1.To prove the emotion words for telling are important and even indispensable to depict characters of novels,and A Dream of Red Mansions proffers a canon about that,this paper provides a systematic investigation of these words of the classic,including four steps: the depiction of looks,actions,words and minds of the characters in the novel.该文从四个方面:外貌的描摹,言语的描写,行为的说明,心理的刻画,阐述了《红楼梦》人物描写中情感讲述语词的运用情况。
2.In the novel,"telling" was the way of narrating the story so as to realize "facing reality" and it studied "rooting life" in different aspects through changing visual angles.为了“真实的面对”,小说以“讲述”作为故事的叙述方式,并通过几种视角的变换多方位地观照扎根生活,给读者再现了那段特殊的历史岁月。
3.When he istelling, a narrator issues a comment directly, and so his appraise is comparatively obvious; when he is showing, thenarrator hides behind the showing scene, and so the hint of his appraise is stronger.讲述和展示既是两种叙事方式,又是叙述者的两种叙事策略,策略的不同反映了叙述者态度的差异和叙事评价的差异。

1.He went on about his adventure. =He went on describing his adventure他继续讲述他冒险的事。
2.She told of the days gone by.她讲述了流逝的岁月。
3.spoke in rather vague terms用相当隐晦的词讲述
4.a person who tells or invents fables.寓言的讲述者或创造者。
5.To tell(a story, for example) in speech or writing.讲述在演讲或写作中说出(如一个故事)
6."Narrator cannot find a speech engine for the user interface language. Narrator may not speak well."讲述人找不到用户界面语言的语音引擎。讲述人可能讲不好。
7.It takes two to speak the truth-one to speak, and another to hear.--Henry David Thoreau讲述真理需有两个人——一个人讲,另一个听。——梭洛
8.Ballad: A story told in verse and usually meant to be sung.民谣:即口头讲述的故事,且通常是以歌唱的形式讲述
9.In oral histories, people tell about their lives.在口述的历史中,这些人讲述了自己的生平。
10.The pictures made up vivid stories as a narrator explained with song.放映机伴随着歌曲,讲述生动的故事。
11.He told me about his childhood.他给我讲述了他的童年时代。
12.He recounted how he had shot the lion.他讲述他射死那只狮子的经过.
13.On the way home my father told me of an incident.回家途中,我父亲给我讲述了一件事。
14.What he related sounded somewhat sinister.听了他的讲述,真觉得有死里逃生之感。
15.He told me excitedly how he narrowly escaped death.他兴奋地向我讲述他如何死里逃生。
16.She give the society an illustrated talk on her travel in india.她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行。
17.She gave the society an illustrated talk on her travel in India她在协会中借助图片讲述其印度之行
18.He spoke frankly about his past life.他坦率地讲述了他过去的生活.

3)the description with tree feelings真情讲述
4)bridge verb讲述动词
1.A va question can function as the complement clause of a bridge verb.带"(口伐)"的疑问句可以充当讲述动词的宾语,而且在不同的动词后有相异的表现;"(口伐)"会使句子中的疑问指代成分成为量化成分;"(口伐)"不能附着在否定句后面。
5)student presentations学生述讲
1.This paper talks about student presentations from the viewpoint of second language acquisition.文章从语言习得角度探讨了学生述讲对提高学生英语技能的作用。
6)narration activities讲述活动

讲述法  见讲授法。