小爵,Xiao jue
1)Xiao jue小爵
1."Ci min jue"and"Xiao jue"in the Qin and Han Dynasties秦汉时期的“赐民爵”及“小爵
2.Reading of"Ci min jue"and"Xiao jue"in the Qin and Han Dynasties——Also on the Relationship between Peerage and Women in the Han Dynasties《秦汉时期的“赐民爵”及“小爵”》读后——兼论汉代爵制与妇女的关系

1.Reading of"Ci min jue"and"Xiao jue"in the Qin and Han Dynasties--Also on the Relationship between Peerage and Women in the Han Dynasties《秦汉时期的“赐民爵”及“小爵”》读后——兼论汉代爵制与妇女的关系
2.Used as a courtesy title for the wife of a younger son of a duke or marquis.(公爵,侯爵)的子媳用于称呼公爵或侯爵的小儿子的妻子的礼貌用语
3.Miss Mildred stood her ground.麦爵德小姐坚持着。
4.The young prince was fostered in the home of the duke小王子在公爵家里长大。
5.Used as a courtesy title for the children of barons and viscounts and the younger sons of earls.阁下用作对男爵和子爵的子女和伯爵小儿子的尊称
6.a small band of jazz musicians.小型的爵士乐音乐家组成的乐队。
7.He was praised as @the greatest of the early jazz cornet players他被誉为“最伟大的早期爵士乐小号手”,
8.'That's the young Vicomte de L. He had to go away.'“这是小l子爵,他不得不离开了她。”
9.Sir Pitt has been and proposed for to marry Miss Sharp.皮特爵士居然向夏普小姐求婚。
10.I play the guitar, piano and jazz violin.我会弹奏吉他、钢琴,还拉爵士小提琴。
11.Marquis of Osborne became attached to Lady Amelia.奥斯本侯爵倾心于爱米丽亚小姐。
12.Research on Some Problems of Manufacture of Jingdezhen Porcelain in Yuan Period Ⅰ--to Sir John Addis元代窑事小考(一)——兼致约翰·艾惕思爵士
13.The Theme of Double Consciousness in Toni Morrison's Jazz对托尼莫里森小说《爵士乐》的主题研究
14.You are the son of the Marchese Cavalcanti and the Marchesa Oliva Corsinari.你是卡瓦尔康蒂侯爵和奥丽伐·高塞奈黎侯爵小姐的儿子。
15.Political positions are: Lord, Baron, Marquis, Viscount, Count, Duke, Great Duke, Arch Duke, Prince.政治地位有:领主、爵、爵、爵、爵、公爵、爵、子。
16.the Duchess asked, with another dig of her sharp little chin.公爵夫人问道,她的小小的尖下巴顶得更紧了。
17.He looked disappointed, and said he didn't remember the countess.他好像是大失所望,说他想不起这位伯爵小姐了。
18.He played the trumpet in the Duke Ellington orchestra for many years.他在艾灵顿公爵的乐队里吹了很多年小号。

knight banneret小旗爵士
3)jazz trumpet爵士乐小号
5)The Land of Heart's Desire《凯瑟琳伯爵小姐》
6)A small jazz band.一个小爵士乐队
