远场来流,far field flow
1)far field flow远场来流
1.Effect of far field flow on the spherical crystal in the undercooled melt;远场来流对过冷熔体中球状晶体生长的影响
2.The directional solidification in binary system by the small Reynolds number far field flow is studied by the normal perturbation,and the influence of impurity concentration to the temperature field and solid-liquid interface is considered.利用正则摄动方法研究了在小雷诺数远场来流作用下二元系定向凝固问题,并考虑了杂质浓度对温度场及固液界面的影响。

1.Effect of the Directional Solidification in Binary System by the Small Reynolds Number Far Field Flow小雷诺数远场来流对二元系定向凝固的影响
2.The Asymptotic Analysis of Temperature and Fluid Field for Crystal Growth in an External Flow;无穷远来流作用下晶体生长温度场和流场的渐近分析
3.Experimental research on near field pressure fluctuation and far field aerodynamic noises in a cross flow fan贯流风机近场压力脉动与远场噪声的试验
4.Finite Element Analysis on Energy Flow Path of the Remote Field Eddy Current Effect利用有限元法分析涡流远场效应的能流通道
5.Finite Element Study for 3D Eddy Current and its Application in RFEC Inspection三维涡流场有限元研究及其在远场涡流检测中的应用
6.A current of high potential is used in transmitting electric power over long distances.高压电流被用来远距离输送电力。
7.A current of high potential is used in transmitting electric power over long distance .高压电流被用来远距离输送电力
8.Near-field to Near/Far Field Transformation for Arbitrary Near-field Distribution Using an Equivalent Magnetic Current and MoM;应用等效磁流和矩量法进行任意近场到近场/远场的变换
9.It is with time as with the currents of water; once it goes, it never comes Back again.时间正像流水一样,一旦流过就永远不会回来。
10.Correlation between Blood Flow Patterns and Intimal Hyperplasia at the Distal End-to-Side Anastomosis;搭桥术远心端吻合口内膜增生及其流场研究
11.The Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence and Thermal Blooming on the Laser Beam Quality in the Far Field大气湍流和热晕对远场光束质量的影响
12.The Design of Long-distance Fin-stability Projectile Based on Flow Field Numerical Simulation基于流场数值模拟的远程弹尾翼稳定装置设计
13.Multi-Frequency & Remote Field Eddy Current Testing Technology Used to Electric Power System多频/远场涡流检测技术在电力系统中的应用
14.Research on 3-D Simulation of Remote Field Eddy Current Detection for Pipeline Cracks管道裂纹远场涡流检测的三维仿真研究
15.Simulation Analysis on Cracks Detection Based on RFEC in Long-distance Oil and Gas Pipeline油气管道裂纹远场涡流检测的仿真分析
16.Remote Field Eddy Current Testing for Finned Carbon Steel Tubes远场涡流技术在翅片管束检测中的应用
17.bugle and drum and barked orders sounded from the drill fields where the recruits were being turned into soldiers;喇叭声、军鼓声和吆喝的口令声从训练新兵的操场上远远传来。
18.The images of electric and magnetic field of different polarizations in the near to far field.电流源阵列不同极向电磁场之影像在远近场中之变化。

incoming flows with an infinite distance from stagnation point有限远来流
3)remote field eddy current远场涡流
1.Usage of notch filter in remote field eddy current detecting;自适应陷波器在远场涡流检测中的应用
2.Defect reconstruction of remote field eddy current belonged to electromagnetic inverse problem.远场涡流缺陷重构属于电磁逆问题范畴。
3.It has been considered that the remote field eddy current (RFEC) phenomenon can be observed only in the conducting tubes.远场涡流现象一直被认为仅在管道中才存在,而远场涡流效应的远场涡流检测技术的最大特点在于它能以同样的灵敏度检测管内、外壁缺损,不受集肤效应的限制。
4)remote filed eddy current远场涡流
1.The approaches about defect in inspection of the oil pipeline are stated, which comprise magnetic flux leakage testing, ultrasonic testing, remote filed eddy current testing, rays testing and so on.石油管道缺陷检测方法主要包括漏磁检测、超声波检测、远场涡流检测、射线检测等多种缺陷检测技术。
5)far field flow远场流

远场  见声场。