1.This paper analyses the relations among players in hotel green marketing with Game theory, thenpoints out that hotel green marketing is a gaming result of hotels, guests and the Government.文章运用博弈论对饭店绿色营销中各个博弈主体的相互关系进行了深入分析,指出饭店绿色营销的实施是饭店、宾客、政府三方博弈的结果。
2.The traditional marketing of hotel is serving the guests, establishing the good relationship with the guests, and giving kinds of promotions for guests, satisfying the requests of the guests, as to realize the hotel’s profits.酒店传统的营销对象都是宾客,着眼于与宾客建立良好的关系,针对宾客开展各种各样的营销活动,满足宾客需要,实现酒店的收益。

1.We welcome guests from anywhere.我们欢迎四方宾客
2.They will regale the guests with a feast.他们将以盛宴款待宾客
3.Be ready to host the world随时准备款待世界宾客
4.guest the highest, credit the first宾客至上,信誉第一
5.He is courteous to his guests.他对宾客殷勤有礼。
6.The guests were played off on the organ.演奏风琴送走宾客
7.The guests were played in on the organ.演奏风琴迎进宾客
8.If a member wishes to bring a guest into the club, he must sign the visitors' book.会员欲携宾客前来俱乐部者, 须在来宾簿上登记.
9.Lets you change the guest account picture or prevent guest access to this computer.让您更改宾客帐户图像或防治宾客访问这台计算机。
10.Those for a female guest are however not so simple.但女宾客的服装就没有这么简单了。
11.The guests had all arrived, and the gateway was crowded with coaches.宾客们都到了,门口车水马龙。
12.The large banquet hall overflowed with guests.宽敞的宴会大厅挤满了宾客
13.It is a guest list to a banquet,@ replied the servant.“这是一场晚宴的宾客名单。”仆役回答道。
14.They played the guests into the dining-hall.他们奏乐把宾客迎进餐厅。
15.The luncheon table showed a depleted circle.午餐桌旁的宾客已寥寥无几。
16.One dish in particular pleased the guests.有一道菜特别使宾客满意。
17.Aunt Harriet used to entertain lavishly.哈丽特姑妈喜欢大摆宴席,招待宾客
18.Fireworks are prohibited at the banquet to ensure safety.为确保宾客的安全,酒店禁止一切礼花.

1.Comparison of Situshu in the Spring and Autumn Period and Guests in the Warring States Period;春秋“私徒属”与战国“宾客”之比较
2.The hotel service s efficacy means actual utility that brings to guests.饭店服务的有效性,是指给宾客带来的实际效用应从服务特性出发,从饭店实际出发,从满足宾客需求出发,从饭店的经济利益出发,做到服务设计合理化、服务目标明确化、服务设施实用化,避免服务热情机械化、服务内容扩张化、服务方式程序化。
3)guest interaction宾客互动
4)greet guest迎宾待客
5)Guest Loyalty忠诚宾客
