1.But little research has been done about auctioneers.国内外已有不少专著介绍拍卖业,例如墨菲的《大拍卖》,中国拍卖行业协会编著的《拍卖通论》、《拍卖案例分析》等,但对拍卖师的研究却很少,目前还没有一本专著探讨拍卖师的语言风格。

1.Article49 An auctioneer shall announce auction rules and matters needing attention before an auction.第四十九条拍卖师应当于拍卖前宣布拍卖规则和注意事项。
2.To enter a bid, a bidder will raise his/her number directing the signal to the auctioneer.参与竞拍时,竟拍人应直接向拍卖师局数字标示牌。
3.AUCTIONEER, n. The man who proclaims with a hammer that he has picked a pocket with his tongue.拍卖师:名词,用锤子声明他用舌头偷东西了的人。
4.Article51 The highest bidding price of a bidder shall indicate the conclusion of the auction after being confirmed by the auctioneer dropping the hammer or by other open forms indicating the completion of a deal.第五十一条竞买人的最高应价经拍卖师落槌或者以其他公开表示买定的方式确认后,拍卖成交。
5.The Research of Multi-Auctioneer and Grid Resource Scheduling Model Based on Computational Economy基于计算经济的网格资源调度模型及其多拍卖师策略研究
6.In her more than20- year career, the auctioneer has sold everything from cattle to woman s underwear.在从业20多年中,这名拍卖师替人卖过包括女性内裤在内的各种物品。
7.One that conducts an auction.拍卖商,拍卖人指挥拍卖的人
8.To sell to the person who make the highest offer拍卖,卖给发价最高的人
9.A small mallet used by auctioneers.拍卖锤拍卖者所用的小锤
10.An auctioneer rouped the kirk seats beginning by asking for a bid.拍卖者叫价以开始拍卖教会的坐椅。
11.This painting came under the hammer at Christie's today.这幅画今天由克里斯蒂拍卖行拍卖了.
12.(in an auction) the minimum price at which a seller of property will entertain bids.(拍卖会上)卖者要求的最低开拍价格。
13.Article53 While proceeding with an auction, an auctioneer shall make a written auction record.第五十三条拍卖人进行拍卖时,应当制作拍卖笔录。
14.Article 45 An auctioneer shall release an auction notice seven days before the auction day.第四十五条拍卖人应当于拍卖日七日前发布拍卖公告。
15.He ran up the bidding at an auction.他在拍卖中抬高开价
16.His furniture was auctioned off last week他的家具上周被拍卖了。
17.His collection of stamps came to the hammer yesterday他的集邮品昨日被拍卖。
18.though with a longer time limit.但有更长的拍卖期限。

1.Study on the Auction of Initial Emission Tradable Permits Based on the Endogenous Information Structure;基于内生信息的初始排污权拍卖机制研究
2.A job assignment scheme based on auction and swarm intelligence;一种基于拍卖与群体智能的作业分配方法
3.Dynamic target assignment method based on multi-agent decentralized cooperative auction;基于多Agent分布协同拍卖的动态目标分配算法
1.An analysis of reserve price and bidding strategies on on-line auctions;基于Priceline的网上逆向拍卖的保留价策略
2.Auctions Mechanism Designing and Determinants of bids in M&A;企业并购拍卖机制设计与竞标价格的确定
3.Dynamic spectrum allocation based on continuous double auctions in cognitive radio networks认知网络中基于连续双向拍卖的动态频谱分配
5)public sale公卖,拍卖
6)electronic auction电子拍卖
1.Publicity verifiable fair electronic auction protocol;一种公平的可公开验证的电子拍卖协议
2.Secure electronic auction scheme based on the group signature;一种基于群签名的安全电子拍卖方案
3.A fair electronic auction base on group signature;基于群签名的公平电子拍卖方案

《李师师外传》  宋代传奇小说。出自《琳琅秘室丛书》。作者不详。收入鲁迅校录的《唐宋传奇集》。    本篇写李师师原是北宋汴京染匠王寅的女儿,4岁时父母俱亡,由娼家李姥收养。及长,色艺双绝。经内侍官张迪引荐,结交了假称是大商人赵乙的宋徽宗,前后受赐金银财宝器用食物非常多。徽宗退位后,师师将其所赐金银献给官府作为抗击金人的军饷,并贿请张迪转求徽宗准许她出家当道士。不久,金人攻陷汴京,大汉奸张邦昌为讨好主子,把她献到金主帅闼之前。师师在痛斥张邦昌之后吞金而死。    这篇小说和大多数宋代传奇不一样,不写历史故事而写当代的现实题材。它描写宋徽宗穷奢极侈,荒淫失政;勾画张迪不顾人民死活,极力阿谀逢迎的丑恶嘴脸。特别是塑造了一个向来被视为下贱却为抗击侵略者慷慨解囊,在敌人面前表现得大义凛然的妓女形象,这对当时那些卖国求荣的投降派来说,无疑有深刻的讽刺、批判意义。它的结构谨严,语言雅洁,描写细腻,是宋人传奇中一篇不可多得的好作品。    张端义《贵耳集》和《宣和遗事》均载有李师师轶事。后之《水浒传》也根据这些记载、传说记叙了这个故事。