立方晶系,cubic crystal system
1)cubic crystal system立方晶系
1.It was made that small miller indices crystallographic planes standard equator plane projections of the cubic crystal system. 在详细阐述晶面(晶向)标准极射赤面投影原理及其完整投影图绘制过程的基础上,绘制了立方晶系常用的低指数晶面(晶向)标准极射赤面投影示图;应用"滑移三角块"扼要阐释了滑移系确定与优先滑移、复滑移、双滑移及晶体在滑移过程中的转动行为。
2.In this paper, by using the known angles between crystallographic planes and orientation and the interrelated regular of the crystallographic index, the small Miller indices crystallographic planes standard equator plane projection of the cubic crystal system is made.本文在讨论的基础上 ,运用已知的晶面晶向间夹角[3 ] ,和晶面指数相关规律 ,绘制了立方晶系常用的低指数晶面标准极射赤面投影
3.A theory and method on protracting the pole figure of(001)plane of cubic crystal system by analyzing the process of mathematics of pole figure are put forward and the computer protracting standard pole figure is obtained exactly.为了改变手工绘制极图的现状,分析了极图的数学过程,提出了用计算机绘制立方晶系(001)面极图的理论和方法,并获得了用计算机绘制的准确的极图,此工作具有一定创新性。

1.isometric system【物】立方系, 立方晶系
2.Another example of the cubic lattice system is the body-centered cubic crystal of cesium chloride.立方晶系的另一个例子是氯化铯的体心立方晶体。
3.The elastic constants of polycrystalline materials with cubic system structural single crystals具有立方晶系结构的多晶体材料的弹性常数——Y弹性常数
4.Simulation of the Projection Figure of Pole Point on Equator Plane of Cubic Crystal System立方晶系极射赤面投影图的计算机模拟
5.cubic (lattice) cell立方晶胞,立方点阵晶格
6.Perfect Dislocation Reaction Systems on {100}-{110}-{112} Planes in the BCC Lattice体心立方晶体{100}—{110}—{112}晶面上全位错反应系统
8.The pure compound tends to crystallize systematically into cubic form.纯化合物倾向于系统地结晶成立方形状。
9.Measurement of Microstructure Coefficients for Cubic Crystallite Orthorhombic Sheets by Tensile Tests立方晶粒正交板材微结构系数的拉伸试验确定
10.Relationship between the growth of cBN crystals and three major basic materials立方氮化硼晶体生长与三大基材的关系
11.An APPlication of the {110} Slip-system Pyramid in BCC Crystals to Determining Independent Slip-systems体心立方晶体{110}滑移系棱锥在确定独立滑移系时的应用
12.We also study the relation between the dielectric constant and lattice distortion of the PT tetragonal and cubic phase region.我们还研究了PT四方相区和立方相区介电常数与晶格畸变的关系。
13.Synthesis of Cubic Boron Nitride Microcrystals and Exploration of Growing Its Bulk Crystals;立方氮化硼微晶合成及体块晶体生长方法探索
14.Studies on the Lyotropic Liquid Crystallines Formed by Lipids and Imidazolium-Type Ionic Liquids;类脂立方液晶及咪唑类离子液液晶的研究
15.compound crystalline cubic boron nitride cutter立方氮化硼复合聚晶刀具
16.Cesium chloride is an example of a bodycentered cubic crystal.氯化铯是体心立方晶体的一个例子。
17.The Finite Element Simulation of F.C.C Poly-Crystalline Plastic Deformation;面心立方多晶体塑性变形有限元模拟
18.NTO Crystal Growth:From Fractal to Cube-shaped StructureNTO晶体生长:从分形结构到立方结构

non-cubic crystal system非立方晶系
1.The normal equation is developed by the least square equation method,and be used and obtain the basic form of non-cubic crystal system.利用最小二乘法消除误差 ,导出正交晶系的法式方程 ,由此推导出非立方晶系的基本形式 ,并以六方晶系为例 ,给出方程组的求解过程 。
3)cubic crystal立方晶型
1.Producing Cubic Crystal Antimony White from Arsenic Containing Complex Dyscrasite;从复杂含砷锑银矿制取立方晶型锑白
2.The results show that Sb_2O_3 obtained in the process is cubic crystalline and well-dispersed,which has an average particle size of 0.对在超声场作用下采用氨水中和氯氧锑(Sb_4O_5Cl_2)制备超细立方晶型Sb_2O_3的工艺过程和条件进行了研究。
4)cubic quasicrystal立方准晶
1.Crack problem in cubic quasicrystalline material;立方准晶材料的裂纹问题
2.The elasticity theory of the dislocation of cubic quasicrystals is developed.发展了立方准晶的位错弹性理论。
3.The fracture theory of cubic quasicrystal was developed.发展了立方准晶材料的断裂理论 。
5)cubic lattice立方晶格
1.By using the mean-field approximation method,the critical behavior of the mixed-spin XXZ model with DM interaction on the cubic lattice is studied.利用平均场近似的方法,研究了立方晶格上具有DM相互作用的混合XXZ模型的相变和临界性质。
