1.Current Production Situatiion and Prospect during the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" of Diospyros Kaki in Chunan;淳安县柿子生产现状及“九五”展望
2.Statistic and analysis on output before and after transformation of 17 low yield Carya cathayensis stands in Chunan, Zhejiang province showed that transformation had evident effect on yield and benefit.通过对 1995 ~ 2001 年淳安县临歧片3个乡镇 17 块山核桃低产改造示范林“低改”前后产量的统计分析,山核桃低产林改造增效显著,产量平均年递增 44。

1.Zhejiang Chun'an Xinzhou Tea Products Co.,Ltd.浙江淳安新洲制茶有限公司
2.Investigation and Analysis of "6·23" Lightning Stroke Event of Chun'an Country Yangmei Island淳安杨梅岛“6·23”雷击事件的调查分析
3.Construction monitoring of No.1 bridge at Zhonghu south road in Chun'an town淳安县城中湖南路一号大桥施工监控
4.Economic and social development issues in the Chun an reservoir area of Xin anjiang Reservoir;新安江水库淳安库区经济社会发展研究
5.Reflections on developing the forest resource base of high quality and utility;试论浙江淳安县优质高效森林资源基地的建设
6.Analysis and evaluation of core tourism resources of Chun an County in Zhejiang Province.;浙江省淳安县核心旅游资源的分析与评价
7.On the Approach and Measure for Continuing Development of Chunan County Sericulture;关于淳安蚕桑可持续发展的途径和措施
8.A Tentative Conception of Forest Resources Assets Estimation in Chun’an County;淳安县森林资源资产评估工作的初步构想
9.Discussion of Sewage Water Treatment in the New Socialist Countryside of Chun'an淳安县新农村建设中污水处理工作的探讨
10.Wholesale Marketing Survey of Qiandaoyuye tea in Zhejiang浙江淳安千岛湖茶叶批发市场发育状况调查
11.An Analysis on Construction Supervision Control of No.1 Bridge of Chun'an County South Zhonghu Road淳安县城中湖南路一号大桥施工监控分析
12.Analysis on the Characteristics of Landscape Pattern of Land Use and Its Ecological Effect in Chun an County;淳安县土地利用景观格局特征及其生态效应研究
13.Study on Current Situation and Development Countermeasures of Forestry Cooperative Economic Organization in Chunan County;淳安县农村林业专业合作经济组织现状与发展对策研究
14.Analysis of management and protection patterns of non-commercial forest in Chunan County and its related questions;浙江省淳安县生态公益林管护模式分析及相关问题
15.Lake Tourism Resort Planning--With Chun'an Qiandaohu Tourism Resort of Zhejiang Province as the Example湖泊型旅游度假区规划——以“浙江省淳安千岛湖旅游度假区”为例
16.The Clear Thought in A Dark Society--Hai Rui's Thoughts in Reformation in the Ministry of Personnel in "The Political Affairs of Chun'an"浊世中的一股清流——从《淳安政事》看海瑞吏治革新思想
17.A Demonstrative Analysis of Institutional Changes of County Tourism Economy--A Case of Two Counties (Chun an and Lin an) in Hangzhou Area;县域旅游经济制度变迁的实证分析——以杭州地区二县市(淳安县、临安市)为例
18.Influencing Factors and Policy Design Connected with the Economic Profit from Hickory Nut Industry in Zhejiang Province--Based on the field investigations in Lin'an and Chun'an浙江山核桃产业经营收益的影响因素和政策设计——基于临安和淳安的实地调查

Chunan County淳安县
1.Analysis of management and protection patterns of non-commercial forest in Chunan County and its related questions;浙江省淳安县生态公益林管护模式分析及相关问题
2.On the basis of 1991 and 2003 TM images,the change range,transfer matrix and change rate of land use in Chunan County in Zhejiang Province from 1991 to 2003 were obtained by using GIS,spatial analysis and statistic methods.根据1991、2003年2期TM遥感资料,运用人机交互目视解译方法以及地理信息系统的空间分析和数理统计功能,得到浙江省淳安县1991~2003年土地利用类型变化幅度、土地利用转移矩阵和土地利用变化速度,结果表明:12年间,淳安县耕地面积与建设用地面积明显增加,林地与水域面积减少,年均变化率为0。
3)Chun an county淳安县
1.Analysis on the Characteristics of Landscape Pattern of Land Use and Its Ecological Effect in Chun an County;淳安县土地利用景观格局特征及其生态效应研究
2.Taking Chun an County,Zhejiang Province as example,based on investigation of forest vegetation,this paper analyzed forest resource characteristics,necessity and pressure of developing forest resource base of high quality and utility,probed into the basic thought and expanding target and relevant problems.根据森林植被调查结果,分析了浙江省淳安县森林资源的特点与建设优质高效森林基地的必要性、紧迫性,探讨了建设优质高效森林资源基地的基本思路和发展目标及有关问题。
3.Based on ecological economic value accounting theory,the paper discussed the method of atmosphere-regulating s value computing of industrial and residential areas,combining the achievements in scientific research of our predecessors,evaluated the value of ecosystem services and its structure in 1996 and 2004 in different land use frame of Chun an county since implementing the land use planning.运用生态经济价值核算理论,讨论了居民点及工矿用地气体调节服务价值的计算方法,结合前人的研究成果,估算了土地利用总体规划实施前后,淳安县不同土地利用结构下的生态系统服务价值及构成。
4)Chunan sericulture淳安蚕业
5)Chunan in Zhejiang浙江淳安
6)The Political Affairs of Chunan《淳安政事》
