
1.An Empirical Study on the Country of Origin and Region of Origin Effect: Comparison of China and Korea;原产国效应与原产地效应的实证研究——中韩比较
2.proletarian internationalist principles无产阶级国际主义原则
3.Consumption per capita,Crude oil production, domestic,Crude oil imports人均消费,国产原油,进口原油
4.Preliminary Study on the Product, "Shaanxi Apple", under Protection of Original and Geographical Designations;中国原产地域产品“陕西苹果”保护初探
5.A brief introduction of the cause and counter policy of our country state assets run off;浅议我国国有资产流失的原因和对策
6.Analysis on The International Competitive Power of Silk Industry's Raw Materials in China我国丝绸产业原材料国际竞争力探析
7.For the purpose of identifying origin, a product is considered to originate in the country in which为了判别产品的原产地,决定它是否原产于一个国家,其规则如下
8.100. The representative of China stated that China's rules of origin for import and export were non-preferential rules of origin.100.中国代表表示,中国的进出口原产地规则属于非优惠原产地规则。
9.Principle of MFN treatment, principle of national treatment and principle of transparency are dealt with first.服务原产地规则的原则包括最惠国待遇原则、国民待遇原则和透明度原则。
10.To calculate them according to certain rules of origin, China -- instead of the investors' home countries or regions and exporters of materials and auxiliary parts -- became the exporter.按原产地原则统计,产品的出口国就从这些出口原料和零部件国家和地区转移到了中国。
11.native to Europe but introduced in America.原产于欧洲,引种于美国的一种植物。
12.gross domestic product by institutional sector of origi国内总产值, 按原始机关部门分列
13.large white or cream-colored breed from France.原产法国大型白色或乳白色牛。
14.dark-colored ill-tempered honeybee supposedly of German origin.脾气暴躁的深色蜜蜂,大概原产于德国。
15.Act up to the principles of proletarian internationalism遵循无产阶级国际主义原则
16.Raw and semi-finished materials and resource products which are in short supply in China国内短缺原材料和资源性产品
17.returning of a right or property to the original owner,the State,etc权利或财产的复归原主或国家等
18.High-quality porcelain or ceramic ware, originally made in China.瓷器原产于中国的优质瓷器或陶瓷器

greasy wool国产原毛
3)Chinese Crude Oils国产原油
4)domestic materials国产原料
5)country of origin[专]原产国
6)country of origin原产国家

原产国 原产国是指进口货物的生产、开采或制造的国家(地区)。经过几个国家加工、制造的进口货物,以最后一个对货物进行经济上可视为实质性加工的国家作为原产国。仅经过简单整理,如:改装、涂写标记等未改变货物性质、规格的,不作加工论。对于联合国及其所属机构和其他国际组织赠送的物资应填报生产这些物资的国家(地区)名称,不得填写联合国或其他国际组织的名称。