1.The image of Han Shanzi changed from being a hermit to a Bodhisattva.寒山子的形象在中国经历了从"隐士"到"菩萨"的转变。

1.The Manjusri Bodhisattva full name is wen shu shi li, representing wisdom and auspicious meaning.又称大势菩萨或大精菩萨,简称为势至。
2.The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle.观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。
3.A clay Buddha crossing a stream/hardly able to save itself泥菩萨过河,自身难保
4.a clay idol fording a river is hardly aBle to save itself.泥菩萨过河,自身难保。
5.A mosquito Bites a clay idol/mistaken identity蚊子叮菩萨,找错了人
6.Bronze Bodhisattva in the Longxing Temple at Zhengding正定隆兴寺铜菩萨
7.--Save us from our adversity, Goddess Kuanyin!——救苦救难观世音菩萨
8."mokesa" is the abbreviation of "mokesachui",is the Bodhisattva;“摩诃萨”为“摩诃萨?省钡氖÷?即菩萨;
9.An analysis to the influence that is brought to Byang Chub Lam Rim Che Mo by Bodhicary vat ra;试析《入菩萨行论》对《菩提道次第广论》的影响
10.A relief image of a bodhisattva, most likely Avalokiteshvara, from a temple at Jiuhuashan.菩萨(概是观世音菩萨)在九华山上一座寺庙的浮雕。
11.A Study on "Bodhisattva Camatha and Vipacyana in Consciousness Only"“菩萨唯识观行”的研究——以《瑜伽师地论·菩萨地》为范围
12.The whole group got down on their knees to plead Ksitigarbha to forgive Diao.同来的人跪在地藏菩萨前,请他原谅刁。
13.Maitreya Bodhisattva (Sanskrit) or Metteyya Bodhisatta is the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology.弥勒菩萨在佛教末世学中未来的佛。
14.Learn the tolerance of Maitreya Bodhisattva, be magnanimous and open-minded.学习弥勒菩萨的胸怀,宽容豁达。
15.Monkey King had to seek help from Guanyin (a Bodhisattva).悟空没办法,只好去求观音菩萨
16.The Bodhisattva at the back looks very kind.这后面的菩萨看上去非常和善。
17.The Buddhas on his two sides appear solemn.左右胁侍菩萨仪态庄严肃穆。
18.-hic, hic - Merciful goddess - hic - I don't want his help!—呃,呃,大慈大悲的菩萨,呃,不要他帮忙!

Samatabhadra kun bzang菩贤菩萨
3)Book of New Buddha新菩萨经
1.The Disease Panic Behind Book of New Buddha and Book of Good Behaviors—On The Five Main Diseases in Tang and The Five Dynasties;《新菩萨经》、《劝善经》背后的疾病恐慌——试论唐五代主要疾病种类
4)Manjusri Bodhisattva文殊菩萨
1.The Qianlong Emperor and the Manjusri Bodhisattva:A Study of the Arrangement of the Pantheon in Fanzong Lou;乾隆与文殊菩萨——梵宗楼供奉陈设探析
5)"Buddha practice"菩萨行
1.As ZHANG Taiyan s Idea of morality cultivation,"Buddha practice" refers not only to the behavior of cultivating morality,but also the process and method of it.章太炎“菩萨行”既指道德修养行为之本身,又指道德修养之过程,还是道德修养之方法;“菩萨行”主要特征体现为“入世修证重于出世修证”、“利他重于自利”、“中土圣贤即大乘菩萨”;“菩萨行”精神的意义在于它带给整个社会的价值,是一种以失去小我而赢得大我、失去有限而赢得无限、失去有形而赢得神圣的道德活动。
6)Rough Bodhisattva菩萨蛮
1.The Lonely Feeling in the Voluptuous Poesies ——the real true quality in the fifteen Rough Bodhisattva poesies by Tingjun Wen;“镂玉雕琼”下的寂寞心——从温庭筠《菩萨蛮》十五首词看其真本色
