1.In January 2005,archaeologists from Wuhan Municipal Institute of Cultural of Relics and Archaeology in corporation with Wushan Relics Administrative Office excavated 57 tombs cover- ing 3,751 square meters in the southern side of the cemetery terraces and surrounding area(ⅢArea).2005年元月,武汉市文物考古研究所联合巫山县文物管理所对墓地台顶南部大操场及附近地区(Ⅲ区)进行发掘,发掘面积约3571平方米,清理古代墓葬57座。
2.The octagon imitative timerwork brick-stone tombs prevailed after Emperor Renzong of Northern Song dynasty.八角形仿木结构砖石墓葬在北宋仁宗以后流行,其形制来源于瘗埋佛僧舍利的地宫和墓塔以及遍及全国的佛塔,但其精神内核则是中国古代"象八方"的观念,这种观念是在民间堪舆思想和佛教观念的融合过程中,重新诠释后的再创造。

1.Evolution of Ancient China s Grave Form Reflected from Grave Form,Funerary Objects and Funerary Utensils;从墓葬形制、随葬品、葬具看中国古代墓葬的演进
2."Those were tombs in Han Dynasty, and what change can you tell between the Qin and Han pits."徐州兵马俑墓葬是汉朝时期墓葬,与秦朝墓葬有什么区别呢?
3.The Stage and Age of the Xituanshan Culture Based on the Study on the Donglianggang Tomb;从东梁岗墓葬看西团山文化墓葬的分期与断代
4.On the Position of Luoyang Ancient Tombs in China;论洛阳古代墓葬在我国古代墓葬中的地位
5.On Traditional Funeral Culture and Modern Cemetery Construction in China我国的传统墓葬文化与现代墓园建设
6.The rock tombs of Tongzi county in the Song dynasty have the grave characteristics of the minority nationalities. So we may say with certainty that they are the graves to the Qiang's branch nationality.桐梓宋代石墓具有其以上民族墓葬特征,故而断言是羌支民族墓葬
7.A Study on Substances in Pottery Vases Recovered from Tombs of Han-Jin Dynasty;汉晋墓葬中随葬陶瓶内盛物的初步研究
8.Study on the System of Buried Weapons in the Late Bashu Culture Burials晚期巴蜀文化墓葬中兵器随葬制度的研究
9."Mausoleum: Large, impressive tomb, especially a stone Building with places for entombment of the dead aboveground."陵墓:大型庄严的墓葬建筑,尤指石头堆砌的埋葬死者的地上建筑。
10.Preliminary Report of the Excavation at the Tuchengpo Cemetery in Wushan;重庆巫山土城坡墓地Ⅲ区东汉墓葬发掘报告
11.To place(a corpse) in a grave, a tomb, or the sea; inter.埋葬将(尸体)放入坟墓、墓穴或海里;埋葬
12.suited to or suggestive of a grave or burial.适于或似坟墓或葬礼的。
13.Later when Yue Fei was reburied with full ceremony, a jade ring was indeed found with his body.迁葬时,墓中果有玉环。
14.They laid him away in the tomb.他们将他埋葬在坟墓里。
15.Shall light thee steady;把你的坟墓照亮,送葬,
16.He is buried in the churchyard.他被葬于教堂的墓地里。
17.She was laid to rest beside her late husband.她安葬在亡夫的墓旁.
18.bury sb.'s remains in a tomb将某人的遗体葬入墓中

