1.Philosophy Is Clinic: Discussion about Seneca s Philosophical Therapeutics to Anger;哲学是一个诊所——谈塞涅卡对发怒的哲学治疗法
2.The Ancient Roman Philosopher's Perspective on Leisure——A Preliminary Study of Leisure in Seneca's Works罗马哲人的闲暇观——塞涅卡作品中的闲暇问题

1.Life is long if you know how to use it. --Seneca珍惜生命的人,生命才能长久。——塞涅卡
2.Fire proves gold, adversity proves men.-- L.A.Seneca烈火炼真金,逆境识真人。——塞涅卡
3.Life is long if you know how to use it. -- Seneca只要你善于利用,生命就是长久的。——塞涅卡
4.of or relating to or like or in the manner of the Roman Seneca.属于、关于或象罗马人塞涅卡的,或以其方式的。
5.The breakthrough of classical punishment ethics paradigm--from Plato to Seneca;古典惩罚伦理学范式的突破——从柏拉图到塞涅卡
6.Philosophy Is Clinic: Discussion about Seneca s Philosophical Therapeutics to Anger;哲学是一个诊所——谈塞涅卡对发怒的哲学治疗法
7.The Ancient Roman Philosopher's Perspective on Leisure--A Preliminary Study of Leisure in Seneca's Works罗马哲人的闲暇观——塞涅卡作品中的闲暇问题
8.It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do no dare that they are difficult. --Seneca并不是因为事情难我们才不敢;是因为我们不敢事情才难的。——塞涅卡
9.An ancient fertility goddess who later became associated with Persephone as queen of Hades and protector of witches.赫卡蒂古代富饶女神,后与珀尔塞福涅结伴并成为冥府之女王和巫师的保护神
10.Frand - Kamenetskii Mode弗兰克-卡米涅茨基模型
11."Fenitchka?" asked Arkady easily.“费涅奇卡吗?”阿尔卡狄顺口问道。
12.Your shirt's hanging out, Ned; tuck it in a once.你的衬衣下摆露出来了,涅德;快塞进裤子里。
13.Casella's siphon rainfall recorder卡塞拉虹吸雨量记录仪
14.Cass-horn antenna卡塞格林喇叭型天线
15.Cassegrain type reflector equatorial mounting卡塞格伦式反射赤道仪
16.modified Cassegrain antenna改进型卡塞格伦天线
17.Konstantin Lukashyk,康斯太尼?路卡塞克,
18.In the Greek mysteries, Persephone, was abducted by Pluto, Lord of Hades.在希腊神秘主义中,珀尔塞福涅(腊神话中的宙斯之女)冥神绑架。

Seneca's Therapeutic Philosophy塞涅卡的治疗哲学
3)Rochelle salt塞涅特盐
1.Sonechka is her representative work by which she receives Book reward nomination and won the Medici Prize for foreign fiction in France when it first appeared in 1992.中篇小说《索涅奇卡》是她的成名之作,曾获俄语布克奖的提名和法国梅迪奇文学奖。

拜塞涅伊,G.  匈牙利小说家、戏剧家、思想家。出生于中等贵族家庭。青年时期曾参加维也纳的皇家贵族近卫军。他深受法国启蒙运动作家伏尔泰的影响。他的创作活动是多方面的。他的长篇小说《塔利梅尼什的旅行》(1804)描写了一个理想的社会,揭露和嘲笑贵族的专横跋扈,对农民的悲惨境况表示同情。历史悲剧《阿吉什》(1772)被认为是匈牙利启蒙文学的开端,它描写古代斯巴达克反抗统治者的英雄故事。《阿蒂拉和布达》(1773)歌颂匈牙利民族英雄的光荣事迹。喜剧《哲学家》(1777)宣扬自由、平等思想,主张人人都要有高尚的道德。他的作品结构严谨,形象鲜明,语言简练,善于运用讽刺手法。