1.How Music Theory of Gongfu Being Possible;“工夫的乐论”如何可能——论徐复观对中国古代乐论的心性学诠释
2.The theory of Gongfu is the methodology of his thought, searching f or the ways of the presentation and realiza.王阳明心学思想体系可归结为本体论、工夫论、境界论。
3.Gongfu Lun is the most significant part of Lv Nan s thought.他师承渭南薛敬之,接河东薛瑄之传,秉承了河东学派笃实践履的学风,开拓了一条躬行礼教、在人伦日用中体认天理的下学工夫之路。

1.No Kungfu is the Real Kungfu"--How did Wang Longxi Develop the Wang Yangming′s theory about Kungfu;“无工夫中真工夫”——论王龙溪工夫说对王学的发展
2."She? No, she has no time.“她吗,没有工夫。…
3.Fantine had grown ten years older since the preceding night.芳汀一夜工夫老了十岁。
4.In less than a minute,不到1分钟的工夫
5.Come and talk to me when you have the chance.有工夫来找我聊聊。
6.He expended much time in reading.他花费许多工夫读书。
7.`THAT generally takes some time,'“这常常得费一阵工夫
8.It is waste of time, admonishing you.劝告你简直是浪费工夫
9.She took great pains to learn English.她下工夫学习英语。
10.Views on Chaoshan Gongfu Tea s Inheriting and Developing of Ancient Gongfu Tea;论潮汕工夫茶对古代工夫茶的传承与发展
11.Steerforth evaded the question for a little while.史朵夫有一会儿的工夫,对于这个问题避而不答。
12.Take more time and care over your work.对工作要多花工夫,又要细心。
13.There's so much work to do that he doesn't even have time to eat!工作这么多,连吃饭的工夫都没有。”
14.It will take a lot of work to finish the job.做完那件工作需要费很大的工夫
15.Don‘ t waste your time on a man/ woman, who isn‘ t willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上破费工夫的人而糜费你的工夫
16.The tailor stitched the split seam in seconds.裁缝一会儿工夫就把破缝缝好了。
17.It takes lot of time to be sentimental .为要感情丰富,可也颇费一番工夫
18.maul and wedges[美]樵夫用的各种工具

1.His doctrine of mind, under the new cultural background in a new era, strengthened the orientation of value and cultural spirit of being a saint by making moral effort, which were founded by Confucius and Mencius but developed by the Confucians in Song Dynasty.王阳明作为明代最有影响的哲学家和宋明新儒学的主要代表之一,他的“心学”理论,在新的时代和文化背景下,强化了儒学由孔、孟开创,而由宋代理学家发展了的,通过道德工夫践履以尽性至圣的价值取向和文化精神。
2.The theory of the original substance and the effort is the central theory of the Wang’s school, and determines the direction of development of Wang’s school.全文以本体—工夫理论作为考察的主要线索。
3.Then the focus of YangMing-school transfer to effort on the issue.阳明后学的争论焦点转移到了工夫论问题上。
3)the cultivation of Gongfu心性工夫
4)Put Effort下工夫
5)sincere industriousness实践工夫
6)cultivating of the four predispositions of our mind/heart扩充工夫

工夫【工夫】 (术语)或作功夫。禅语,谓参禅也。懒残曰:“我岂有工夫,为俗人拭涕。”临济曰:“始知从前虚用工夫。”