晶体生长机制,Crystal growth mechanism
1)Crystal growth mechanism晶体生长机制

1.Molecular Dynamics Study on the Interaction Mechanism of Inhibitors for the Calcite Crystal Growth;阻垢剂影响方解石晶体生长机制的分子动力学研究
2.Based on the crystal growth elementary principle,a plagioclase crystalline velocity equation is suggested.从晶体生长的基本原理出发,提出了按非连续机制生长的斜长石晶体结晶速率表达式。
3.Study on the Growth Mechanism and Preparation of ZnO Crystal;氧化锌晶体材料的制备及其生长机理研究
5.Shape-controlled synthesis of truncated octahedral Cu_2O architectures and their growth mechanism截角八面体Cu_2O晶体的形貌控制合成及其生长机理研究
6.Grain Growth and Deformation Mechanism in Nanocrystalline Materials;纳米晶体材料中晶粒生长及变形机理的研究
7.Study on Inorganic Crystal Growth Induced by Polymer and Preparation of Polypropylene Separator Film for Lithium Battery;聚合物诱导无机晶体生长的研究及聚丙烯锂离子电池隔膜的研制
8.Study on Growth of Inorganic Crystal Materials Induced under Langmuir Films Combined the Dynamic Control;Langmuir膜模板诱导结合动力学控制下的无机晶体材料生长研究
9.Studies on Mechanism of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 2-induced Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Human Lens Epithelial Cells;转化生长因子β_2诱导人晶状体上皮细胞间质转分化的机制研究
10.Mechanisechanism Modeling and Control of the Temperature System of Three Zone Furnace for Space Crystal Growth三温区空间晶体生长炉温度系统机理建模与控制
11.The influence of pH value on the growth mechanism of the thin surface layers formed in the regeneration of Z-cut ADP crystalpH值对ADP晶体成锥过程中薄表面层生长机制的影响
12.Computer Simulation of Dendrite Growth into Undercooled Melt Using Phase-field Method;过冷熔体枝晶生长的计算机模拟仿真
13.The Crystal Growth Habits and Nucleation Mechanism of Hydrothermal Crystallization of Nano-AlOOH纳米AIOOH晶体水热生长习性及成核机理
14.Preparation and Growth Mechanism of PdNiP Amorphous Metallic Films;PdNiP非晶合金薄膜的制备及其生长机理
15.Study on the Growth Mechanism of Ice Crystals in the Process of Freeze Concentration of Liquid Food液态食品冷冻浓缩冰晶生长机制研究
16.Crystal Growth Mechanism and Orientation Control of YBCO Superconductors Prepared by Unidirectional Solidifucation Method;YBCO定向凝固过程中的晶体生长与控制
17.Modeling and Control of the Czochralski Crystal Growth Process;Czochralski法晶体生长建模与控制研究
18.Design of Crystal Growth Furnace Control System空间晶体生长控制系统的设计及研究

mechanism of crystal growth晶体生长机制
1.In this paper,a method is introduced to study the mechanism of crystal growth by in situ obervation on the step movements of the crystal grown from aqueous solutions.本文介绍了通过实时观察水溶液中CdI_2晶体生长台阶的运动过程去研究晶体生长机制的方法。
3)crystal growth inhibitor晶体生长抑制剂
1.Extra-fine salicylic acid crystallites were prepared by using crystal growth inhibitors such as polyethylene glycol and pentaerythritol.采用晶体生长抑制剂技术,制备了超细水杨酸晶体。
4)crystal growth control晶体控制生长
5)constraincd crystal growth强制性晶体生长
6)Growth-rate for crystals结晶生长机制

诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素药物名称:重组人生长激素英文名:Somatropin别名:诺德人体生长激素,基因重组人生长激素,健高买,重组人生长激素外文名:Saizen, Norditropin, Genotropin, Norditropin, DNA-rhGH药理作用:为DNA重组技术生产的人体生长激素,是促进生长的机制之一,能刺激IGF-1和蛋白质合成,促进骨骼和体细胞的生长,利于脂肪分解和蛋白质合成,使肌肉增加,脂肪减少.适应症:用于内源性生长激素分泌不足或先天性性腺发育不全(特纳综合征)所引起的生长发育障碍,青春期前慢性肾功能不全所引起的生长发育障碍,成人生长激素不足的替代疗法(用于心功能不全等).注意点:1.配制药液时不可振荡,以免变性.2.每周剂量分7天皮下注射,注射部位应更换,如有一天漏注,则第二天不必倍量补注。3.糖尿病、妊娠、乳母慎用。4.恶性肿瘤术后,对本品过敏者,各种活动性恶性肿瘤禁用。5.不良反应可能会有甲状腺功能减退,液体潴留、伴周围水肿,曾有少数良性颅内高压病例的报告。用量用法:成人:生长激素不足:0.125iu/(kg.周) 。 先天性子宫发育不全: 1iu/(kg.周),以上剂量均分作7天皮下注射。规格:针剂:4iu, 10iu, 12iu, 16iu.类别:生殖系统药/促进子宫成熟药