种子直播,direct seeding
1)direct seeding种子直播
1.Effects of enclosure protection and seed burial on direct seeding of nut-bearing trees;覆网保护和埋藏对坚果树种种子直播的影响
2.An experiment of cultivating seedlings Cinnamomum camphora was conducted by the method of direct seeding and nursery seedling transplant with the method.采用种子直播育苗和芽苗移栽育苗的方法,进行香樟播种育苗试验。
2)Direct seeding planter直播种植
3)seed rope direct sowing种绳直播

1.Dynamic Response of Taped Type Rice Direct Seeding Machine for Field Surface Roughness水稻种绳直播机对地表不平度的动态响应
2.vertical plate planter垂直排种盘式播种机
3.A sling for raising or lowering an object vertically.起重索套一种用于垂直提升或放下物体的绳索
4.The certain placement of seed at the 12-20 mm level necessitates drilling rather than broadcasting.将种子深度定为12-20毫米,采用直播比撒播优越。
5.A Study on the Seeding Times and Fertilizing Rate of Direct Seeding Rice under Zero Tillage Condition;免耕直播水稻播种时期和施肥量的研究
6.] carrick-bend n.接两根绳子的一种绳结
7.Study on Seed Coating and Direct Seeding Cultivation Density of Coldly Paddy Rice寒地水稻种子包衣直播栽培密度试验
8.A new design of P2P-based live media streaming system一种新的P2P流媒体直播方案研究
9.The relatively new close-spaced drill is an ideal machine for drilling grass seeds.比较新型的小间距直播机是直播草种的理想机器。
10.Design and Discussion on Seed Discharger with Inside Feeding Seed Vertical Disc of Fine Seeder精播机内侧充种垂直圆盘排种器的设计探讨
11.Research of Theory and Experiment on Air Suction Seed-metering Device for Direct Drilling of Rice Bud-sowing;气吸式水稻芽种直播排种器的理论及试验研究
12.Test and Study on Seeding Performance of Rape No-tillage and Direct Seeding Device;油菜免耕直播排种器排种性能的试验研究
13.Such waves radiate at the speed of light and are transmitted not only by line of sight but also by deflection from the ionosphere.这种电磁波以光速传播,其传播方式不仅通过无线电直线传播,还可通过电离层的反射传播。
14.The diameter of this wire rope(hemp rope, sling)is three-fourth inches(3/4").这钢丝绳(麻绳,吊索)的直径为3/4英寸.
15.Application and Implementation of XML File-based Data Broadcasting Technology in China’s DBS一种基于XML文件的数据广播技术在中国直播卫星中的应用与实现
16.Effects of Seeding Amount and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Character of Ear and Yield of Lv Han No1 under Direct-sowing Dry Culture Condition播种量和氮肥用量对“绿旱一号”旱直播栽培穗部性状及产量的影响
17.Research on Different Sowing Quantity of Double-low Rapeseed Ganliangyou No.2 in No-tillage Direct Seeding Way双低油菜“赣两优二号”免耕直播不同播种量的研究
18.Effects of Different Varieties and Sowing-date on Growth ang Yield of Direct-seeding Late Rice不同品种与播期对直播晚稻生长发育及产量影响研究

Direct seeding planter直播种植
3)seed rope direct sowing种绳直播
4)direct seeding of paddy芽种直播
5)straight seeded直接播种
6)seed broadcasting种子撒播

种子生现行现行薰种子【种子生现行现行薰种子】 (术语)在色者二缘和合,在心者四缘和合时,阿赖耶识所持之种子,生现行。是本有种子生果之功能也。此谓之种子生现行。其现行之法,必随所应而薰种子,其薰之种子,即新薰种子也。此谓之现行薰种子。应知此时有三法,成二重之因果。三法者:一为能生之种子,二为所生之现行,三为所薰之种子。二重之因果者:一为种子生现行,二为现行薰种子。此三法同时成二重之因果。以所生之现行,即薰种子故也。此谓之种子生现行现行薰种子。又曰三法展转因果同时。就八识而论,则第八识所持之种子为因,生眼等之七转识,同时七转识之现行法为因,生第八识之种子。因而谓之七转第八互为因果。本宗因果之谈于此为极。