1.The Research on the Image of "Husband and Wife Having Dinners" in Tombs in Song Liao Jin and Yuan Dynasty;宋辽金元墓葬中“开芳宴”图象研究
2.A Primary Research on Prehistoric Tombs of Yili Valley, Sinkiang;新疆伊犁河流域史前时期墓葬初步研究
3.Analysis of the Filial Daughters in Tombs in Song,Liao,Jin and Yuan Dynasties宋辽金元墓葬中女孝子图像的解读
1.Yang s grave,unearthed in Zunyi district,with exquisite construction and grand scale,reflects to a certain extent the economic and cultural conditions then.遵义地域内发现的规模宏大、构筑精致的杨氏土司墓葬从一定程度上体现了播州文化、经济的发展状况。
2.The unearthed relics in the Haochuan grave displayed the Haochuan culture characters both with the factor influenced by surrounding culture and with it own uniqueness.从墓葬情况及出土器物可以知道,好川文化时期已经出现了贫富分化和阶级,已经有了文明的曙光,并且从好川文化的迁徙与传播情况得出结论,好川地区是浙西南文明的起源地。
3.This article, through on-the -spot investigation and combined with related documents and material objects,raises new viewpoints with regard to vital historical problems reflected the relationship between Tuyuhun and Tubo regine,the grave of Tubo regine and cultural exchange of Qinghai road at that time.本文以实地考察为主 ,结合相关的文献与实物材料 ,对青海都兰吐蕃时期墓葬中所反映出的吐谷浑与吐蕃王国的关系、吐蕃墓葬与青海道上的中外文化交流等重大历史问题提出了新的认识。
1.It is the only burial in this site with a unambiguous date to the Three Kingdom period.2001年在重庆万州晒网坝遗址发掘的编号为CWTM10的墓葬被确定为蜀汉时期墓葬,这是该遗址中唯一一座可确定的蜀汉墓。
2.Some burials were excavated at the Baotaping site, Fengjie County in 2003.2003年在奉节县宝塔坪遗址发掘一批墓葬
1.However,the Wu culture lacked such a connotation as there was not a definite kind of burial custom concerning graves,and utensils of Wu also lacked a fixed pattern or feature.然而吴文化却缺乏这种独特的内涵,其表现为吴人的墓葬没有一定的形制与葬俗,吴人的器物也缺乏固定的器型与特色,吴文化的不定型和变动性反映出吴人兼收并包和多元杂糅的特点。
2.Longitude analysed the change of ware collection in graves in the different periods on the basis of the time.本文在前人的研究基础上,以殷墟科学发掘墓葬中的陶器组合为第一手资料,从纵、横两个方面进行比较研究。
6)Burial under trees树葬公墓

墓葬墓葬建筑墓葬建筑指为安葬死者而建于地下和地上的建筑。中国的墓葬建筑中深深渗透着礼制的内容。皇帝死后的埋葬地称“陵”,诸侯称“封”,大夫称“坟”。坟丘的大小、衣襟棺椁、墓葬仪式都是按等级严加规定的。石牌坊石牌坊是陵区最南端的建筑,在大宫门南二里许,建于嘉靖十九年(1540年),石牌坊5间6柱11楼,高14米,宽28.86米,是现今国内保存下来、最精美的石牌坊。牌坊的夹杆石,四面有浮雕,刻有八对狮子滚绣球和十六条云龙图案。 参见牌坊圣德神功碑楼圣德神功碑楼是记述皇帝生平功绩的主要建筑,俗称大碑楼。楼内圣德神功碑上刻有为皇帝歌功颂德的文字。谥号碑亭谥号碑亭又称作神道碑亭、小碑亭或小碑楼,是放置谥号碑的亭式建筑。神道陵墓前的一条大道被称为神道。神道为墓葬建筑的附属建筑,是进入陵区的主要通道。神道贯穿陵园南北,全长7公里,直达长陵陵门。皇家神道两侧放置石像生。石像生石像生是指在神道两侧放置的石人石兽。分别排列着十二对石兽,两坐两立,依次为狮子(象征威武)、獬豸(象征公正)、骆驼(象征运输)、象(象征吉祥太平)、麒麟(象征吉祥太平)、马(象征征战),其中骆驼、象、马又分别为各地运输工具,故又象征疆域辽阔;石人十二尊,其中武臣(象征侍卫将军)、文臣(象征近身文臣)、勋臣(象征有功勋的文武百官)各四尊。陵墓前的石人又称翁仲,对称立有两座,分别为文官和武官形象。关于翁仲的形象有一种说法是来源于秦朝有一位名叫阮翁仲的大力士,传说他身长一丈三尺,力大无比,曾驻守临洮,征服匈奴有功。他死后,秦始皇特制翁仲铜像立于咸阳宫司马门外。匈奴人来咸阳,见到铜人,竟为是活着的阮翁仲而逃遁。从此,人们便把宫阙或陵墓前的铜人、石人称为翁仲。陵墓前的石兽也有由来。石兽放置在墓前是从汉代霍去病墓开始的。后来的历代帝王的修建自己的陵墓时也都沿用石人石兽的陵前装饰,所以现在的唐陵、宋陵、明陵、清陵几乎都在陵墓前陈列仪仗队式的石人石兽。这些石像生建于宣德十年(1435年),它们体现了帝王生前的仪仗和死后的尊严。石像生均为整石雕刻而成,体积大、雕工精细,其中最大的石像生达30立方米,重数十吨。宝城宝城指环绕在宝顶四周的封闭城垣建筑。宝顶宝顶是指位于地宫上方的圆丘状封土。地宫安放死者棺椁的地下建筑。参见·田义墓·十三陵·秦始皇陵·中山陵