1.of them, self-driving tourists are many.据统计,在2002年的春节黄 金周,全国旅游总人数达五千万,而其中自驾车旅游则更是今年春节黄金周的一个新亮点,不少人是在 车轮上过的春节。
2.This article analyzes the actual state and characteristic of self-driving market,the current state of service system for self-driving tourists to Taining,Then put forward how to establish the service system for self-driving tourist from accommodation,sightseeing,shopping,recreation,information and security aspects.文章在分析泰宁自驾车旅游市场现状及特点、泰宁自驾车游客服务系统现状的基础上,从食、住、行、游、购、娱、信息以及安全保障等方面提出了建设泰宁自驾车游客服务系统的措施和建议。
3.89 millions in China; and the yearly potential sales volume of self-driving tour is estimated at RMB 24.自驾车旅游是近年来迅速兴起的旅游项目,截至2003年年底,全国个人轿车保有量已达到489万辆,自驾车旅游全年所蕴藏的商机达249亿元,具有极大的开发潜力。

1.A Primary Study on the Constructionof Self-drive Travel Network;构建我国自驾车旅游网络的初步探讨
2.The Initial Probe into Development Measures of Driving-tourism in Red Triangular Area;红三角自驾车旅游产品开发对策研究
3.Problems in Drive Travel and Countermeasures;我国自驾车旅游存在的问题及其对策
4.Research of Self-driving Group Tourists Behavior“二合一”:自驾车旅游团顾客的需求分析
5.On Logistics Services of Self-driving Tour基于自驾车旅游物流服务的几点思考
6.Research on Vehicle Automated Driving Based on Driving Simulator;基于汽车驾驶模拟器的车辆自动驾驶研究
7.The Backup lights come on when the driver shifts into reverse.驾驶员倒车时,倒车灯会自动开启。
8.John cracked his new car up while driving across the bridge.约翰驾车过桥时把自己的新车撞毁了。
9.He can drive his car to work or go by bus.他可以自己驾车上班或乘公车。
10.Vehicle maintenance before self-drive journey by car owners DIY自驾游前汽车的检查与保养——车主DIY
11.He drove off down the ancient highway, laughing quietly.他驾车在古老的路上疾驰,暗自发笑。
12.Refresher Course on Automatic Gearbox Appliance自动波消防车驾驶复修课程
13.Driving while drinking whisky you would take your life in your hands.一面喝威士忌一面驾车,形同自杀。
14.the shaped bar used to steer a bicycle.驾驶自行车的定型的金属条。
15.The Random Vibration Analysis of the Cab Structure of a Mining Dump Truck某矿用自卸车驾驶室的随机振动分析
16.Autonomous Guided Vehicle Navigation System Design and Implementation on Model Car;小型智能车自动驾驶系统设计与实现
17.Research on the Technology of Wireless Remote Driving in Automatic Vehicle自动化小车的无线遥控驾驶技术研究
18."To ensure safety, do not wear the headphones while driving or cycling."为确保安全,请勿戴着耳机驾车或骑自行车

self-drive car租自驾车
3)drive travel自驾车旅游
1.In recent years drive travel has been developing rapidly in China,and it is only the beginning in Guangxi.近年来,自驾车旅游在我国发展迅速,广西自驾车旅游也开始起步。
2.Drive travel is a newly emerged focus in Chinese tourism market,but is obstructed due to lack of the safeguard,a complete network,information service and products for drive travellers.自驾车旅游已成为我国旅游市场的新亮点,但在其发展过程中也暴露出安全缺乏保障,配套设施和服务滞后,旅游信息不完善,产品匮乏等问题。
3.This article analyses the market characters of drive travel from the aspects of demography character,tourism motivation, tourism manner, tourism consumption and flowing rule.从人口学特征、旅游动机、旅游方式、旅游消费和空间流动规律等方面阐释了自驾车旅游市场特征,对自驾车旅游可持续发展提出了相应的对策。
4)self-driving travel自驾车旅游
1.Study on the development of self-driving travel in Nanyang南阳市自驾车旅游产品开发对策
2.With more and more Chinese families are enable to afford autos,self-driving travel is emerging as a popular mode travel in China.随着汽车进入百姓家庭,自驾车旅游在全国各地日益成为热点旅游形式。
3.With the advent of global experience economy,self-driving travel is widely loved with the feature of personalization and freedom.伴随着全球体验经济时代的到来,自驾车旅游以其极具个性化的特征越来越受到人们的喜爱。
5)Self-drive travel自驾车旅游
1.Constructing self-drive travel network is a guaranteeof regulating self-drive travelmarket,a competition for travel agentand it can promote relative industryto develop.构建自驾车旅游网络是规范自驾车旅游市场的保障,是旅行社竞争的新创意,可以促进相关产业的发展。
2.Self-drive travel is mainly about using vehicle as travel tool and self driving.“自驾车旅游”一词最早出现于上世纪的美国,是早年流行于发达国家的旅游形式,它主要指旅游者以汽车为主要交通工具,自己驾驶为主要手段,借助旅游目的地所拥有的特殊人文自然环境和相关设施,所进行的一系列吃、住、游、购、娱行为,是一种集健康、休闲、娱乐于一体的,充满个性化和无穷魅力的旅游活动。
6)self-driving tour自驾车旅游
1.Nowadays self-driving tour, widely accepted and loved with the prominent features of freedom, self-determination and self-help, is a fast-developing special travel item in the recent years.自驾车旅游以自由、自主、自助的突出特点被旅游者广泛接受和喜爱,是我国近几年快速发展的专项旅游。
2.Self-driving tour is now one of the new tourism styles in China, and is developing very fast in the recent years.自驾车旅游是国内旅游的新兴事物,正悄然地蓬勃发展。
3.The paper brings forward the idea of logistics services of self-driving tour,which integrates logistics services with the rising self-driving tour and tries to improve the service quality by a network of logistics services in tourism.自驾车旅游对交通线路、旅行社管理和景区配套服务提出新的要求,传统的旅游服务措施无法满足自驾车旅游的要求。
