1.The Buddhist Studies is Current in Yexia and the Martial Arts, Warrior Monks and Buddhist Temple in Anyang during the Northern Dynasties,Sui and Tang Dynasties邺下佛学之盛和北朝、隋唐的安阳佛寺武僧武艺
2.In his Yan\'s Family Instruction,on Household Management,Yan Zhitui talked about the "Female Dominating the Family" ethos in Yexia which refers to the whole area of North Qi Kingdom.治家》论及邺下"妇持门户"之风,其"邺下"实指代北齐全境。

1.A View of A Travel to Yexia in The Eight Poems Modelled on the Prince of the Wei Kingdom’s Collection of Poems in Yezhong by Xie Lingyun;谢灵运《拟魏太子邺中集诗八首》中的邺下之游
2.On the origin of Shaolin Wushu from Chou monk and Yexia Dingjin temple从稠禅师及邺下定晋禅院考察看少林武术发端
3.Study on the Forming of the Literature Group of Ye xia and the Literary Pursuits Brought by Them in the Army;论邺下文学集团的形成及其带来的军中风雅
4.Impact on Scholar s Literature Idea of the inside Activities of the Group of the Yexia Literatis;邺下文人集团内部活动对文人观念的影响
5.On the Affects of the Banquet Activities in the Late Yexia Period to the Jian’an Poetry;论邺下后期宴集活动对建安诗歌的影响
6.Discuss contributions of monks from Yexia Temple to the development of Shaolin Temple and Shaolin Wushu;邺下高僧对少林寺和少林武术的贡献与影响
7.The Buddhist Studies is Current in Yexia and the Martial Arts, Warrior Monks and Buddhist Temple in Anyang during the Northern Dynasties,Sui and Tang Dynasties邺下佛学之盛和北朝、隋唐的安阳佛寺武僧武艺
8.Chou Monk's Wugong and Yexia Temple's learning Wushu activities in the Bei Dynasty北朝稠禅师的武功和邺下寺院武僧的习武活动
9.The Communicative Activity Inside the Literary Group under Ye and Literary Concepts of Emergence,Observation,Mass-reflection,and Complaint邺下文学集团内部活动与兴、观、群、怨的文学观念
10.A Research on the Relation between Foundation and Development of Shaolin Wushu and the Tradition of Wushu in Temples around Ye in the North Areas;少林武术的开创和发展与北方地区邺下寺院尚武传统关系之研究
11.New Development of the Research on the Origin of the Yexia Temple Wushu and Shaolin Wushu Culture;邺下寺院武术与少林武术文化起源研究的新进展
12.Poet s Verse of Tang Dynasty Explore in YE--And the Formation and the Variety of YE Cultural Theory;唐代邺地诗人诗歌初探——兼论邺文化的形成和嬗变
13.On the Design, Layout and Influence of Cao Wei Ye Bei City试论邺北城的设计思想、布局与影响
14.An Investigation of the Date of Birth of LI Fan and his Genealogy of Duke of Ye;李繁生年及其《相国邺侯家传》考辨
15.Strong Emotions Turn into Fine Writings;胸中块垒 笔底波澜——李邺嗣及其诗文
16.Although Pingcheng where the former capital was situated, had a more favorable position in economy than Luoyang, Pingcheng was abandoned for the sake of short existence of the imperial powers.邺城虽较洛阳经济上处于优势,但都于邺城的皆短命王朝,因而不被其选中。
17.On Urban Construction and Renewal of Yecheng City in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期邺城城市建设与更新发展钩沉
18.The Natural and Cultural Landscape of the Ye City in the Period of Caowei;论曹魏邺城及其周边自然景观和文化景观

Yexia Temple邺下寺院
1.New Development of the Research on the Origin of the Yexia Temple Wushu and Shaolin Wushu Culture;邺下寺院武术与少林武术文化起源研究的新进展
2.Analyse the communication between Yexia Temple and Shaolin Temple and the influence of forming a military tradition consulting historical documents,on the spot investigation.从对历史文献和实物资料的记载分析北魏以来邺下寺院与少林寺之间的交流以及对少林寺僧人形成尚武活动传统的影响,论证邺都地区历史上的佛教寺院武僧与少林寺的相互发展关系。
3)a travel to Yexia邺下之游
4)scholars in Yexia邺下文士
1.Worse still, the poems all neglected the contradictions and conflicts between the Caos and the scholars in Yexia.但是,在拟诗中的诸子放弃了各自的理想,安于享乐生活,且忽略了曹氏父子与邺下文士之间的矛盾和摩擦,这并不完全符合史实。
5)Yexia's monks邺下武僧
6)poets in feast邺下文人
1.His poems mostly composed with other poets in feast.王粲投曹后政治际遇和生活境遇均有较大的改变,其诗赋多作于与邺下文人游宴唱和的活动中,即多属同题创作。
