1.With the rapid development of e-retailing, the much mote importance was attached to the environment of e-retailing.随着网络零售的日趋活跃,网络零售环境越来越被人们所重视。

1.The Mix of Internet and Bricks-and-Mortar Retail Models;传统零售模式与网络零售模式的融合
2.The service integration of network retail on aquatic product e-marketing;水产品网络营销中网络零售的服务整合
3.Research on Application of Market Basket Analysis in Online Retail Industry;购物篮分析在网络零售业中的应用研究
4.Transaction Costs and Value-creating Modes of Customers in Network Retail;网络零售业中交易成本与顾客价值创造模式
5.Approaches on Logistics Optimization of B2C net-basic retailing Companies in China我国B2C网络零售企业的物流合理化探析
6.Simple Discussion on the Far Distance Logistics Distribution Service of China s Network Retail Trade--A Case Study of DANGDANG and JOYO;浅析我国网络零售业的远程物流配送服务——以当当网和卓越网为例
7.Many network vendors and suppliers exist, each with its own ideas of how things should be done.网络零售商和供应商林立,而且他们每一家都有自己的产品标准。
8.Study on the Optimization of Oil Product Retailing Network of China Petroleum Corporation, Shandong Petroleum Branch中石油山东销售成品油零售网络优化研究
9.The Internet marketing have brought huge impacts on the traditional retail trade.网络营销给传统零售业带来了巨大的冲击。
10.Retail-collection Network Design under Deposit-refund;基于保证金退还机制的零售商回收网络设计
11.Net Marketing──the challenge and opportunity to the traditional retail trade;网络营销──传统零售业面临的挑战与机遇
12.Consumption Externalities and Forming of Buyer Power in Vertical Structure消费网络效应与专业零售商买方势力规制
13.The Optimization of the Closed-loop Supply Chain Supernetwork Recycled by the Retailers由零售商负责回收的闭环供应链超网络优化
14.Zero Inventory Control of Logistics Distribution in Network Market网络市场销售下物流配送的零库存控制
15.What is the optimum number of retail dealership required in the market?在某一市场上,应该建立多少个零售网络点位以获得最佳销售效果?
16.The debate over the viability of the Net's premier retailer is really about the future of e-commerce itself.关于网络头号零售商生存能力的讨论事关电子商务自身的未来。
17.Research on Online Retail Stores' Brand Loyalty:Based on Trust in Virtual Community Perspective在线零售商店品牌忠诚度研究:基于网络社群信任的视角
18.Sanyo, Hitachi, and Mitsubishi Electric, among others, also oversee retail networks. But Matsushita' s is the most extensive, and the company is the most committed to serving customers in rural districts.三洋、日立和三菱电器等都设有零售网络,但松下的网络分布最广也最注重为农村用户的服务。

Network retail网络零售
1.B2C s market is great,but the situation of the Chinese economy limits the development of the network retail.本文对中国网络零售业(即 B2C)的经营模式进行了总结,并对未来的发展趋势做了展望。
3)online retailing网络零售
1.According to different participators and different ways of trading, online retailing was divided into four patterns, an integrated evaluation system set up.依据交易主体和交易方式的不同,对网络零售市场交易模式进行分类,并在此基础上构建网络零售综合评价体系,通过层次分析和模糊评价方法对其进行实证分析,从而对网络零售模式的现状进行判断和比较,并探索其发展趋势。
4)retail networks零售网络
1.To explore the laws of evolution of retail networks,the retail network model is build based on the theory of complex adaptive system (CAS).为探寻零售网络的演化规律,基于复杂自适应系统理论构建零售网络结构模型。
5)Online Retail Industry网络零售业
1.Research on Application of Market Basket Analysis in Online Retail Industry;购物篮分析在网络零售业中的应用研究
6)Internet retaile网络零售商

茶叶零售价格茶叶零售价格retail price of tea 茶叶零售价格(retail priee of tea)茶叶零售商向消费者出售茶叶的价格,是商品流i程中的最终价格。零售价格由批发价加零咨企业(通费用、利润和税金构成。在实际工作中,零售}一般根据物价政策,结合产销情况,制订合理的{差率,由批发价格推算出相应的零含价格。 (陈云钱过流格零臼皿‘U人汀,﹃宁山、.声