酒店业,hotel industry
1)hotel industry酒店业
1.Trends of hotel industry development in China;中国酒店业发展趋势探讨
2.A Study on Potential and Competitiveness about Hotel Industry;酒店业潜力和竞争力研究
3.Research on the Introduction and Implementation of Experiential Marketing into Hotel Industry;体验营销在酒店业的引入与实施研究

1.Hotel REITs and Its Enlightenment to the Hotel Industry of China;酒店REITs及其对我国酒店业的启示
2.A person who manages an inn or a hotel.酒店业主经营酒馆或旅馆的人
3.Are you more interested in the hotel industry or in the hotel education?记者:您对在酒店业工作或在酒店教育界从业哪个更感兴趣?
4.The Impact of American & European Hotels on Chinese Hotels;欧美酒店业的现状及其对中国酒店业发展的启示
5.On the Application of Activity-based Cost (ABC) in Hospitality Industry;作业成本法(ABC)在酒店业的应用性研究
6.Performance Management for HRM in Hotel Industry--Taking Oriental Hotel Weifang for Example酒店业人力资源管理之绩效管理——以潍坊市东方大酒店为例
7.The Restructuring of Macau's Hotel under the Global Financial and Some Suggestions on the Mainland's Hotel Industry金融危机背景下澳门酒店的重构对大陆酒店业的启示
8."Executive Director, Hong Kong Hotels Association"香港酒店业协会执行总干事
9.Star-rated Hotel, Economy Hotel, Apartment House and also we good at housekeeping service and management,etc.星级酒店、经济型酒店、各类物业、公寓式酒店、家政管理等等。
10.This used to is a pub but the landlord have lose his licence.这 子原是酒店, 但店主已丧失营业执照。
11.This used to be a pub but the landlord have lose his licence这 子原是酒店, 但店主已丧失营业执照
12.Hotel Practice Management Based on the Research of Practice Psychology;基于酒店专业学生实习心理谈酒店实习管理
13.Investigation and Analysis on Internship Situation of Hospitality Management in Hotel;高专酒店管理专业酒店实习情况的调查与分析
14.The Research on the Education of Professional Ethics of the Students Majoring in Hotel Management;酒店管理专业学生职业道德教育简论
15.This used to be a pub but the landlord have lost his licence.这屋子原是酒店,但店主已丧失营业执照。
16.Located in the heart of where you want to be!香港丽东酒店是座落于北角商业区的四星级酒店。
17.This used to be a pub but the landlord has lost his licence, ie is no longer permitted to sell alcoholic drinks.这 子原是酒店, 但店主已丧失营业执照(再不允许卖酒了).
18.A Study on Human Resources Supply and Demand of Hotels in the City of Dalian--Take the Hotels with Stars in the City of Dalian as an Example;酒店管理专业人才供需的问题与对策——以大连市高星级酒店为例

hospitality industry酒店业
1.The Research on Core Competence of Hospitality Industry in China;中国酒店业核心竞争力研究
2.Entrepreneurship plays a key role in obtaining sustainable competitive advantages,especially in the dynamic and rapidly evolving hospitality industry.本文对酒店业的创业者特质、创业过程和创业的关键成功要素研究进行了较为系统的回顾和分析,同时也指出,目前酒店业的创业研究尚不成熟,存在许多值得探索和研究的领域。
3.Some policy recommendations are made in the end to promote energy conservation in hospitality industry in Shenzhen.本文在市场调查的基础上,总结了深圳市酒店业的能耗特点和节能现状,分析了制约深圳市酒店业节能改造的主要因素,最后提出了促进深圳市酒店业节能改造的政策建议。
3)hotel business酒店业
1.Problems and measures for hotel business in Pan-Pearl-River Delta region;泛珠江三角洲地区酒店业发展的问题与对策
2.In order to survive and develop among the harsh competition, Chinese hotel businesses need to fulfill the transformation of concepts, change the means of development, create new approaches of management and services, and to enhance customer satisfaction.中国酒店业要在越来越激烈的竞争中生存与发展,就必须不断地实现观念的变革,转变增长方式,创新管理和服务,提高顾客满意度。
3.The hotel business is the important component of tourism trade industry.酒店业作为我国朝阳产业的旅游业的重要组成部分,在我国的经济建设,特别是改革开放以来,扮演着前沿阵地的重要角色。
1.Though an indispensable part,the hospitality industry is under influence of MICE industry.酒店作为开展会展活动不可缺少的一部分,其发展深受会展活动的影响,文章以上海浦东会展业为例,分析会展业发展对酒店业产生的影响包括:①酒店空间布局呈聚集趋势;②酒店经济收益日渐显著;③酒店商务客人比重增加并对住宿需求呈两极化;④会议市场成为酒店积极开拓的市场。
2.This paper uses the correlative theory of clusters, and based on the key point of programming denovo of Shenzhen city spatial arrangement and Baoan industry conversion upgrade, discussing the industry character and development strategy of interlocal hospitality clusters from several aspects, in order to provide tactics for the baoan hospitality development, and mak.基于深圳城市功能的空间规划调整和宝安产业升级的发展战略转型,本文借鉴产业集群发展的相关理论,深入探讨了区域酒店业集群的产业特征,系统地研究了宝安区酒店业集群化的发展战略,为宝安区从工业主导型产业区向以服务业主导型区转型升级提供策略支撑。
3.In the future, the human factor will be the dominate factor of sustainable development of hospitality, but the human resources management of most domestic hotels are still use the traditional management method.21世纪,全球酒店业将面临着一个人才与技术带来的酒店业战略性变化,未来的酒店业可持续发展的主导因素是"人"的因素,但我国的酒店业人力资源管理大多仍停留在以"事"为中心的管理模式中。
1.Research of Cleaning Production Administration Mode in Tourism Hotel Industry;清洁生产在旅游酒店业中的应用研究
2.Based on the analysis of the obstacle and solution of the development of the hotel company groups, the article points out that the hotel company groups should change the managing idea.对目前国内酒店集团的发展所存在的内在和外在的障碍及国内酒店集团的发展对策进行探讨 ,认为国内酒店集团需要有明确的发展战略 ,应通过转变经营观念、增强实力、主动开拓等克服内在障碍 ,同时以进取精神、示范效应推动酒店业整体的观念转变和经营体制的改革 ,以消减外在障碍 ,求得集团的发
3.Based on the analysis on the trends and factors for hotel s development,this article points out that the hotels in Mainland China are facing the challenges and opportunities for development.本文通过对酒店业发展趋势及其影响因素的简单分析,指出现在我国酒店业面临着发展的新机遇。
6)hotel industry酒店行业
1.Design of management information system in hotel industry;酒店行业MIS系统设计
2.At the same time, as the international Hotel industry giants have entered the Chinese market, it makes the domestic hotel industry suffer the impact.本文首先在分析了国内酒店行业的发展趋势以及自然村度假酒店的营销现状的基础上,对自然村度假酒店的市场营销环境进行了分析,对自然村度假酒店营销中存在的问题进行了深刻分析。
