1.Love, death and eternity:interpretation of Emily Dickinson s poems;爱情·死亡·永恒——艾米莉·狄金森诗歌解读
2.Yeputushenke, an important peot in the peotic circles of the Soveit Union in the 20th century, is faced with both reality and eternity in that he is a poet who converses through his heart with the reality of the Soveit Union and with the human world.叶甫图申科是20世纪苏联诗坛的重要诗人,他面对的即是现实,也是永恒
3.However, they always just paid attention to " Extension of Mind " and ignored the Creation of God and its relationship to Eternity.奥古斯丁《忏悔录》中的“时间之问”受到后世哲学家们的广泛关注和高度评价,但往往只重视其中“心灵的伸展”这一向度,而忽视上帝的创造这一向度,忽视了永恒之雏。

1."The language of eternal silence."“是永恒的沉默。”
2."The language of eternal question."“是永恒的疑问。”
3.the diamond -- everlasting value钻石——价值永恒
4.Eternal conflict and everlasting love--the appreciation of Finding Nemo;永恒的冲突,永恒的爱——《海底总动员》赏析
5.The primal, eternal quality of God.上帝最初的,永恒的性质
6.the ageless mystery of the universe宇宙的永恒的奥秘.
7.The state or quality of being eternal.不朽永恒的状态或性质
8.Man Burns Bottom on @Eternal Flame“永恒火焰”烧伤男子臀部
9.They swore eternal friendship.他们发誓友谊永恒不渝。
10.Eternity is inapprehensible to mankind.永恒非人类所可理解。
11.Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul游戏王-永恒斗士之魂
12.Art be long, and life be short .生命短暂,艺术永恒
13.Spirit is the real and eternal精神是真实的、永恒
14.Marketable Securities - Permanent Holdings有价证券-永恒的持股
15.An eternal state of communion with God;everlasting bliss.极乐与上帝意念和谐的永恒状态;永恒的幸福
16.the dateless rise and fall of the tides; time is endless; sempiternal truth.永恒的潮起潮落;时间是无穷的;永恒的真理。
17.There is no overlasting night in life, nor everlasting winter in the world.人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬功天。
18.Not subject or susceptible to change.永恒的不可改变的或永远不变的

1.He not only sees the universality of difficulty in the life,but also dares to walk forward in the misery,and melts himself into the changes of the whole eternal life.史铁生在《我与地坛》中不断地探寻生命的价值和意义,不仅看到生命中难以承受苦难的普遍性,也敢于在苦难中不吝前行,更把自己融入到生命整体的永恒流变中。
2.The Cosmos Spirit, regarded as a kind of eternal spirit, shown in the Poems of John Keats and Shelley (English Romantic Poets who passed away very young), especially in the poems Ode to a Nightingale, Bright Star (written by Keats) and Adonais (written by shelley).本文通过对济慈、雪莱这两位英年早逝的英国浪漫主义诗人的优美诗篇《夜莺颂》、《灿烂的星》、《阿多尼》的分析,探讨了他们认为精神永恒的“宇宙精神”生死观。
1.Virtually all cultures in the world have discussed the basic values concerning the principles of justice and immortality.几乎所有文明的核心价值,都涵有“公正”理念和“永恒”理念。
2.How to overcome death and pursue immortality has always been a major issue of human life.如何超越死亡,达致永恒?儒家力主、力行最大限度地敦睦伦理,以期圆满伦理,贯通和绵延伦理之河。
1.Oscar Wild′s three famous works,The Ballad of Reading Gaol,Salome,and The Picture of Dorian Gray are analyzed again to penetrate time outlook of aestheticism ——the eternality realized in an instant.把握瞬间的强烈意识,释放内心的忧患和渴望,在聚焦式的生命展现里,感受自由与永恒,这就是唯美主义刹那之间蕴蓄永恒的时间观。
2.The article is attempted having analysed the phenomenon in the consumption society context and found the reason to lie in three aspect changes of the outside environment、acceptership、creation main body,and further proves the reason of the literature eternality depending on the literature inner looking at characteristic property and humanb.本文尝试分析了消费社会语境中出现此种现象的根本原因在于外部环境、受众群体、创作主体心态三个方面的变化,并进一步论证文学得以永恒的原因在于文学的内视特性及其人的本性需求两个方面,得出文学不仅不会终结而且在新的社会语境中将有更大发展的可能。
3.Feng Zhi, who has been under the spell of the thought of individualism, lays stress on the repeated narration in his poems of the eternality realized in an instant which integrates the past and the future.深受存在主义思想熏陶的冯至,他的诗歌反复吟唱的是在瞬间实现的永恒,这样的瞬间融汇了过去和将来;最让人心醉的瞬间有两种,一是离别,一是死亡;生命中遇到的一切客观事物,都是这种瞬间的外化形式,期待着我们去感受,去领悟。
1.The eternity of manufacturing technology is discussed according to both history and modern,relationship between human development and manufacturing technology also be discussed.从历史和现代的角度论述了制造技术的永恒性,阐述了人类发展和制造技术的密切关系。
2.In this article,the primary characteristics of art image and their relevant properties are approached based on an analysis of the dialectical unity of the instantaneousness and the eternity of art image.文章主要围绕美术形象瞬间性与永恒性的辩证统一关系,分析了美术最基本的审美特征及其相关审美属性。
3.The novel "Where the Sun Always Rises" embodies abundant ecological ideas such as model,eternity of natural beauty and harmony between nature and man.《日出依旧》包涵了榜样教育、自然美的永恒性和人与自然的和谐等丰富的生态思想,将生态批评的思想引入到此课的讲授中来,能丰富教学内容,拓宽学生的视野,收到更好的教学效果。
6)pelative timeless相对永恒
