1.A Study of Water Conservancy Project Building Techniques of Yuezhou in Ming-qing Dynasties;明清岳州水利工程修防技术简论
2.In the late Qing dynasty,with the Yuezhou and Changsha s opening,the colonialism put their"sharp sword"into the"breast"of Hunan which made Hunan became rapidly the economic appendage of the world capitalism.清末,随着岳州、长沙相继开埠,殖民主义这把"利刃"刺进了湖南的"胸膛",使湖南迅速成为世界资本主义经济的附庸:产业投资结构极不合理,"洋船"垄断了湖南航运业,对外贸易的畸形性特征十分明显。
3.A Panegyric of the Yueyang Tower: "In spring of 1044 AD(the fourth year of Qingli),Teng Zijing was demoted to be the prefect of Baling",and "Baling" was explained as "Yuezhou" or "Yuezhou County" by many interpreters,in this way,rhetoric is not distinguished from exegesis.《岳阳楼记》“庆历四年春,滕子京谪守巴陵郡”,很多注家把句中“巴陵郡”注释为“岳州”或“岳州郡”,将修辞问题当作训诂问题来理解。

1."The news that Yochow has fallen is not a rumour, after all: it's true!"“原来岳州失陷不是谣传,倒是真的
3.Research on the Establishment and Effectiveness of the Yochow Port (1899-1911)岳州商埠的建置及其成效探析(1899-1911)
4.The fact is, while Chang Fa-kuei and Pai Chung-hsi were attacking Changsha the Red Army was already storming Yochow.据说是正当张桂军逼近长沙的时候,共党也进攻岳州
5.Annotations on Zhou Bangyan s Passing by Yangzhou Four Times and a Historical Study of Yue Chuyun,a Local Singing Lady;周邦彦四过扬州词以及扬州歌妓即岳楚云考证
6.among the most important scenic spots in Hangzhou are the Monastery of Soul's Retreat, Yue Fei's Temple and the Pagoda of Six Harmonies.杭州重要的景点有灵隐寺、岳飞庙和六和塔。
7.Railway construction period scheme comparison and analysis between Jingzhou to Yueyang荆州至岳阳铁路建设工期方案比较分析
8.On the other hand, the patriotism and heroic spirit of Yue Fei shown in defending his country against foreign invasion have in their turn added a splendid lustre to this scenic city.岳飞热爱祖国,英勇抗敌的精神,又使杭州这座名城更添光彩。
9.Agent: Yes, there're many. For example, the Huanglong Scenic Area in Sichuan Province, Suzhou Gardens, Jiuzhaigou, five great mountains, and so on.当然,很多。像四川省的黄龙风景区、州园林、寨沟、岳,等等。
10."Now this Feng Su, a native of Daruzhou, although only a farmer was quite comfortably off.""他岳丈名唤封肃,本贯大如州人氏,虽是务农,家中都还殷实."
11.West Lake of Hangzhou, Dalian coastal area, Wuhan East Lake and Outbeach, and river beach view in Shanghai of Israel were built for representatives' urban waterfront landscape construction blew the clarion that resumed Chinese modern city waterfront landscape.京城东京艮岳、苏州沿河及杭州西湖景观的建设,推动了中国古代城市滨水景观的蓬勃发展。
12.I find it no longer worth my while to look at a mountain after visiting the five sacred mountains/No longer do I find it worth my while to look at the sacred five after returning from Huangshan.“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”
13."Trips to China's five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary, and a trip to Huangshan render the trip to the five great mountains unnecessary"五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳
14.The procession has turned onto Lianyue Rd. Too bad Lian Yue's not here.现队伍转入莲岳路,可惜连岳不在。
15.It was his first visit to his wife's parents.那是他第一次去看望岳父和岳母.
16.On the right of the temple is Yue Fei's tomb which is reached by crossing a small bridge in front.岳坟在岳庙内右侧小院内。
17.training in tropical mountain and jungle areas热带山岳丛林地训练
18.operation in tropical mountain and jungle areas热带山岳丛林地战斗

