1.The festivals of Guizhou s long-dwelling peoples are rich and numerous.贵州世居民族岁时节日数量繁多、姿态各异。
2.Traditional festivals should be a focus of study in this sense.传统岁时节日作为一种文化事象,不仅反映了人类建构对自然的认知框架的过程,而且还反映了古时特定的社会框架和经济结构。
3.The festivals are abundant in the traditional sports custom activities and those activities have already fallen into patterns.岁时节日中有丰富的传统体育习俗活动,且已定型。

1.Inheritance and Development of Traditional Sports Customs in Chinese Festivals;岁时节日传统体育习俗的传承与发展
2.The Narrative Meanings of Holidays in XI Menqing s Legend;岁时节日在《金瓶梅》中的叙事意义
3.Research on National Traditional Sports at the Age of Folk Festival in China我国岁时节日中民族民间体育的研究
4.A Review of the Studies on Guizhou s Long Dwelling Peoples Festivals in the Past Three Decades;30年来贵州世居民族岁时节日文化研究综述
5.An Analysis of the Significance of the Long-dwelling Peoples Festivals in Guizhou;贵州世居民族传统岁时节日的意义分析
6.During such festivals as Lunar New Year, Lantern, Dragon Boat and Mid-Autumn, we all celebrated the festivities with plenty of food and fun.新年、元宵、端午、中秋……岁时节日,吃的玩的都是十分丰富而有趣。
7.all important events in the lives of the ordinary people, for instance, a marriage, a funeral, or a festival, would be complete with the blowing of flutes and the banging of gongs and drums.民俗活动中的婚丧嫁娶、岁时节日等重要活动,都少不了吹打锣鼓。
8.On the Expression of Sexual Awareness Symbols of Xinjiang Ethnic Minorities in the Folk-customs in Time ofAnnual Festivals新疆少数民族岁时节日民俗中性别意识符号的表达
9.Each age has deemed the new-born year, The fittest time for fested cheer.每岁都将新的一年视做那喜庆节日的最佳时辰。
10.Unfolding the Tableaus of Festival Custom: on the Descriptions about the Festival Customs in Yuan Drama;岁时风俗画面的形象展现──浅谈元曲节日风俗的描写
12.Chiao, 44, sent in his ballot Sunday night -- "Halloween night and maybe that's kind of appropriate."现年44岁的焦立中是在周日晚上寄出选票的,他说:“万圣节的夜晚或许是个合适的时机。”
13.When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays.You thanked her by plopping into the nearest mud-hole.你5岁时,她在节日把你打扮得漂漂亮亮,而你却以一脚踩进最近的一个泥水坑来表示感谢。
14.When you were5 year old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by piopping into the nearest pile of mud.当你5岁的时候,她为你准备节日盛装,你用跳进最近的泥坑来感谢她。
15.When being homesick , man starts meditateing , closely one kind of realization buddhist , does not there is not the freckle reduplication of the story speaked is living years on the calendar .想家时,人开始沉思,近乎一种悟禅,无言的情节斑斑点点的重迭在岁月的日历上.
16.Fasti Festival and the Dietetic Culture of Northern Nomad Nationalities岁时节庆与北方游牧民族饮食文化
17.How old will you is on December 31of this year?到今年十二月三十一日时你将几岁?
18.I can dimly remember my fourth birthday.我隐约记得自己过四岁生日时的情景.

the origin of seasonal festivals in Tibet西藏岁时节日
3)time and seasons岁时节令
4)the rhythm of the agricultural period of a year岁时节律
5)climate and other natural phenomena of a season节日时令
6)double ordinal-day" festival system重日岁时祭仪系统
