1.On the Representation of Religious Culture in Gesar;试论宗教文化在《格萨尔》艺术中的体现
2.The Instrumental Duet of Humanism:The Epic Gesar under the View of Hamanism;人本主义二重奏——人本主义视阈下的《格萨尔》史诗
3.A Summary of the Research Situation of Gesar in Domestic and Overseas;国内外研究《格萨尔》状况概述

1.The Ancient Epic Gesar:on the Original Materials of the Epic Gesar;远古的《格萨尔》——试论《格萨尔》的原始“素材”
2.Ethical ideas in Gesaer and ideal personality of Gesaer;试论《格萨尔》中的伦理思想与格萨尔理想人格
3.On the artistry described protagonist s disposition in the epic 《Ge Sar》;《格萨尔》描写主人公性格的艺术方法
4.Factual Analysis of Tu《Gesar》Originating from Tibetan《Gesar》;解析土族《格萨尔》源于藏族《格萨尔》史诗的事实依据
5.The Comparison of Primitive Thought in Homer s Epics and <GeSaEr>;荷马史诗与《格萨尔》原始思维之比较
6.The Ecological Consciousness in the Tibetan Epic Gesar;试论藏族史诗《格萨尔》中的生态意识
7.Shangwu Traditional Tibetan Culture "Gesar";藏族传统尚武文化对《格萨尔》的影响
8.The Searche of "Gesar" Play Origin and the Development;探《格萨尔》戏剧的渊源与发展状况
9.Comparisons of the Aesthetic Constructions between Homeric Epics and Gesar;荷马史诗与《格萨尔》美学建构之比较
10.A Brief Introduction of the Hero Danma about His Life Experience and Birthplace in the Epic Gesar;略谈《格萨尔》史诗中邓玛的身世及故乡
11.A Brief Commentary on Music of Xindan Internal Strife, A Piece of Work from Gesar;《格萨尔》之《辛丹内讧》音乐初析
12.Brief Discussion of Culture Context in King Gesar and its Chinese Translation Context;浅谈《格萨尔》的文化语境及其汉译语境
13.On the Representation of Religious Culture in Gesar;试论宗教文化在《格萨尔》艺术中的体现
14.On the Formation and Development of Motif Tree-bole of Epic Gesar;论《格萨尔》史诗情节基干的形成与发展
15.An Analysis of the Relic of Bonism Culture in the epic Gesar;浅析苯教文化在《格萨尔》中的遗迹
16.On the Inherence of the Stylizing of Talking and Telling in Gesar(格萨尔) and on the Characteristics of the Art s Melody;论《格萨尔》说唱曲调的程式化传承
17.The Influence of Epic Gesar on Tibetan Popular Belief;论《格萨尔》对藏族民间信仰观念之体现
18.On Language Arousal and the“Falling Dawn Stories”of King Gesar;语言唤醒与《格萨尔》“神授”现象

King Gesar《格萨尔》
1.On the Conditions of Becoming Singing Artist of King Gesar;浅析造就《格萨尔》艺人的条件
2.Brief Discussion of Culture Context in King Gesar and its Chinese Translation Context;浅谈《格萨尔》的文化语境及其汉译语境
3.This thesis paper has the trading phenomenon collected as the target to be studied and attempting to list a great number of examples from "King Gesar" and do a comprehensive study in terms of commercial life, production mode, and business trading activities.文章以《格萨尔》中采集出来的有关商业事象信息作为研究对象。
1.A Trial Discussion on the Tea Culture in Gesar;试析《格萨尔》中的茶文化
2.Nationality of the Tibetan Epic Gesar From the Pespective of Libretto;从唱词看《格萨尔》史诗的民族性
3.The Analysis of the Ethics Idea of Gesar;《格萨尔》伦理思想探微
1.A Study of the Irradiative Motifs of Gaser;《格萨尔》史诗幻变母题研究
2.On the Unique Connotations of the Literal Prototype of Gaser;《格萨尔》史诗原型的独特内涵
1.The most outstanding achievement on epic research in 2004 was the wide research and textual criticism on King Gesaer.2004年史诗研究最突出的成果是对《格萨尔》全方位的研究与考证。
2.The article inspects the relationship between the Tibetan heroic epic <Gesaer> and the Tibetan culture as well as the whole Chinese culture from the angle of the Maxism's practice theory and the cultural-anthropology, explores the basic essence of the multi-dimensional centripetal structure of the Chinese culture and the cause of its formation.本文从马克思主义的实践学说和文化人类学的角度,考察了藏族英雄史诗《格萨尔》与藏文化乃至整个中华文化的关系,探索了中华文化多维向心结构的基本内涵及其形成原因。
3.This thesis elaboration object is Tu minority\'s national epic poem "Gesaer".土族《格萨尔》是藏族《格萨尔》在土族地区流传的变异版本,是土族通过长久的传唱将《格萨尔》的故事融入本民族的文化肌理后,再创造出含有民族自身精神内核的民族史诗。
6)Gesar study格萨尔学



Gandhi Sagar Dam 概  述   甘地萨格尔坝位于印度拉贾斯坦邦和中央邦之间的昌巴尔(Chambal)河上。该坝以灌溉和发电为目的。圬工重力坝,最大坝高64m,水库总库容77.46亿m3,有效库容69.11亿m3,水电站装机11.5万kW,大坝于1954年开工,1960年完建。   坝基处地层由细粒砂岩和紫砂岩组成,覆盖层较薄。坝址控制流域面积2.3万km2,水库面积723km2,平均年入库水量约60亿m3。   大坝全长514m,混凝土体积16.9万m3,圬工56万m3:两岸为非溢流挡水坝段,中部为溢流坝段和电站坝段。设置10孔溢洪道,使用尺寸为18m×8.5m的平板闸门控制,最大泄洪量为21238m3/s;另外该坝段内还设有9个泄水底孔,孔口尺寸为3m×7.5m;大坝全部都用浆砌石堆砌而成,砂浆采用红水泥砂浆。   厂房长95m,宽18m,基础以上最大高度约27m,全部采用钢筋混凝土框架结构。内设5台单机容量为2.3万kW的水轮发电机组。水轮机为竖轴混流式水轮机,额定水头45m,正常转速为187.5r/min。