chinese Marxism s Hermeneutics;试论中国马克思主义解释学的革命型诠释模式
11.Toward a Hermeneutics of Marxism--on the Interpreting Theory of Jameson;走向马克思主义的阐释学——詹姆逊的阐释理论
12.Discussion on Comprehensive Innovation Annotation Pattern of the Chinese Marxism's Hermeneutics中国马克思主义解释学的综合创新型诠释范式
13.Literature Interpretation of Sartre s Existentialism Principles;萨特存在主义哲学思想的文学化阐释
14.The Feathers and Value of Hermeneutics in the Modern Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment;现代医学“诊疗”的解释学特征及其意义
15.The Theory and Practice of Scientism in the Horizon of Hermeneutics;解释学视域中科学主义的理论与实践
16.On meaning of study of marxist philosophy from the perspective of the hermeneutics;从解释学观点看马克思主义哲学研究的意义
17.The students were asked to explain the meaning of the poem?教师要求学生解释那首诗的含义。
18.Definite Indirect Anaphora Resolution: A Cognitive Exploration;有定间接回指释义的认知语言学探索

literary interpretation文学释义
1.” is a proposition for literary interpretation in ancient Chinese literary criticism.“诗无达诂”是古代文论中一个有关文学释义的纲领性命题。
3)Explanation of "the Science of Law"法学"释义
4)hermeneutics structure释义学结构
1.The principle of proportionality is a significant principle in modem public law,whose hermeneutics structure is always considered consisting of three subordinate principles,that is,propriety,necessity and proportionality principle in narrow sense.比例原则作为现代公法上的一个很重要的原则,其释义学结构一般被认为是由三个亚原则构成,即适当性、必要性及狭义比例原则。
5)interpretative semantics解释语义学
6)hermeneutical significance诠释学意义

《温病学释义》《温病学释义》 《温病学释义》   温病著作。《中医临床参考丛书》之一。江苏新医学院主编。上篇为总论部分,阐述温病的概念,温病、伤寒的区别,温病与温疫的关系,并对温病的病因、病机、诊断及治法等做了扼要而全面的介绍;下篇各论部分,能融会古今温病临床医家的学术经验,介绍风温、春温、暑温、湿温、伏暑、秋燥、温毒、温疫等多种病证的证候、病机、治法和方剂,并附医案。附篇部名著选撰,选取叶香岩、陈平伯、薛生白、余师愚等有关温病的著述加以诠释,对读者有一定的启发,末附方剂索引。总论各论编排得宜、内容丰富、全面系统、非常适合作为教材。1973年由上海人民出版社出版。