Yuezhou poetry岳州诗歌
1.Yuezhou poetry became very prosperous under the background of Tang dynasty .唐朝是诗的国度,唐岳州诗歌就是在广阔的唐王朝背景下发展繁荣起来的。
3)Yuezhou culture岳州文化
4)Yuezhou poem岳州诗
5)Yuezhou gates岳州城门
1.In this paper,the author researched the historical evolution of Yuezhou gates,and analyzed its names.本文主要对岳州城门的历史演变进行考证,并对其名称予以辨析。
6)The Study on Yuezhou Poetry of Tang Dynasty唐岳州诗歌研究

岳州窑[英] yuezhou stove岳州窑 岳州窑地处湖南省湘阴县城关镇堤院一带,北起水门,南至洞庭庙旧址,全长700余米的范围内。湘阴县旧属岳州,故名。当地居民中至今流传“湘阴是个万窑窝,未有湘阴先有窑”。长沙市到湘阴县城有一条平坦的国道,不到两小时的路程。沿途江河交叉,风光旖旎,青山绿水,让久居大都市的我,找到回归自然的感觉。湘阴县是个古城,城内保存着规模较大的孔庙,当地人正在着手申报世界文化遗产。孔庙气势恢宏,工艺精湛。从建筑风格看应属乾隆早期。楼阁式仿古建筑“岳州窑纪念馆”高高耸立在美丽的湘江边上,眼前的湘江,比我在长沙橘子洲头所见的宽阔了许多。原先的古渡已被拆除,不远处,一座崭新的大桥飞架湘江东西两岸。湘江由此流入浩瀚的洞庭湖。岳州窑窑址则静卧纪念馆大厅的地下。湘阴窑窑址发现于1952年,1972年又在窑头山、梨园等地发现了早期窑址,1975年冬进行了试掘,出土了大量晋至初唐的青瓷器和窑具。它烧造的时间,可上溯至汉代、三国,可见其历史久远矣。在那里,我们清楚地看到了龙窑的走势,见到不少窑具和青瓷片。唐代陆羽在《茶经》中品定六大名窑的茶碗时说:“碗,越州上,鼎州次,婺州次,寿州、洪州次。”“越州瓷、岳瓷皆青,青则益茶。”从饮茶所需的器具角度来看,茶圣陆羽把岳州窑排在第四位,由此可见,该窑在唐代显赫的地位。岳州窑瓷胎在唐五代时较为轻薄,胎质不如越窑青瓷紧密,胎色早期呈红或米黄色,晚期为灰白色。釉色以青绿色居多,也有青黄色的。釉薄而质细,釉泡较小,玻璃质感很强。釉面有不规则的细小冰裂纹,有流釉现象。不少器具的胎骨和釉面结合牢固,容易产生剥落的现象。唐代烧制时使用垫饼支烧;五代用支钉支烧,在盘碗底部留有支钉痕迹。岳州窑器物丰富多彩,有碗、盘、瓶、高足盘、四系罐、八棱短流壶等。碗的足以圆饼形和玉璧形为主,高足盘、八棱短流壶具有自己的鲜明特色。它注重装饰艺术,纹饰以印花为主,并配以划花。器物肩腹部往往装饰着由团花和卷叶纹组成的带状纹饰。此外还有浮雕莲瓣纹装饰的,具有独特的风格。这是我参观湖南省博物馆馆藏岳州窑器物所留下的印象。1973年湖南省湘阴县出土了一尊罕见的青釉龙首,年代为隋朝。胎骨呈灰白色,施青色釉,开片自然,烧结火候较高。口流作龙首状,手为龙尾形态,器型呈鼓圆,下配有三个高蹄足,十分稳当,生动活泼。此器物应该属于仿先秦时期的金属器,造型典雅别致,是岳州窑中的精品,现藏湖南省博物馆。岳州窑在中国陶瓷史上的地位比较重要,上承江浙越窑青瓷,下启长沙铜官窑,这里是华中地区先民用瓷的主要产地,大量出土的器物足以证明这一点.