1.Textual Qesearch on Peasants Burden of Corvee In Henan Enemy-ouupied Area During The War of Resistance Against Japan;抗日战争时期河南沦陷区农民徭役负担考
2.Usually,the administrative institution is set up for the people in mourning on the boundary or the places where the people doing corvee labour in Han Dynasty.两汉时期,戍边或服徭役的地方都设有服丧人员的管理机构。
3.The escapees in the Ming Dynasty migrated to many places in order to escape local corvee.明代逃户是因徭役而逃的编户,由于西北地区其特殊的地理位置和环境,使这里徭役的种类、应役频率等都呈现出与其他地区显著不同的特点,明代陕西逃户就是当时特定的徭役制度与环境博弈的产物,也复杂而深刻地改造着逃出地与逃入地的环境。

1.Textual Qesearch on Peasants Burden of Corvee In Henan Enemy-ouupied Area During The War of Resistance Against Japan;抗日战争时期河南沦陷区农民徭役负担考
2.Second, It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives.第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役
3.Third part is about thecontrastive study of Su-Mu and corvee of Su-Mu written by these archives.第三部分主要对蒙文档案所反映的清乾隆时期喀喇沁右旗苏木数及苏木徭役进行了比较研究。
4.five years at hard labor = five year's hard labor五年的苦役 [劳役]
5.On the Policy of“Zu Yong Diao Zhi”(租庸调制);试析唐前期租庸调制下纳税人的税收负担水平——对“轻徭薄赋”政策的补充论证
6.Servitutes personales(=Servitutes personarum)人役权、使用、居住役权
7.Sent to prison and forced to do hard physical work(旧时)劳役刑,劳役监禁
8.Called up reserve troops for active duty.征召后备役军人服役
9.Servitus fumi immittendi引烟役权,排烟役权
10.I can not to be served But to serve非以役人,乃役于人
11.Bouvines, Battle of布汶战役(1214.7.27)
12.· E_categorizationNotAllowed: (20100) RETIRED.· E_categorizationNotAllowed: (20100) 已退役。
13.· E_invalidCategory (20000): RETIRED.· E_invalidCategory: (20000) 已退役。
14.Servitus oneris ferendi支重役权,支柱役权,支撑地役权
15.Of or relating to work or a job regarded as servile.仆役工作的仆役之工作的或有关仆役工作的
16.Chacabuco, Battle of查卡布科战役(1817.2.12)
17."Yes, sir," said the boy.“是,先生,"仆役说道。
18.Poltava, Battle of波尔塔瓦战役(1709.7.8)

the corveeization徭役化
3)To force the masses to labour for the government徭役百姓
4)war and corvee culture战争徭役诗
5)The walking of dogs and horses徭徭犬马
1.This arrangement empowers the central government to control tightly the distribution of factotum and the process of report,assessment and registration.通过不役纳庸形式,杂徭在唐前期也被纳入国家财政的“支度国用”范围。
