1.A Research on the Training of Performing Aerobics in Colleges;初探普通高校表演性健美操的训练
2.Chinese wrestling,as ancient national sports,has its own skills,building body and performing.中国式摔跤作为我国古老的民族体育运动项目,具有很强的技巧性、健身性和表演性,其深厚的文化底蕴和独特的魅力,使得目前在各地有众多的练习者和爱好者。
3.This article take the Shubert impromptu and music instantaneous as an example, from "the duplication", "the color", and "performing" tripartite makes the preliminary analysis facing the Shubert piano sketch, pointed out it in at the creation style and the performance characteristic, was for the purpose of promulgating the Shubert piano sketch to express .本文以舒伯特即兴曲与音乐瞬间为例,从“重复性”、“色彩性”、及“表演性”三方面对舒伯特钢琴小品作初步分析,指出其在创作上的风格与演奏上的特色,旨在揭示舒伯特钢琴小品的抒情风格,及对此后写作亲切钢琴小品的作曲家的影响;并在此基础上对演奏舒伯特钢琴小品进行有益的探索。

1.From Historical Literary Narrative to Oral Narrative in-Performance;从历史性书面叙事到表演性口头叙事
2.Research on Performing Judgement and the Development of Performing Traditional P·E of National Minority;关于表演评判与表演性少数民族传统体育发展的研究
3.Current situation of infant basic performing gymnastics coaches in China;我国表演性幼儿基本体操教练员现状
4.An entertainment routine given regularly by a performer; an act.固定表演由表演者定期表演的娱乐性常规剧目;表演
5.His performance agreed with the disposition of the character.他的表演符合人物性格。
6.an entertainer's flamBoyant personality;表演者浮夸的性格;
7.You need to put some oomph into your acting.你需要表演得性感些。
8.Acting is an imitative art.表演是种模仿性艺术。
9.As the dancers swing their arms sensually,表演者性感地摆动双臂,
10.On the Emotional Experience and Rational Expression in Musical Performance论音乐表演中的感性体验与理性表达
11.The Performance Methods and Representative Movements of the Flower-drum Dance in the South of Henan Province;豫南花鼓灯的表演形式与代表性动作
12.The actor's explosive performance called all of the audience's attention.这个演员爆炸性的表演吸引了所有观众的注意。
13.Genders of the performers, when the performance begins and performing order is found to have no effect on the authenticity of the products.表演人员的性别、表演时间、节目表演的先后顺序对歌舞旅游产品真实性没有影响。
14.Marked or characterized by overacting; affectedly humorous or dramatic.表演夸张的以过火夸张表演为其特点的;虚假的幽默或戏剧性的
15.a vibrant atmosphere, personality,performance活跃的气氛、 活泼的个性、 有活力的表演
16.The performer reformed the performance of the transferred transformer.表演者改良了转让的变压器的性能.
17.The test pilots put the new planes through their paces.试验飞行员表演新型飞机的性能。
18.To represent dramatically, as on the stage.饰演戏剧性地表现,如在舞台上

1.Based on a critical understanding of Judith Butler s performativity theor.本文在对巴特勒表演性(performativity)理论进行批判性借鉴的基础上,融合其他表演学派思想,对《玛格丽·坎普之书》进行表演学解读,以期对当下寻求差异性生存的个体和群体有所启迪。
2.Educational emotion is the experience of the likes and dislikes of the activists in educational world toward the people and things of education with professionalization,instructiveness and performativity.教育感情是教育世界的活动者对教育人事的好恶体验,具有职业性、教育性与表演性
1.Before 1985 Bassnett following the research of theatre semiotics holds that performability should be a prerequisite for theatre translator.1985年之前她受到戏剧符号学研究的影响,重新审视戏剧翻译,认为戏剧翻译的评价标准是“可表演性”。
2.Susan Bassnett discussed key issues concerning drama translation and changed her position several times from performability to readability.著名翻译理论家Bassnett曾提出戏剧翻译应遵循可表演性原则,但后来她又修改了自己的观点,否定了可表演性原则,认为戏剧翻译应该回归到纯文学翻译领域。
3.Due to the dual nature of drama, translators are faced with a dilemma: whether to emphasize the literariness of drama, or to ensure its performability.戏剧的二元性使译者面临一个两难的困境:究竟是要突出戏剧的文学性,还是要保证其可表演性?此外,如何评价戏剧译文也是一个棘手的问题。
4)gender performativity性别表演
1.The paper examines the application of performability in drama translation to explore the limits of translatability in language and culture through a comparison of two English versions of Teahouse,and points out how the translator deals with limits of translatability in drama translation.文章从戏剧翻译的动态表演性出发,通过比较《茶馆》的两个英译本,分析了由于汉英两种语言存在的语言差异和文化差异而导致的语际翻译的可译性限度,并指出具体翻译中译者应持有的原则和方法。
2.Due to the special characteristics of drama, the principle of drama translation should be performability.本文从戏剧翻译的基本原则动态表演性出发,探讨了该原则在英若诚先生所译的《茶馆》中的具体运用。
6)acting dance-mixing表演性舞蹈
1.The teaching of dance at higher education must be made according to the conditions of the educatees,the available objects can be planned and achieved particulaly from the essential practice,the local and racial dance- mixing,the acting dance- mixing and the dance making skill.高师音乐专业舞蹈教学应根据实际情况,制定合理目标,着重从基本训练,民族民间舞组合、表演性舞蹈组合、编舞等四个方面加以培养,使学生成为能跳、能教、能导的合格中小学音乐教师。

表演性运动竞赛表演性运动竞赛exhibitional sports competition  表演性运动竟赛(exhibitional sportscompetition)通过有韵律的、准确优美的身体动作或姿势来进行表演、表达思想感情的竞赛活动,如艺术体操、韵律体操、竞技体操、技巧、花样滑冰、水上舞蹈等。竞赛中不与对手直接接触或对抗,而是通过表演者难、新、美的动作或造型,创造性的表演能力来征服观众、战胜对手,故它是创造性的艺术性的运动技术竞争。表演性运动竟赛不仅要有准确、协调、有节奏的动作表达,还要有各种心理品质做基础,如对动作、姿势的正确表象,对身体各部位与动作的确切认知,敏锐的洞察力、想像力和灵活的思考力,丰富的情感、审美情操及表现美的能力,创新意识和强烈的表演欲望等。 (刘淑慈撰马启伟审)