1.Effect of semi-spherical shaped grate obstruction on pressure wave of flammable vapor cloud deflagration;半球条栅型障碍物对可燃气云爆燃压力波的影响
2.Enhancement mechanism of obstacles to gas cloud deflagration impulse;障碍物对可燃气云爆燃冲量的加强机制

1.detonation bearing fatigue由爆燃引起的轴承疲劳
2.Numerical Simulation of Deflagration to Detonation Transition in Coke Powder-Oxygen Mixture焦炭粉-氧气混合物爆燃向爆震转捩的数值模拟
3.Research on Synthesis of Titanium Dioixde Nanoparticles by Gas-phase Deflagration and Detonation Method气相爆燃与爆轰法制备纳米二氧化钛颗粒研究
4.Deflagration Characteristics of Pulverizing System for Russian-made 800 MW Unit and the Countermeasures俄制800MW机组制粉系统爆燃特性及防爆措施
5.backfire:an explosion of prematurely ignited fuel or of unburned exhaust gases in an internal-combustion engine.回火:过早点燃的燃料的爆炸或内燃机中未燃的废气的爆炸。
6.An explosion of prematurely ignited fuel or of unburned exhaust gases in an internal-combustion engine.回火过早点燃的燃料的爆炸或内燃机中未燃的废气的爆炸
7.The boy touched off a firecracker.这孩子点燃了爆竹。
8.detonation limit for mixture gases可燃混合气的爆轰范围
9.explosion limit爆炸极限可燃的气体
10.Performance Research of the Internal-Combustion Engine s Knock and the Knock Sensor;内燃机爆震与爆震传感器的性能研究
11.Studies on the Influence of Venting Duct on Explosion Venting;泄爆导管对燃爆泄放过程影响的研究
12.Study On the Explosive Course of 12.7 mm-bored Armour-Piercing Explosive Incendiary Cartridge;12.7毫米穿甲爆炸燃烧弹爆炸过程研究
13.Research on Ignition and Extinguishing by Explosion of High Explosive猛炸药爆炸燃烧与爆炸灭火应用研究
14.explosive combustion爆炸性燃烧冲击波的燃烧
15.Combustion hazard: This material is non-inflammable, poisonous, and stimulated.燃爆危险:本品不燃,有毒,具强刺激性。
16.the lighted candles; a lighted cigarette; a lit firecracker.被点燃的蜡烛;点燃了的香烟;点燃了的爆竹。
17.These can be ignited as by means of a squib or exploded with a cartridge.这些物质可用点火头点燃或由起爆药起爆。
18.Discussion on Explosion-proof Technology of the Diesel Internal Combustion Engine in Explosive Gas Environment爆炸性气体环境用柴油内燃机防爆技术探讨

1.Study of deflagration-to-detonation transition of combustible gas;可燃气体爆燃转爆轰问题的研究
2.The author introduces the principle of engine detonation,describes the structural principle of BX-1 knock limitator and its function,regulation and points for attention in use.爆燃使发动机过热,功率降低,油耗增加,缩短发动机的使用寿命。
3.Producing mechanism of gasoline engine detonation and crude operation of diesel engine which were two kinds of abnormal combustion phenomenon were analyzed in this paper.分析了汽油机爆燃和柴油机工作粗暴两种非正常燃烧现象产生的机理 ,指出了两种现象的异同 ,提出了相应的防治措施。
1.Experiment on the Knock Control of HCCI Engine by CO_2 at High Loads;CO_2改善均质压燃发动机高负荷爆燃的试验
2.Measures prevent knock of gasoline engines;浅议防止汽油机爆燃的有效措施
3.A Study on knocking Cycles Rate for Gasline Engines Knocking Evaluation;爆燃循环率用于汽油机爆燃强度评估的研究
1.Fault diagnosis for body explosion of JM6A compressor;JM6A压缩机机身燃爆故障诊断
2.But on the other hand, air drilling adopted air as the circular medium and so hydrocarbons like natural gas and oil mixed with air will cause downhole explosion if only the mixture reaches the explosion limit under any possible explosive condition, which will certainly threaten the safety during operations of air drilling.但天然气和原油等烃类物质与含氧气体混合后,在其混合浓度达到燃爆范围并有燃爆条件时,井下就可能出现燃爆,会造成井下复杂事故,影响气体钻井的安全性。
5)Burning and explosion燃爆
1.The time limit test of ammunition burning and explosion on the condition of simulative fire was taken about representative ammunitions or component.在分析火灾对弹药及仓库危害的基础上,结合我军弹药仓库的实际情况与运行规律,研究了弹药仓库火灾产生和发展的影响因素,选取典型弹药或元件进行了模拟火灾条件下弹药燃爆时限测试,得出了火灾条件下弹药仓库控火与灭火的安全时限。
2.The author puts forward on-site handling plan, investigates the reasons susceptible to the burning and explosion accident combining the oxygen filter characteristics, verifies the design, fabrication, operation and maintenance and proposes the solution.介绍了过滤器的用途及维护要点,针对发生的燃爆事故提出现场处置方案,结合氧气过滤器自身特点对可能引发燃爆的原因进行排查,在设计、制作、现场使用维护方面进行了校验,并提出了解决方案。
