1.How to Improve the Quality of Benchwork Practice-teaching;如何提高钳工实习教学质量
2.Talking about the technical measures to improve quality of Mount Tai white sptrit;浅谈提高泰山特曲质量的技术措施
3.Make the basicity of sinter ore stable to improve the quality;稳定烧结矿碱度 提高烧结矿质量

1.the yield improvement"提高耕地的产量,提高单产,提高收益"
2.raise [lower] the hemline提高 [放低] 下摆
3.The company raised its dividend by 10% .公司提高股息10%。
4.(5) to enhance cost effectiveness;(5)提高成本效益;
5.The extent or height to which something is raised or rises; the amount of elevation.提升高度某物升高或被提高的高度或程度;提高的量
6.boost imports, share prices, the dollar, etc增加进口、 提高股票价格、 提高美元汇价
7.The act or instance of upgrading.提高,改善提高(或改善)的行为或事例
8.As the wages advanced, so did the cost of living.随着工资的提高,生活费用也提高了。
9.Program for the Advancement of Commercial Technology提高商业技术方案(提高商技方案)
10.To raise to a higher moral, cultural, or intellectual level.提高修养提高道德,文化或智力水平
11.Cost increases with speed.成本是随速度的提高提高的。
12.Second, the heavy popularization, stresses the enhancement, promotes, to enhance mutually.二、重普及,抓提高,相互促进、相互提高
13.Because the doctors raise their rates, the attorneys raise their rates.由于医生提高收费,则律师也提高收费;
14.To make greater in power, influence, stature, or reputation.提高扩大权势和影响,提高地位和名望
15.On the Improvement of Teacher Quality and Teaching Quality;提高教学质量必须着力提高教师质量
16.Grade 6 participants' memory result grows up with the rising level of the lingual cue.高三级的记忆成绩也呈现随语言提示水平提高提高的趋势。
17.Discussion on how to Raise Students Employment Rate in Higher Vocational Colleges;关于提高高职高专学生就业率的思考
18.Enhance the Management Level of College Archives and Serve College Appraisal;提高高校档案管理水平 服务高校评估

1.Discussion on production capacity improvement of SG-8 resin;提高SG-8型树脂生产能力的探讨
2.Practice of improvement of sinter drum strength in WISCO;武钢提高烧结矿转鼓强度的实践
3.Brine process innovation for brine quality improvement;改进盐水工艺 提高盐水质量
1.Stabilize and increase first-hit yield of magnesium-base desulphuration;稳定提高镁基脱硫一次命中率
2.Increased the Capacity of Sulfuric-contained Sewage Stripping Unit;提高含硫污水汽提装置的处理能力
3.Deepening Reformation and Adjustment, concentrating on Structure Adjustment and Making effort to increase its Economic Operation Quality and Effictency of the Industry Report at the Conference of Guangxi Machinery Industry;深化改革整顿,着力结构调整 努力提高行业的经济运行质量和效益——在广西机械工业工作会议上的讲话
1.Methods to Enhance CBR Value for the Roadbed Material of Guangzhou North.2nd Circle Highway;广州市北二环高速公路提高路堤材料CBR值的方法
2.How to enhance self quality of the morality education workers in the new stage;新时期思想政治工作者怎样才能提高自身素质
3.The Problem of Our Country Village s Ecosystem Environment and the Enhancement of the Peasant s Environmental Consciousness;我国农村生态环境问题及农民环境意识的提高
1.Same Important of Raise the Image Quantity and lower a Quantity;提高影像质量与降低辐射剂量并重
2.How to Raise the Delivering Rate in Hospital in the Mountain Country;山区农村如何提高住院分娩率
3.To raise accuracy rate of daily load forecast by scientific management measures;应用科学管理手段提高日负荷预测准确率
1.Enhancing the management of numerical control woodworking machines and improving the operating quality加强数控木工机床管理 提高设备运行质量
2.Based on teaching practices, the essay aims at discussing how to arouse students’ interest in learning Basic Experiment of Chemical Engineering from the aspects of improving teaching means, perfecting teaching methods and renewing course content.根据课堂教学实践,从改进教学手段,改进教学方法,更新教学内容,结合工厂实际等几个方面,谈如何提高学生学习《化工基础》的学习兴趣。
3.Finally,The countermeasures and methods of improving the quality of Tianjin higher education are proposed in this paper.天津高等教育质量如何,特别是高职高专教育质量如何,薄弱环节在哪儿,采取什么措施能够得到有效提高,实行什么政策等问题,一直受到广泛关注。
