1.On the Subject Positions of Femininity in the Television Media论电视传媒中女性气质的主体地位——几种示例分析
2.Her works on the whole are concerned with women s condition of entrapment inside their bodies and social myths of femininity.第二章参照传统定义下的女性身份和女性气质理论,讨论艾丽丝的社会形象,即由拼贴在文本中的剪报所塑造出的完美的上流社会女性形象。
3.Therefore, this use of gender theory, through the female temperament specific research of the pre-Qin period, we have exploration and analysis of Chinese traditional femininity and gender inequality, which is compared with the West.因此,本文运用社会性别理论,通过对先秦时期女性气质的具体研究,探索和分析中国传统女性气质和性别不平等与西方相比所具有的特殊性,以期能对中国社会现存性别问题的解决有一点有益的启发和帮助。

1.The Female Temperament of Shanghai s City Writing Since 1990s;论九十年代以来上海城市书写的女性气质
2.Moreover, a poem was inscribed by an emperor of Song Dynasty, called Song Ningzong.然此图笔法、色之柔雅沉厚,意趣之清美艳丽,极富女性气质
3.A Comparative Study of Women s Individualities and Circumstances: Sister Carrie and Changhen Ge;中西方女性气质与人生情境的比较分析:《嘉莉妹妹》与《长恨歌》
4.On the Subject Positions of Femininity in the Television Media论电视传媒中女性气质的主体地位——几种示例分析
5.To See Woolf's Creation of the Identity of Female Temperament from His To the Lighthouse从《到灯塔去》看伍尔夫创作中女性气质的认同意识
6.Enlighten abstruse new December 2007 makeup look is condensing modern woman to go on a long journey of the vigor that move back and forth and city female temperament perfect mix.迪奥2007年春季新妆容浓缩着现代女性远行穿梭的活力与都市女性气质的完美混合。
7.A Comparative Analysis of Women s Individualities and Circumstances from the Female Perspective--Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Café and Nothing in the Mirror;女性视角下的中西方女性气质与人生情境的比较分析:《油炸绿番茄》与《空镜子》
8.Viewpoint on Women in the Ideology of Mao Zedong:Definition ofFemininity from the Chinese Enlightenment to Cultural Revolution毛泽东思想体系中的妇女观——从启蒙到文化大革命时期的女性气质定义
9.The quality or condition of being feminine.作为女性的气质或条件
10.Research on the relation between gender role’s types and personality temperament types of female undergraduate;女大学生性别气质类型与个性气质类型的关系
11.the trait of being womanly; having the characteristics of an adult female.女子所具有的气质;成熟女性所具有的特点。
12.Mao Dun s Gentle Temperament and the Female Groups in His Works;茅盾的“阴柔”气质与作品中的女性群体
13.The Effect of Aeobics to Types of Temperament of Women-Collegians;健美操对女大学生气质可塑性的影响
14.masculinity in women (especially in girls and young women).女人身上所具有的男子的气质(尤其指女孩子和年轻女性)。
15.The Pursuit of Androgyny:A Feminist Reading of "Winesburg,Ohio"追寻双性气质——对《小城畸人》的一种女性解读
16.Research on Chinese Women Snack Consumption Segmentation from the Perspective of Personality Psychology;基于气质心理的中国女性零食消费细分研究
17.The statistical discrepancies of infant' s temperament dimensions were activity level, rhythmicity and approach-withdrawal between male and female.男女幼儿间差异有显著性的气质维度为活动水平、节律性和趋避性;
18.On Androgyny of Wang Xifeng and Jia Baoyu;女性主义视角下的《红楼梦》人物——试论王熙凤和贾宝玉的“双性气质”

female temperament女性气质
1.This paper contends that in Hamlet s character,there s a distinctive trait of feminity displayed through his delay of revenge,melancholy,and irresolution,while Ophelia on the other hand who is an embodiment of feminity and has no definite identity of herself serves as the anima of Hamlet.本文认为哈姆雷特的忧郁、优柔寡断,以及缺乏行动的果断力是他女性气质的体现。
2.Wang Ja-de Snow deconstructs the patriarchal binary thought,reveals the feminity,deviates phallocentric tradition,and interprets the marginalized,silenced and repressed feminity under the phallic symbolic order.黄玉雪第三人称自传小说《华女阿五》,以“阴性书写”来解构父权二元对立思想,凸现女性气质,偏离“菲勒斯中心论”,阐发阳性象征秩序下被边陲化、被缄默化和压抑的女性特质,代表华裔女性发出长久被压抑的声音、力量以及各种欲望,寻回被埋没于历史中的身份和抗争的力量。
5)masculine/feminine traits男/女性气质
6)men and women's disposition男女两性气质

巴斯气质说巴斯气质说Buss temperature theory  巴斯气质说(B uss’temperature theory)美国心理学家巴斯(B uss,A.H.)根据人的活动倾向提出的气质类型理论。巴斯把人的活动倾向划分为四种类型,即活动型、情绪型、社交型和冲动型。每一活动倾向都体现了不同的气质特征。例如,活动型的人喜欢运动,喜爱嬉闹,精力充沛,富于进取心:情绪型的人喜怒无常,易发脾气,表情和行为稀奇古怪;社交型的人喜欢交际,为人随和,富于同情心;冲动型的人行为欠考虑,不顾后果,鲁莽,富于攻击性。 (张译撰王启康彭璐赞审)