张蔚华,Zhang Weihua
1)Zhang Weihua张蔚华
1.Recall Zhang Weihua and Carry forward Spirit of Internationalism of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Forces缅怀张蔚华,弘扬东北抗联国际主义精神

1.Recall Zhang Weihua and Carry forward Spirit of Internationalism of the Northeast Anti-Japanese United Forces缅怀张蔚华,弘扬东北抗联国际主义精神
2.Spirox( Shanghai) Corporation was established since year2002.成立于2002年的蔚华集成电路(海)限公司,地点座落在中国硅谷─海浦东张江高科技园区。
3.Miss, Han Wei, Chen Yi and Mr. Zhang Minghao went to Canada for a half-year English training program.韩蔚、陈怡、张明昊老师赴加拿大参加为期半年的英语教学培训。
4.Baozhai in the villages of Northern China and Social Change in the Frontier Areas during the Ming-Qing Periods:A Case Study of Yu County,Hebei Province华北乡村的堡寨与明清边镇的社会变迁——以河北蔚县为中心的考察
5.The air was pure and cold.The sun,painting the sky with an intense blue,again hid the ever-watching stars.空气纯净而清冷,太阳将天空刷成蔚蓝的一片,阳光也再一次藏起了星星,可它们仍在那儿张望着。
6.Queenie? Ng owns the copyright of all content in? this site.吴蔚蔚拥有此网站所有内容的版权。
7.Surprised, Xu Huabei took the photos from her hands and began to flip through them.徐华北惊讶地接过来,然后开始一张张翻看起来。
8.The sky is quite blue and cloudless.天空蔚蓝,明净无云。
9."The earth was green, the sky was blue.“翠绿的大地,蔚蓝的天空。
10.There is no sky in June so blue,六月的天空是蔚蓝的,
11.living in the ocean blue.就 住在 蔚蓝的 大海。
12.The sky was clear and blue.蔚蓝色的天空晴朗无云。
13.The sky is clear and blue, the sunlight dazzling.蔚蓝天空, 阳光灿烂。
14.Scientific management became a veritable movement.科学管理已经蔚然成风。
15.Studying foreign languages is the order of the day.学习外语蔚然成风。
16.I've just been given this prescription by Dr. Worsen.华生医生刚给我开了这张处方。
17.The man gave him a five-dollar bill.那个男人给了华勃一张五元钞票。
18.Xinhua News Agency, Rangoon, March 17th, by reporter Yunfei Zhang新华社仰光3月17日电(记者张云飞)

Zhang Hua张华
1.The Odes to Roaming Swordsmen in the Weijin and Nanbei Dynasties Represented by Cao Zhi,Zhang Hua and Wang Bao;浅论以曹植、张华、王褒为代表的魏晋南北朝咏侠诗
2.There Being an Ideal Realm of Ming Jiao Naturally On the Integration of Metaphysics and Confucianism of Zhang Hua;名教内自有乐地——张华会通玄儒研究
3.Questions about Immortals in Ancient China Translated by Mr.Zhang Hua;张华先生英译《中国的神仙》献疑
4)Zhang Chonghua张重华
1.By summarizing the scholar spirit and clinical experience of professor Zhang Chonghua,a noted expert on throat department of Chinese medicine.通过对著名中医喉科专家张重华教授治学精神及其诊疗经验的总结 ,强调从事中医工作必须具备热爱中医事业 ,锲而不舍、虚心好学、持之以恒 ,学贯文哲以及勇于创新的治学精神。
5)Zhang Guo-hua张国华
1.Zhang Guo-hua and Rao Xin-xian are the founders and pioneers for Chinese juridical ideaistic history subject who are also considered the pioneers,active participants in the research of juridical history and famous jurists.认为张国华、饶鑫贤是中国法律思想史学的奠基者和开拓者,法律史研究的组织者、学术活动家和著名法学家;在总结与继承、学科建设、培养学术骨干、开展学术交流和比较研究等方面作出了重要的学术贡献。
6)Zhang Lihua张丽华
